View Full Version : Expression pedal with two functions?

09-29-2005, 11:10 AM
I'm looking for a midi expression pedal with two functions like the Line6 FBV where the pedal controls volume in normal position and controls wah when you press it down. I'll be using it for midi controlling volume and wah (midi assignable) in a GCX guitar switcher and Ground Control Pro.

Does anyone know if there is such an expression pedal available? It doesn't have to be a midi pedal as the Ground Control Pro can convert analog pedal signals to midi signals.

09-29-2005, 08:46 PM
Can the ground control change the midi controller assigned to the pedal as part of a patch change? If so just about any expression pedal would work.

Sorry I'm not real familiar with it. But i do I have a Behringer controller that can change the controller assignment for its onboard pedals allowing me to toggle one of the pedals between wah and volume on Line 6 amps.

09-29-2005, 09:36 PM
I'm looking for a midi expression pedal with two functions like the Line6 FBV where the pedal controls volume in normal position and controls wah when you press it down. I'll be using it for midi controlling volume and wah (midi assignable) in a GCX guitar switcher and Ground Control Pro.

Does anyone know if there is such an expression pedal available? It doesn't have to be a midi pedal as the Ground Control Pro can convert analog pedal signals to midi signals.

An expression pedal has only one function: to control voltage. It's simply a potentiometer in a housing that you can control with your foot. The unit being controlled by the expression pedal sends out a voltage on one conductor and senses the voltage being returned on the other conductor. It will interpret that voltage and allow control of any number of paramters. The extent of how many/what types of parameters (volume, wah position, etc.) may be controlled is entirely up to the unit being controlled. As for switching the assignment of what the control voltage is controlling, that has to be done with a relay, switch, MIDI pedal or from the device's menu, if it's possible at all, depending on the device's feature set and capabilities.

09-30-2005, 07:41 AM
Can the ground control change the midi controller assigned to the pedal as part of a patch change? If so just about any expression pedal would work.

Sorry I'm not real familiar with it. But i do I have a Behringer controller that can change the controller assignment for its onboard pedals allowing me to toggle one of the pedals between wah and volume on Line 6 amps.

Yes it can change the midi controller assigned to the pedal as part of a patch change. For example the pedal can contol volume on patch one and wah on patch two.

An expression pedal has only one function: to control voltage. It's simply a potentiometer in a housing that you can control with your foot. The unit being controlled by the expression pedal sends out a voltage on one conductor and senses the voltage being returned on the other conductor. It will interpret that voltage and allow control of any number of paramters. The extent of how many/what types of parameters (volume, wah position, etc.) may be controlled is entirely up to the unit being controlled. As for switching the assignment of what the control voltage is controlling, that has to be done with a relay, switch, MIDI pedal or from the device's menu, if it's possible at all, depending on the device's feature set and capabilities.
Yes. When I come to think about it, using a stereo pedal will control two different parameters, but then it must have a momentary switch (that is converted to CC on the Ground Control Pro) that can activate the wah or else it'll always be on. So I don't think a regular voltage controll expression pedal can do this. The easiest way would probably to have two pedals: one for volume and one for wah. The Ground Control Pro can be set ut to activate the wah once the pedal is moved, but then you'll have to turn it off by pressing one of the instant access buttons...

The reason I'm asking this is because I (will soon) run pedals in a GCX loop switcher and place a PodXTPro last in the loop (bypassed amp and cab modeling) for FX and using the GCX to switch between the two channels of my Matchless DC30, and I really like the wah in the PodXT. I thought it would be great to have one pedal to control both volume and wah like the Line6 pedalboard does. I realize now that this probably can't be done with one stereo expander pedal.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

09-30-2005, 08:30 AM
There's 2 separate operations going on: 1) engage/disengage the wah effect, 2) reassign the pedal's CC to control wah/volume. That has to be done with MIDI. Can you program an instant access button to simultaneously toggle the state of the wah effect and toggle between 2 CC numbers?

09-30-2005, 10:30 AM
There's 2 separate operations going on: 1) engage/disengage the wah effect, 2) reassign the pedal's CC to control wah/volume. That has to be done with MIDI. Can you program an instant access button to simultaneously toggle the state of the wah effect and toggle between 2 CC numbers?
No I don't think so.