View Full Version : FX Chain

10-10-2005, 08:04 AM
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I've read a lot about needing to have your effects in the "correct order;" I'm just not sure what this is. I searched old threads but came up with little. Here's what I have and it's current order now:


Carl Martin OD/Boost-->
Tone Press-->
RC Booster-->

Groove Tubes Amp

I've got a Hermida Dual Drive coming this week that will most likely replace the Carl Martin.

So, does anything need changed? Does the RC need to go somewhere else? Any help would be much appreciated. Oh, when I'm feeling weird and robotic (which isn't very often), I stick a Frequency Analyzer between the Uni-Vibe and the DL4.

10-10-2005, 09:03 AM
Alf sent me a pic of my pedal:

<img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/olectric/ostrander_dual_pedal.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Suriel Zayas
10-10-2005, 10:09 AM
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I've read a lot about needing to have your effects in the "correct order;" I'm just not sure what this is. I searched old threads but came up with little. Here's what I have and it's current order now:


Carl Martin OD/Boost-->
Tone Press-->
RC Booster-->

Groove Tubes Amp
i've got one of those too, but i call mine a "zenferatu." regarding the signal chain, i'd do something a little different.

rc bost-->tone press-->cm od/boost-->tremulator-->uni-vibe--dl4-->volume

don't understand the purpose of the volume in the middle of the chain, unless you have regulate the volume going into some of the efx post that point. i use the volume either at the begining to regulate the signal going into very dynamic type efx or at the end (favorite) as an overall maters volume just before the amp. regarding the rc boost, i like the boost early in the chain in order to feed a boosted signal to the mdulation or dynamic efx. also, when you get alf's pedal you might want to try it at the begininng of the chain due to the zen's dynamic nature and that will travel and feed your other pedals including the rc boost. just my .02 cents.

10-10-2005, 10:22 AM
i've got one of those too, but i call mine a "zenferatu." regarding the signal chain, i'd do something a little different.

rc bost-->tone press-->cm od/boost-->tremulator-->uni-vibe--dl4-->volume

don't understand the purpose of the volume in the middle of the chain, unless you have regulate the volume going into some of the efx post that point. i use the volume either at the begining to regulate the signal going into very dynamic type efx or at the end (favorite) as an overall maters volume just before the amp. regarding the rc boost, i like the boost early in the chain in order to feed a boosted signal to the mdulation or dynamic efx. also, when you get alf's pedal you might want to try it at the begininng of the chain due to the zen's dynamic nature and that will travel and feed your other pedals including the rc boost. just my .02 cents.

Your two cents are great! Yeah, that volume doesn't make sense where I have it. The RC at the beginning is a great idea, too.

...I think I shall call my Hermida Pedal the MoZ Drive.

10-10-2005, 11:03 AM
I like Suriel's suggestion with a twist: volume pedal moved pre-delay to enable string/pad swells.

10-10-2005, 11:42 AM
I like Suriel's suggestion with a twist: volume pedal moved pre-delay to enable string/pad swells.

Excellent suggestion. If I ever removed the "Auto Volume/Swell" patch from bank #2 of the DL4, I would definitely use the volume pedal. As it is, I can get some cool sounds using the DL4 with the expression pedal.

10-10-2005, 11:51 AM
Excellent suggestion. If I ever removed the "Auto Volume/Swell" patch from bank #2 of the DL4, I would definitely use the volume pedal. As it is, I can get some cool sounds using the DL4 with the expression pedal.

I use that same patch on my dl4 and have taken my volume pedal off the board entirely (i use the dl4 for swells and my tuner for muting). What are you controlling with the expression pedal? Just the swell rate?

10-10-2005, 11:57 AM
I use that same patch on my dl4 and have taken my volume pedal off the board entirely (i use the dl4 for swells and my tuner for muting). What are you controlling with the expression pedal? Just the swell rate?

Used to. Now, I'm controlling the length of feedback. With the pedal closed, I've got it set to one echo, with it all the way open, I've got it set to a near-infinite repeat. It's like a mini-loop of swells. (If it was set on a total infinite repeat, I'd get a nasty, swirling feedback in no time flat.) It works really well, which surprised me. With every new note(s) you swell in, the previous ones get pushed to the back, just like the Loop-Sampler half of the pedal.

