View Full Version : Shorter intonation screws?

10-16-2005, 10:20 PM
The intonation adjustment screw for the lowest string on my Classsic is a little too long for the brand of strings I use. I adjusted it for intonation which ended up putting the end of the screw pretty close to the string as it comes up through the saddle. It isn't touching but it makes getting a fresh string loaded up kinda tricky. That and it's still a hair sharp at the 12th fret.

Are shorter screws available? I'm hesitant to cut it down for risk of messing up the threads.

10-16-2005, 10:54 PM
sounds like you may have a bad string. any time the adjustment changes that much it's usually the string.

10-17-2005, 07:35 AM
I'll see what happens next time I change strings. Thanks Tom.

11-18-2005, 09:01 PM
Tom, after changing strings again, it seems to be specific to this brand of strings (Snake Oil Brand/Scalar). The low E saddle just needs to be moved back a hair more. The saddle itself still has plenty of room between it and the back of the plate where the heads of the intonation screws are. It's just that the end of the screw is getting too close to the string as it comes up through the saddle. If I'm not careful the string will rake across the end of the screw as I'm pulling it through. If the screw were just a tad shorter it would be fine. I may see if I can get the screw ground down without messing up the threads.