View Full Version : New Aquisition!! Thank you Tom!

10-10-2005, 06:25 AM
I was heading out for a full gig weekend on Friday when my tech called me and told me my new guitar had finally arrived. I broke the speed limit getting to the music store.
When I opened the case I was speechless. A Hollow Cobra S in Transplum with Black headstock (M1-M1-H2+). I ordered Transplum from a pic on the website, but this color has more purple in it and doesn't look like the pic...it looks even better. It is simply the most gorgeous guitar I have ever seen..period. How this guitar didn't make guitar of THE YEAR is beyond me?
I had no time to pull it out and play it. It went in my double case with my classic and we hit the road to play 4 gigs this weekend. Needless to say when I plugged in for the show I could tell the M's were more powerful than the SDs in my classic. "Wall of sound" is exactly what I felt. The lows and highs were incredible. The shorter scale made lower neck chords effortless and the 1 5/8 nut is perfect. I could talk for days, but for now I will wait until I can show you guys the pics. Hopefully will post some in the next week or so.
Tom, you 'da man!

10-10-2005, 10:35 AM
glad you like it! that is quite a departure from your classic. the plum does vary quite a bit depending on the color of the maple. sometimes it's more grape and sometimes it's more red. all nice rich tones though.

10-10-2005, 11:26 AM
What is the relationship of the "blower switch" to the pull knob? I didn't notice a big amount of difference flipping the switch this weekend? The switch goes east to west rather than up and down and I think it is throwing me a bit. On the color, you nailed it. I was actually hoping for more grape. Its not trans purple..but a distant cousin..I have never seen this color on any of your guitars on my 15 years playing your stuff..

10-10-2005, 11:32 AM
the mini switch is a splitter for the bridge pickup. it will only affect things when the bridge pickup is on. the pushpull is the add bridge to positions 1 and 2. it seems that anything with blue in it is hard to get looking right on the computer. glad you like the flavor you got.