View Full Version : fingerboard radius choice??

09-29-2005, 06:31 PM
Hi Tom and all,
I have one small item that if i could, i would change on my Andersons i have bought and owned....fingerboard radius. As i understand it, its a 12-16" compound radius and i wonder if there is ever likely to be a facility to order anything else? my own liking of a 9 1/2" would i feel be a popular choice.
If not, why not, Tom???

09-29-2005, 07:30 PM
what we do is 12-14" conical. we chose that for feel, bendability, and because it works with all our bridge choices. in years past, we offered several choices, and in the end 99% of everything was our standard 12". so for the trouble it caused in production, it was not worth it to us. now with the stainless wire, it would make things worse because we would have to bend the now 4 kids of wire to mach alternative radii.