View Full Version : Looking for this Anderson / Charvel parts guitar

11-02-2005, 11:09 AM

I'm helping my friend Bob look for this guitar that he built in the early 1990's.


It's a Tom Anderson Body, with a Charvel Neck. It has a Charvel neckplate, but no serial number. The custom paint job is red and white, and has been called everything from "red bowling bowl" to "red marble."

He sold this guitar at Lab Sound in Hollywood CA, back in late 1991 or early 1992. He now regrets doing that. (I think we've all sold a guitar and later regreted it.)

Lab Sound has been out of business for many years. I did find Herschel, the former owner, but he has no records from the store, nor does he know what happened to any of the employees, such as Richie M.

We realise this may be a needle in a haystack search, but if you have seen this guitar somewhere, please let me know. Bob would like to offer to buy it from the current owner, if it's for sale.



11-02-2005, 02:19 PM
maybe bruce can connect you to richie.

11-03-2005, 02:06 AM
Not clear on this... Was the guitar sold to, or sold by Lab Sound?

11-03-2005, 12:02 PM
Hi Bruce,

Bob sold the guitar on consignment at Lab Sound. He still has the consignment forms. Bob told me he needed money, and he thought this guitar would sell the fastest. And it did. Fast forward to 2005, and Bob regrets selling his creation. He realizes he should have sold something else.

I think most have been in the same spot. We sold a guitar, and now kick ourselves for selling that one and not another. I sold a Gibson ES-340TDN in the mid 1980's to buy new fuel injectors for a Volkswagen Rabbit. Made sense then, seems real stupid now.

Oh, the Richie M. who worked at Lab Sound during that period, Bob said he was originally from East Haven CT. Bob lives in Bethany CT these days, a long way from California.


11-03-2005, 08:32 PM
I am actually stopping by that shop tomorrow...(it's now Mesa Boogie).. I'll ask Jimbo who was working there at that time to see if he remembers.

11-04-2005, 12:30 PM
Thank you!