View Full Version : Promotional Items?

12-31-2003, 02:58 PM
Mainly for Tom and the gang:
Are us devotees ever going to see more and/or different promotional items from TAG?
The t-shirts and straps are cool, but what about bumper stickers, tour jackets, fanny packs, coffee mugs...toothbrushes?
As much as I wear my many t-shirts, my wife wants to get me some TA pajamas!:p
I used to have one of the early ninetys t-shirts with the droptop on the front, what happened?
Anyway, I will be away from here for the NYE shows for a few days, but Happy New Year to all of youse guys...

01-03-2004, 01:17 AM
I'm not Tom, but I do remember there was a similar post a couple of months ago. The thread has since disappeared. I believe the response was that the folks at the Anderson factory had too many other things going on (like making guitars!!) at this moment. Essentially, I think Tom said it would take up too much time and cost to get other promotional stuff out.

01-04-2004, 12:36 AM
that nakes me sound like a grumpy gus. that is true, but we would like to have some other goodies for you all. we probably just need a bit of nudging.

01-04-2004, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by tom
that nakes me sound like a grumpy gus. that is true, but we would like to have some other goodies for you all. we probably just need a bit of nudging.

ok, I'll bite - nudging as in the "honey do" variety, or the nudging as in a "gentle" reminder once a month?:D

01-04-2004, 07:54 AM
Yes, please let us know. I'll volunteer to be a nudger also! :D

01-04-2004, 05:33 PM
honey do sounds good. specifics are aleays nice.

01-05-2004, 01:52 AM

I think Boogie, Taylor and others use an outside company to market, sell, and ship swag type stuff. Don't know the peticulars,
but it might make it somewhat painless to put your logos on stuff.
Maybe an idea to keep you focused on building.

Jimmie B

01-05-2004, 11:50 AM
i will look into that. i suspect that it may be an issue of volume though. as small as we are, they may not be interested.

01-05-2004, 12:45 PM
Hey Tom,
My idea was for one of those varsity jackets (wool body with leather or vinyl sleeves with the A logo where the high school letter would go (below the breast) with the full logo on the back?
Could be pricey, but the right distributor could set you up. If you're interested, I deal with several vendors in Virginia, I could get info together for you? I was actually going to ask permission to do one for myself and see what you thought?

I have seen that PRS has a similar jacket, and some other companies do the fake satin tour jackets-- but yours would be much cooler and I wouldn't worry, I bet any new promo item from TAG would sell quickly. You have many fans..

01-05-2004, 03:21 PM
Tom You may have a small company but you are well know........ nudg nudg nudg

01-05-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Casper
Hey Tom,
My idea was for one of those varsity jackets (wool body with leather or vinyl sleeves with the A logo where the high school letter would go (below the breast) with the full logo on the back?
Could be pricey, but the right distributor could set you up. If you're interested, I deal with several vendors in Virginia, I could get info together for you? I was actually going to ask permission to do one for myself and see what you thought?

I have seen that PRS has a similar jacket, and some other companies do the fake satin tour jackets-- but yours would be much cooler and I wouldn't worry, I bet any new promo item from TAG would sell quickly. You have many fans..

Casper, I'd put in an order as well - count me in, especially if it mitigates the cost! I'd love to have an Anderson varsity jacket!

01-05-2004, 06:02 PM
Yep...I'd be in for a jacket also!

01-05-2004, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by SteveK
Yep...I'd be in for a jacket also!

On one occasion Roy had mentioned an 'Anderson Beret'. I believe it apeals to the sophistacated and philisophical people we all are as Anderson aficionados. Plus it covers the 'hair challenged'
melon. Maybe one of those Sherlock Holmes pipes and cap. I'm using irony to focus on the possible 'can of worms' our swag wish list could become... Though the beret does seem... no... ummm?...

Jimmie B

01-06-2004, 06:34 AM
I kinda feel like I need Tom's permission to use the logo. If he approves, I may have one of my reps price me on the varsity jacket and I'll post the results.
The beret is a GREAT idea too. Bumper stickers are a relatively cheap way to go. Because of the nature of the logo, it would be hard to read in traffic though.
There is a company here in Richmond that does bumper stickers for my band, I could explore that avenue with them too.
Later Y'all...

Stan Malinowski
01-06-2004, 08:00 AM
I kinda feel like I need Tom's permission to use the logo.

Written legal permission is definetly required to use the Anderson logo on any product. I have been in contact with Tom about some possible "marketing" options for Anderson "Logo Items". I will update everyone as things develop (or do not develop).

