View Full Version : Which HTC is right for me?

10-05-2005, 03:58 PM
Okay, so I know that I've started 30 threads in the past two days, but I'm pretty bored at work. :D

I am preeeeeetty sure that I'm going to trade in my Hollow Classic for a Hollow T Classic. I'm just not totally sure which way to go in terms of body woods, pickups, and neck.

I want it to be able to do the vintage T sound pretty well (think Keith Urban's tone), but after getting a totally noiseless Atom, I'm pretty sure I want the M's in this, too. So, alder on alder with a maple board and M1-/TM2? Is that the way to go? Or do I need a rosewood board?

brian b
10-05-2005, 04:08 PM
I have a hollow classic T with alderr on alder with a rosewood board and a Tm2/M1 combo. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y77/bcbtoby/pinkt.jpg
Smokin and I mean smokin. Another option swamp ash with mable board.

10-05-2005, 04:38 PM
if you're referencing Keith Urban's tone from "Be Here", I think he stumbled across a vintage Gibson Melody Maker (?) or a LP Special or something (small body, single bridge pup, no archtop) and recorded a whole snot load of the new disc with that...

I could be way off, but CMT did a pre-release special of the disc and that's one of the things I think I remember him mentioning.

Don't let that deter the move to the HTC, though. You're still gonna get plenty of tone-o-keith.

10-05-2005, 05:10 PM
if you're referencing Keith Urban's tone from "Be Here", I think he stumbled across a vintage Gibson Melody Maker (?) or a LP Special or something (small body, single bridge pup, no archtop) and recorded a whole snot load of the new disc with that...

I could be way off, but CMT did a pre-release special of the disc and that's one of the things I think I remember him mentioning.

Don't let that deter the move to the HTC, though. You're still gonna get plenty of tone-o-keith.

Never heard that album. Does that Melody Maker even sound tele-ish? I'm referring to the tone of his old beat-to-heck tele that I saw him play in concert on CMT. And all the sweet tele stuff on "Golden Road."

10-05-2005, 05:13 PM
i think you're on the right track, alder, maple neck, m1-, tm2.

10-05-2005, 05:19 PM
i think you're on the right track, alder, maple neck, m1-, tm2.

I've found one online that is hollow swamp ash with a maple neck and TV1/TV3 pups; what characteristics will be different of this one than what you have suggested above?

10-05-2005, 06:29 PM
the ash will be snappier, less middle more bottom and top. the tv's are true single coils.this would make the nashville guys happier than the other combo.

10-05-2005, 11:00 PM
Never heard that album. Does that Melody Maker even sound tele-ish? I'm referring to the tone of his old beat-to-heck tele that I saw him play in concert on CMT. And all the sweet tele stuff on "Golden Road."

OH YEAH!!! I'd forgotten about how good Golden Road is. Thanks for the bump.

Naw, the LP isn't really tele-ish at all. But I think that's one of the things that stands out about "Be Here" is that it feels so much more DanHuffish (DanHuff-ocious?) with bigger, thicker guitar layers and big closed back 4x12 cabs. There's still plenty of spanking going on, telecasterly speaking, but it seems more like a condiment than an entree on this record.

Doesn't Keith's main tele have a maple cap on it? I thought I saw that it was flamed a bit. Maybe that ash body would emulate that.