I like it set up this way because I can pad chords that I can not physically reach with one hand.

10-10-2005, 12:04 PM
Used to. Now, I'm controlling the length of feedback. With the pedal closed, I've got it set to one echo, with it all the way open, I've got it set to a near-infinite repeat. It's like a mini-loop of swells. (If it was set on a total infinite repeat, I'd get a nasty, swirling feedback in no time flat.) It works really well, which surprised me. With every new note(s) you swell in, the previous ones get pushed to the back, just like the Loop-Sampler half of the pedal.

I like it set up this way because I can pad chords that I can not physically reach with one hand.

Outstanding. I'll be setting that up today. Thanks for the help, J. ...You're a swell guy.

*next show's at 11 folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress...*

10-10-2005, 12:06 PM
so what are you controlling with the exp pedal for other 2 patches?

I've got mine set up as
1: dynamic delay (or Flavor of the Gig... this is my patche that gets changed per gig depoending on how psychadelic I'm feeling.
2: auto swell
3: tap-delay (a.k.a. "The U2 Worship patch")

10-10-2005, 12:08 PM
Outstanding. I'll be setting that up today. Thanks for the help, J. ...You're a swell guy.

*next show's at 11 folks. Don't forget to tip your waitress...*

Wow. I award you no points. May God have mercy on your soul.

10-10-2005, 01:24 PM
i've got one of those too, but i call mine a "zenferatu." regarding the signal chain, i'd do something a little different.

rc bost-->tone press-->cm od/boost-->tremulator-->uni-vibe--dl4-->volume

don't understand the purpose of the volume in the middle of the chain, unless you have regulate the volume going into some of the efx post that point. i use the volume either at the begining to regulate the signal going into very dynamic type efx or at the end (favorite) as an overall maters volume just before the amp. regarding the rc boost, i like the boost early in the chain in order to feed a boosted signal to the mdulation or dynamic efx. also, when you get alf's pedal you might want to try it at the begininng of the chain due to the zen's dynamic nature and that will travel and feed your other pedals including the rc boost. just my .02 cents.

Interesting that you put the RC prior to the Tone Press. I do just the opposite, to create a stable signal prior to any alteration. Also my chorus and delay go to an FX loop rather than front of the amp. Must try your concept.

Can you tell me more about the Mosferatu Zendrive? I like those two in one pedal things. I would not mind deleting something for a better sound. What might it replace on the board below?


10-10-2005, 01:31 PM
Wow. I award you no points. May God have mercy on your soul.

"jeez, a simple 'no' woulda been fine."

holy snot- I'd forgotten that flick. good pull.

10-10-2005, 04:23 PM
For what it's worth regarding fx chains... from everything I've read here is the basic order (but keep in mind that rules are made to be broken):

comp->wah pedal->gain boxes->volume pedal->modulation effects (chorus, flanger, vibrato)->delay effects->reverb* (*see reverb thread somewhere)->tremolo

There are lots of guys that run the compressor after gain boxes and it definitely does different things, so that's just a taste thing, so experiment away. I always like the tremolo after everything else because I like to emulate amp tremolo and that's really about dead last. And the wah pedal placement is all a matter of taste as well, but in the old days when just amps were used for gain, the wah pedal was before the amp's preamp stage, so it's kinda neat to distort the wah as opposed to wah-ing the distortion. I like the volume pedal after gain boxes so you can swell in full blown distortion if you need it. If it's after the volume pedal, the volume pedal works more like the volume knob on a guitar in limiting how much signal is hitting the preamp or gain stage... roll it back and it cleans up. As far as the compressor placement, if you put it after gain pedals, keep in mind that it's limiting dynamics (definition of compression). If you want to keep more dynamics and if you're not using a ton of gain, I think it's usually better to keep it before the gain boxes. I personally don't like too much compressor with a lot of gain. The notes seem "bigger" with less comp. With the volume pedal before the chorus, you can run the tuner out without trying to tune with a leslie effect on. With the volume pedal before the delay, you have spillover delays when you turn the volume pedal down. And reverb pedals usually look better on a shelf. Just my .02.