On a side note, NAMM is a couple of weeks away which means Tom (and everyone else) at Anderson is pretty busy. Issues like the promotional items will probably take a back seat until after the show.

01-06-2004, 10:05 AM
Thanks for the tip Stan.
I kinda figured that was the case. Don't want to upset the boyz in Newbury Park. Guess I was fishing for a gig as Toms promo director..
BTW, cool pics of your axes! I take it you love VA pickups??;)

Stan Malinowski
01-06-2004, 05:39 PM
I take it you love VA pickups??

I love single coils, especially the VAs. Other than my Cobra I rarely pickup a humbucker equipped guitar anymore. If I do the pickups have to have a convincing single coil tone when split (yeah Anderson!).

01-07-2004, 06:34 AM
Hey Stan,
The first Andy I ever bought new (off the rack, not ordered) was a saphire blue classic with VAs..10 years ago. It had a maple 62 round back on it with vintage trim and B5 switching. Great guitar, but I missed the hum in the bridge and I sent it to Bruce. He put SD/SD/H2+ in and I kept it for a year before I got in financial trouble and had to sell it.
I wish I still had that axe. Looking back, I didn't realize the VAs had great tone. Most of my tone was coming from various digital processors and it masked what classic tone I could have had. It was a learning experience for sure. Now I have SD's in my blonde classic and SAs in my Droptop. I have thought about switching the classic out for VAs, but want to save for a new classic with a Floyd (I miss the 80's!).

01-07-2004, 12:55 PM
Stan, I as well love the Anderson single coils - my 'T' Classic cuts through with much better clarity than a humbucker guitar. Of course, when it is time to solo, nothing beats an Anderson Classic with VA's.

I recently played my Anderson Classic and 'T' through the new Mesa Lonestar amp What great tone. What surpised me most was how Mesa deliverd this amp at 1/2 the cost of amps in the same catagory. Anyway, the VA's through the Lonestar sounded full and had that wonderful wood tone. Tone heaven!!

Stan Malinowski
01-07-2004, 03:08 PM
Casper and Stys both touched on a good point - if you play with a minimal amount of signal processing, single coils are the way to go (my own opinion, YMMV). Go back a few years when I had a fairly extensive set of pedals I loved hb based guitars. Look at my pedal board now and you find a tuner, a Tonebone Classic and a Little Laneli Reverb Tank. Take a great sounding single coil pickup (VAs, Fralins, Suhrs) thru my minimalistic pedal setup into either my Bad Cat Mini or Dr Z Maz 18 and I am happy - VERY happy. The only hb based guitars which I even consider running in my current setup is my Hollow Cobra S and a Les Paul 59 RI.

01-08-2004, 10:48 AM
I would LOVE to see some bumper stickers, pins, jackets, whatever. Especially bumper stickers. Keep us posted...

01-08-2004, 03:58 PM
Perhaps Tom could pass the buck along to Rachel and have her research swag. There is a company in Colorado called The Duck Company that Boogies deals with that offers many quality clothing products that are made in the USA.

Now that my Boogie varsity jacket has seen too many winters, I would love to have an Anderson Jacket with black leather sleeves and a huge 'A' logo on the back. How cool would that look at a gig or a session?

Stan Malinowski
01-08-2004, 05:45 PM
I am going to again ask for forum members to refrain from calling Rachel about Anderson SWag Items. It really puts Rachel in a bad position since she is such a nice and accomdating person but is VERY overloaded with her present responsibilities.

I can assure all of you that negotiations are being conducted with Tom to provide an outlet for Anderson Swag Items. This time of year is a busy time for the folks at Anderson preparing for the NAMM Show so we need to give them some space. Once things cool down after NAMM and plans have been finalized (one way or the other) a formal announcement will be made here on the forum.

01-08-2004, 05:47 PM
Sounds great Stan!

Scott Peterson
01-21-2004, 05:24 PM
SWAG goooood. I'll buy a bunch of stuff. I love it. Half my wardrobe is PRS/Hamer and other musical stuff T-shirts.

Brad Scott
01-21-2004, 09:17 PM
I'd buy a bunch of stuff, too.

As I posted in another thread in the 'Pit' (before I saw this thread already in progress on the subject), I could really dig one of those low profile, unstructured pigment-dyed hats with that familiar "A" emblazoned on it. Or a cool coffee mug with different guitar models pictured. Whatever.