View Full Version : The...Atom...Fam...A...Ly!

10-08-2005, 06:14 PM
Well, what a day for me! I started out a leisurly trip to Mass Street Music in Lawrence Kansas this morning to check out a new Dr Z Prescription ES head and cab. I had planned on getting this amp and ordering my first Anderson.


I entered the room and what was there on the wall in front of me but TAG serial # 09-20-05N......an Atom in the most beautiful Quilted Maple top finished in Tiger's Eye Burst.

So, how do I tell the little Wifey that this thing just Jumped into the Tahoe, that it just couldn't leave it's new found Dr Z amp buddy behind....

I'll worry about that later! Man this thing is sweet! Chris at MSM is absolutely the greatest! He must have known when I called on Friday to tell kim I'd be by Saturday morning that this beauty was about to be delivered! Heck they didn't even have it long enough to shoot pix for the website.

Now, back to the Mrs....she was totally fine with all of this G.A.S. All it cost me was a 4 hour shopping trip this afternoon for her to buy some new clothes! Yea Baby, I'll drive!

Note to self....I could have offered her the TAG Tee Shirt that comes later......NAH!

Anyway, thanx again to Chris at MSM and Tom for making wonderful guitars.

Hope the pic link works.

Cheers from KC!

10-08-2005, 06:32 PM
OK, how do I make the pix open up instead of having a link?

10-08-2005, 06:36 PM
Here We Go......


10-08-2005, 06:38 PM

10-08-2005, 07:05 PM
That is ridiculously awesome. I went to Mass St. this morning to hang out with Chris and play a couple of Andy's. Well, you walked out with the Atom right before I got there. Geez. I have one, too, so no problem. Yours is under 6lbs, right?

10-08-2005, 07:18 PM
Yea, just under 6 lbs.
That is what was weird, you don't really expect that the guitar will be so light, and then to hear it plugged in.......REDICULOUS!

We should hook up next time at MSM. Those guys are fabulous to deal with, and very knowledgable. Chris is Da Man!

10-08-2005, 08:32 PM
Hey man--

Yeah, it would be awesome to hook up at MSM. The only thing is, I don't go there very much because I live in Manhattan. Where are you going to be playing your new Atom?

10-08-2005, 09:45 PM
Best looking Atom I've seen yet! I just got my credit card paid off and you guys are giving me serious GAS for an Atom. Dang it! :mad: :p ;)

Suriel Zayas
10-08-2005, 10:10 PM
i was planning on giving my atom a rest from church and take 2 other andy's, however, i can't. it will be played tommorrow through my carr hhmk2. sweet looking geetar!

10-09-2005, 03:25 AM
Nice!!! That one is a beauty!!

10-09-2005, 08:43 AM
Funny thing is that I was actually gonna order a Hollow Cobra S. I had only seen the Atom in pictures on the net. Then, when I arrived, I couldn't beleive how cool this guitar really was. I was so very surprised and pleased with the weight. I have 2 '79 Strats that are backbreakers and one of my sons has Les Pauls, so I wasn't ready for how light, but well balanced this guitar is.

Oelectric, man, you're not gonna beleive this. I don't play out as of now. This stuff is my "at home hobby" for the time being.

So you are in Manhatten, K State? If the next time you are planning to go to MSM you drop me an email a couple of days ahead I can be there. It is only a bit less than an hour from me. And besides, Chris wants me there on a more regular basis.....I am Bakery/Deli Director for a group of Grocery stores and I always bring FOOD! LOL


10-09-2005, 12:19 PM
Congratulations! Thats a pretty one- sounds like timing
was right and it was meant for you. Enjoy!


10-09-2005, 12:35 PM
Oelectric, man, you're not gonna beleive this. I don't play out as of now. This stuff is my "at home hobby" for the time being.

So you are in Manhatten, K State? If the next time you are planning to go to MSM you drop me an email a couple of days ahead I can be there. It is only a bit less than an hour from me. And besides, Chris wants me there on a more regular basis.....I am Bakery/Deli Director for a group of Grocery stores and I always bring FOOD! LOL


I'll let you know. Have fun with that one!


10-10-2005, 01:46 PM
Beautiful guitar! On another note, what cabinet did you end up taking home with the ES?

10-10-2005, 02:54 PM
I got the matching 2x12 cab that they had....


10-10-2005, 03:10 PM
Sweet rig kc, I've got the same cabinet on order with Weber blue/silvers for my ES.