View Full Version : David Crowder Band release

Son of Anderson
09-20-2005, 11:24 AM
[Today, crowder and the good people at itunes have released “a collision e.p.” This is now your chance to get your hands on three songs from “a collision” a week ahead of schedule.]

i got this in an email from bwack, figuered some of you would want to know. I am on a school computer that doesnt have itunes so i am not sure which three songs were released, but they are all good.

09-20-2005, 11:26 AM
Any Crowdster on this one? I bet there's some Atom!

Son of Anderson
09-20-2005, 11:35 AM
there is no crowdster, but lots of atom. i think they said somewhere in the percentage of 80, and that is a conservative number, supposedly. Pops knows best.

09-20-2005, 11:50 AM
When will we know who gets the free Atom from DCB?

09-20-2005, 01:14 PM
no crowdstr, several different acoustics, and yes lots of atom form both jason and jack. the contest winner will be anounced at midnight on the 26th. we will call him or her from waco after the release party.
i believe the songs that are on the ep are forever and ever, beautiful collision, and i can't remember the 3rd, sorry.

Son of Anderson
09-20-2005, 01:17 PM
the third is "do not move"... which is one of the best songs on the entire album.

Suriel Zayas
09-20-2005, 01:39 PM
we will call him or her from waco after the release party.tom, i'm back in the continent, however, regarding this atom should i post my telephone number or just buy a plane ticket and pick it up in person. don't worry, i'm sure i'll like the color. ;)

09-20-2005, 04:10 PM
i am planning on making sure the guitar is there just in case the lucky winner is there too. should be a pretty great time. the new record may be my favorite of all time.