View Full Version : Hello TAG lovers!

10-03-2005, 10:37 PM
Well, it's finally happened. I've been browsing this site for quite some time and never could post anything. Now I'm happy to say, Jack has fixed me up nicely.

I have a modest stable of Anderson's and look forward to chatting with all of you. As soon as I can figure out how to get stuff onto photobucket.com I will send some pics y'all's way.

I just LOVE those Andersons.....

10-03-2005, 10:41 PM
Welcome Bill! So glad you are here. :)

Dave K
10-03-2005, 10:55 PM
Welcome, Bill. Your reputation has preceded you. ;)
Looking forward to some pics and tales of your TAG family. :)

10-04-2005, 12:50 AM
welcome to the forum!

Suriel Zayas
10-04-2005, 01:01 PM
pleasure to have you here. you're a legend in your own time.

10-04-2005, 04:25 PM
Welcome Bill!

Looking forward to you input! Thanks for the pics shared via
the Anderson Gallery!

Regards, Enrico

10-11-2005, 12:25 AM
Welcome! looking forward to seeing your geetars! :D