View Full Version : Crowdster

08-19-2003, 05:49 PM
Has anyone played a Crowdster yet? The Anderson website has been putting a lot of them on their Guitar of the Week section-they look great especially for guys like me who is not used to playing those thick acoustic guitar necks, but I'm wondering how they sound both plugged in and unplugged. Thanks in advance, Mark

Stan Malinowski
08-19-2003, 05:57 PM

Talk to Jack Gretz at Magdon. He fell in love (and bought) th first one at NAMM. He has ordered quite a few with varying woods and options and could probably descrice each and every one in detail!

08-19-2003, 06:06 PM
Thanks Stan. I was gassing for the one Garret Park Guitars had about a month and a half ago but that one sold quickly. The one they had was a beauty. Indoorstorm has a pretty nice one (bora bora blue burst) also. I'll check out Magdon's website too. Thanks again, Mark

08-20-2003, 02:49 PM
Ironically, after I started this thread, I came home and saw that I received the August Guitarist magazine issue with a review of the Crowdster. I didn't get a chance to read the review but I did pop in the attached CD that had a demo of the guitar. It sounded pretty nice although there was some piezo sharpness in the recording. I wonder if something like the Fatdrive would have rounded the edges a bit more.

John Price
08-23-2003, 04:24 PM
I had the chance to play 2 of them and have to say that it's simply amazing! The acoustic sound is very natural and the guitar plays like a dream! I ran it into a Genz Benz Acoustic amp and really made the guitar shine!!! This guitar is definitely on my must have list!!:D