View Full Version : M's vs. SD's

10-13-2005, 02:01 PM
Until I make the switch back over to a pedal board and amp, I am still using my digitech RP14 as a front end/preamp. With my new Cobra I am noticing that the programs I have set up for my Classic with SD's sound fuzzy (clipping)with the Cobra. Are the M's that much more powerful? or is it just the difference in thier inherant tone or frequency response?
I am thinking until I get the pedal board together, I may split the Rp into banks of programs tailored for the classic and the Cobra..Anybody have opinions?

I have always hated the idea of putting a digital processor in front of my nice guitars, but its been a matter of convenience really.


10-13-2005, 03:04 PM
i bit of both, the m's are hotter and fuller, and the cobra is fuller, so i'm guessing your gain settings will have to come down.

10-13-2005, 04:48 PM
Hey Shaun!

Congrats on the new Cobra! So what's on tap for the pedalboard?


10-13-2005, 11:09 PM
Hey Shaun,

As you know I do use a pedal board. I do not have an SD equipped geetar, however I can tell you the M equipped guitars I have do produce more output than for example the CS Strats with stock CS pups. I tend to try to use a Lindy Texas special equipped Strat or a lower output humbucker guitar. like LP with 57's whne performing live with one of the M equipped geetars. A good compressor, like the Barber Tone Press, is vital. Might want to consider a volume pedal.

As always if you want to gig or practice ever with my board you are more than welcome. Just remember it is set up with an FX loop so what ever amp you use will need one. :D

10-14-2005, 06:15 AM
I thought this might be the case. As I said, I have always been in conflict with the digital thing. Its very tempting to keep the floorboard just because I can get one touch pedals rather than "doing the dance" to get combos of sounds. My ears get tired of writing programs for the processor. I hate masking the guitars true tone with a digital modeling front end, but BOY is it different without the grease!
Noah, as you may have noticed, I wasn't knocked out by the FDII so I am going to sell or trade it. I want to try the burn unit or mosferatu next. I want to start the board off simply..a nice overdrive/distortion, a chorus, compressor and maybe a delay..oh and a tuner. Chances are I will spend upwards of 600 for all of this...so there's the rub. Its a constant quest for tone....."don't spare the wallet matey's.arrr!"
Danno, I will get together with you soon and we'll look at some options together..we need to hook up anyway

Thanks as always

10-14-2005, 11:52 AM
I thought this might be the case. As I said, I have always been in conflict with the digital thing. Its very tempting to keep the floorboard just because I can get one touch pedals rather than "doing the dance" to get combos of sounds. My ears get tired of writing programs for the processor. I hate masking the guitars true tone with a digital modeling front end, but BOY is it different without the grease!
Noah, as you may have noticed, I wasn't knocked out by the FDII so I am going to sell or trade it. I want to try the burn unit or mosferatu next. I want to start the board off simply..a nice overdrive/distortion, a chorus, compressor and maybe a delay..oh and a tuner. Chances are I will spend upwards of 600 for all of this...so there's the rub. Its a constant quest for tone....."don't spare the wallet matey's.arrr!"
Danno, I will get together with you soon and we'll look at some options together..we need to hook up anyway

Thanks as always


You may want to keep an eye out on Ebay for Loopers. Suriel Zayas did a message a while back on them. Tom uses them too. They provide a measure of programability.

I imagine you do not like the FDII as it is not compatible with the music you are playing. It is an OD pedal and you may be more in need of a Distortion pedal. The FDII may not necessarily be the best "lead guitar" sound for the stuff you are doing. IMHO it does produce a great set of rhythm sounds. Very thick and chunky if set right. Good for that Tom Petty type sound. Except on songs where I need a Jazz clean sound it is typically my personal fave for rhythm. But our gig is TOTALLY different from yours.

You will probably need two OD/distortion pedals. I might suggest the Xotic BB for distortion for the searing lead type sound, very much like a Distortion Pro but with far more pick attack. Then keep the FD for rhythm or try the Mosferatu Zendrive, which a lot of NYC and West coast guys rave about. I am not so sure if this pedal is still available. I will be in NYC in a week for the Music Player live event. I'll grab one while up there if I can and we can toy with it.

Regarding Chorus, its hard to beat the ChoralFalnge or Carl Martin. Choral Flange costs far less, and can be found on ebay all the time cheap.

Simple and effective delay? The Line 6 Echo Park.

Ok so let's take a look at recent ebay actual average sold prices and reality will set in. These are just my suggestions, but they will be about what you would spend for similar stuff. Also note that unless you want to spend $180 for a Strobostomp, any foot pedal tuner will compromise the Buzz Feiten somewhat. However Dave can set your Andy's up to compensate incredibly well. I compare the TU2 tuning to my DT7 and it is so close its barely noticeable.

Pedal Board........... Furman SPB 8 or similar..........$199
Boss TU2 Tuner............................................. ..$ 73
Barber Tone Press............................................$ 120
Xotic BB................................................ .........$173
Second OD Pedal............................................. $200
Choral Flange............................................ ......$220
Line 6 Echo Park.............................................. $115
Total............................................. ............. $1100 :eek:

It does get pricey, that's for sure. And that is for six high end pedals and something to stick them to! But in the end you will be far happier with your tone.

10-14-2005, 12:01 PM
Sheesh. :(

When you put it like that bro.......maybe I need to re-think? I can write the stuff off, but Jeez. Time to hit the pawn shops.. :)

Thanks for the bad news..

10-14-2005, 03:35 PM
Sheesh. :(

When you put it like that bro.......maybe I need to re-think? I can write the stuff off, but Jeez. Time to hit the pawn shops.. :)

Thanks for the bad news..

Well that is the deal. It does cost a few $. That is why it pays to try before you buy. I went through three delays before I found the Line 6. A couple of chorus pedals too. I probaly have over $2200 plus a hundred or so in George L cabling. But it is WELL worth it. Just did it a piece at a time. You can do the same. Just go a piece at a time till you are ready to put the board into use.

10-15-2005, 09:54 AM

I've tried nearly everything from various processors and many, many different pedals, but I also keep coming back to a basic pedalboard.

Basically it's this: Fulltone Wah, Keeley Compressor, RC Booster, AC Booster, MI Audio Tubezone, Supa-trem, Choralflange, volume, DD5, amp.

I have ordered a 2 Loooper to loop the AC Booster and Tubezone. The AC is typically my crunch tone with the Tubezone as lead. With the loop, I'll be able to switch between the two with one switch, or cut them out of the signal chain altogether.

Danno is right on the price of stuff though. I don't even want to begin to count the money sitting around the room right now! What he just listed scares me!

If you want to try out the board, or some other stuff I have, let me know.