10-10-2005, 05:05 PM
so what are you controlling with the exp pedal for other 2 patches?

I've got mine set up as
1: dynamic delay (or Flavor of the Gig... this is my patche that gets changed per gig depoending on how psychadelic I'm feeling.
2: auto swell
3: tap-delay (a.k.a. "The U2 Worship patch")

Whoops, I missed this one somehow. Sorry, Zan!

1. Auto Swell
2. Reverse...I can't tell you where the knobs are at, but I've got it set to do a weeeeeird pulsing effect. I'm controlling decay and effect level with the expression pedal
3. Analog Delay for tap tempo stuff. Controlling decay with expression pedal currently.

There are so many great ideas in this pedal, but it really does sound pretty cheap. I'm sending mine in to Keeley to get it TB'ed and to get the levels set (so your output doesn't drop when it's turned on). It's gonna run me a benjamin, but I think it will be worth it.

For what it's worth regarding fx chains... from everything I've read here is the basic order (but keep in mind that rules are made to be broken):

comp->wah pedal->gain boxes->volume pedal->modulation effects (chorus, flanger, vibrato)->delay effects->reverb* (*see reverb thread somewhere)->tremolo

...Just my .02.


Excellent suggestions. That makes perfect sense about the tremolo, and I agree with your statement about reverb looking better on a shelf. Thanks!

10-11-2005, 07:26 AM
Interesting that you put the RC prior to the Tone Press. I do just the opposite, to create a stable signal prior to any alteration. Also my chorus and delay go to an FX loop rather than front of the amp. Must try your concept.

Can you tell me more about the Mosferatu Zendrive? I like those two in one pedal things. I would not mind deleting something for a better sound. What might it replace on the board below?


What's that giant thing at the top of your board? Is that a Furman? I can't quite read the model number.

10-11-2005, 09:44 AM
What's that giant thing at the top of your board? Is that a Furman? I can't quite read the model number.

The pedal board is a Furman SPB 8. It is about two years old now and has really held up quite well. Patch bay is VERY functional, especially if you use an FX loop for delays and such.

The board only supports 8 9V power supplies. I suppose I could daisy chain off the tuner, but I carry a One Spot for the Delay and Chorus, as they chew up quite a bit of power. The board has 8 9VDC and three 120V ac outlets, all noise suppressed and power conditioned.

10-26-2005, 09:30 PM
Hey Justin, have you gotten your ne Zendrive/Mosfoatu pedal yet? If so, is it all that you expected? perhaps you could drop me an email and give me the anywho on it.

Sam from KC

sam-archer at kc dot rr dot com

10-26-2005, 10:21 PM
Hey Justin, have you gotten your ne Zendrive/Mosfoatu pedal yet? If so, is it all that you expected?

Yes and yes. Very musical pedal. It's (maybe I should say "they're") my favorite. I like the Zen a lot. Alone, it sounds like an overdriven amp at whatever volume you want. When I'm running both channels of the GT amp in Class A mode through the Cube, stepping on the Zen brings out a sound I've never heard before. I honestly can't describe it. I've got a pop album session coming up where I'll get to use these new parts of my rig (Cube and Zen). Maybe I can post some clips after that.

The Mosferatu side equally appalls me (how does it sound like an amp?!), and I use it for rhythm playing because it has a huge sound to it. It's a little too gain-y for me to solo with. I think I would be saying that it's got great sustain like most other reviews I have read, but I can't really tell. When you're running your guitar completely dry into a clean amp, and it sustains for 12 flippin' years like my Atom does, you don't really notice pedals helping you out in that area.

I very highly recommend both of these. If you're looking for gritty breakup to warm overdrive that seriously sounds like a Dumble, go with the Zendrive. If you want the fat, singing tone of a cranked Marshall, go with the Mos'. If you think that you'll need both fairly consistently, order a Dual, but be prepared to wait; Alf's a busy guy.