View Full Version : Guitar Center / Ebay scam... ???

09-24-2005, 10:24 PM
If I had a shred of respect left for Guitar Center, it's gone now. Have emailed them twice about this being a fake, and it's still there.


I can't decide if I think they're just that stupid, or just that dishonest.

09-25-2005, 01:39 AM
Yep, they are that stupid.

Suriel Zayas
09-25-2005, 07:26 AM
aren't some of their stores tom anderson dealers?

09-25-2005, 10:28 AM
not any more. they are just too big for us to deal with. their paper trail is geared to sku's and we can't do that. i have emailed the seller and if it is not off by tuesday i'll have rach remove it with ebay.

09-25-2005, 11:20 AM
It seems when a business gets too big it also gets dumbed down. Guitar Centers are expanding like crazy (2 opening in Kansas City area this month!). They'll be so big and bureaucratic that they'll be totally immune to common sense , like ignoring a manufacture that notifies them of a fake. That's just insane! All of their auctions on ebay are worthless. Bad pictures, bad descriptions and overpriced.

09-25-2005, 11:59 AM
When I first moved to SFL I visted that store. Never met a bunch of salespeople with less knowledge. Then I found MAE in Davie. A REAL music store!

09-25-2005, 02:40 PM
I dropped by the new GC in Wichita, and I can't believe how they stay in business. A lot of people must not know how to use a web browser; I can find EVERYthing in that store cheaper online...and I don't have to deal with the used car salesman mentality of GC reps.

I was only there for a few minutes; that's how long it took to realize I will never go back again.

Overpriced, ignorant, and pushy in my experience.

09-25-2005, 05:22 PM
imagine what it must be like to have to spend 8 hours in there! i'd shoot myself.

09-25-2005, 05:41 PM
Oh, I'd shoot SOMEone, allright...

Probably that kid who's there every time I go in, giving a concert of his favorite Ozzy/Korn/Limp Bizkit riffs for the entire store to listen to because the only way to PROPERLY test drive a 'goth' Epiphone SG is through a Crate at maximum volume.

09-25-2005, 05:44 PM
ah yes, i feel your pain. i was remembering the goth sg through the 12 digital pedals into the flextone III amp. painful

09-26-2005, 04:13 AM
At times I've gone into a store and some idiot on the goth SG or one of those pointy guitars, would be grinding out some out of tune nasty crap ad nauseum. After it's gone on way too long I'd get fed up with it and go up to them and ask them if I could ring that guitar up for them or if they'd rather finance it. They always clear out pretty quick!

09-26-2005, 06:30 AM
very nice! i'll have to remember that one.

09-26-2005, 07:36 AM
Man, that guy must get around. He's everywhere!

The auction now says it was removed due to an error in the listing.

That whole thing does make me wonder - someone had to have brought that guitar to them on trade... I wonder what they gave for it?

09-26-2005, 09:47 AM
imagine what it must be like to have to spend 8 hours in there! i'd shoot myself.

i worked there for 2 years in covina when i lived in CA in 92, was accessories manager. talk about trying your patience.. my employee number was 1407 (if i remember correctly) talked to a guy the other day there and they are in the 30k's now as far as employee numbers.


09-26-2005, 09:37 PM
At times I've gone into a store and some idiot on the goth SG or one of those pointy guitars, would be grinding out some out of tune nasty crap ad nauseum. After it's gone on way too long I'd get fed up with it and go up to them and ask them if I could ring that guitar up for them or if they'd rather finance it. They always clear out pretty quick!

You know, I don't know why, but we all go in those places from time to time. Maybe we are just on that side of town and the lure of a music store draws us in. I think we hope, "this time it will be different." But it never is. So we stay away for months, going to our real music stores.

I mean even when I am up in NYC with ALL the great shops there within walking distance or at best a few dollar cab ride, for SOME stupid reason I still go into Sam Ash.

And none of those shops ever have anything comparable to a good shop any way. At least not guitar wise any way.

You would think I would learn my lesson huh? :confused:

09-28-2005, 03:04 PM
There are no good stores in NYC anymore, except maybe 30th street guitars and they specialize in used/vintage. It is becoming more and more difficult for me to buy anything here. I have around 15 guitars and most are bought on the internet because the stores here in nyc are out of their minds.

As for fakes, they drive me crazy. Especially on something like that. It is because of fakes that this that some people question mine due to the fact that it is very unique, but no the less, real.

09-28-2005, 07:43 PM
Other than that the prices are crazy, I would have to respectfully disagree. And I have always been able to bargain down to a reasonable price.

Now I have not been there in about a year, but from what I remember the following might still hold true.

First 30th Street guitars is, I agree, awesome. Chelsea Vintage too. But they are "visit often" kind of places, as the inventory, mostly used and vintage, rotates a lot.

I believe Matt Uminov in the village has some nice stuff. Came REALLY close on a nice 335 there.

New York Guitar and Bass, although tiny, usually has a few nice things. I believe they are an Andy dealer too.

Isn't there a rehearsal studio on 32nd I think, called Ultra Sound, that also sells boutique amps? I know I used to practice there prior to them getting into retail.

Also, there are two really good shops each across the street from the other on 48th just off Broadway. I can't recall the names but one sells quite a few Suhr guitars, the other has quite a few PRS, and both have some great used and vintage stuff. If you step out of Mannys and turn left they are about 100-150 yards down the block nearer the corner.

Any way, I think NYC has some cool shops. But that is just my .02.

09-28-2005, 08:19 PM
...and I don't have to deal with the used car salesman mentality of GC reps.

I was only there for a few minutes; that's how long it took to realize I will never go back again.

Overpriced, ignorant, and pushy in my experience.

It's funny, I just had a GC experience last week when I took my 3 year old in there to kill some time and to get away from the fumes of having my bathtub reglazed.

I may not be a prodigy or in the RnR Hall of Fame, but I certainly don't suck. A sales guy comes up and asks me if I've tried the (**enter random GC Amp-Special-Of-The-Week here**) and proceeds to tell me about all of its functions. What blows me away is that they don't have the sense to distinguish between guys who really play and kids who wanna be in Ozzy's band someday. Again, I'm no superstar, but couldn't he see that when a guy comes in and goes directly to the vintage room to play a duo of (laughably overpriced) Matchless 2x12 Chieftans that he's probably not interested in the starter guitar pack that comes with a strap, picks, and an amplifier that clips to his belt?

Suriel Zayas
09-29-2005, 08:18 AM
but couldn't he see that when a guy comes in and goes directly to the vintage room to play a duo of (laughably overpriced) Matchless 2x12 Chieftans that he's probably not interested in the starter guitar pack that comes with a strap, picks, and an amplifier that clips to his belt?
ding, ding, ding!!!!!.........the answer is.....what is no? (jeopardy style).

09-29-2005, 09:01 PM
You know, it could be worse. It could be Mars.