View Full Version : Guitar Magazines

12-22-2003, 03:01 PM
(stole this from the gearpage, but had something to add :D )

Anyway, I've ceased my subscriptions to the GuitarONE/GFTP, whatever it's called these days, and still maintain a GW subscription, only because I've got another left on the term.

(CAUTION: sweeping generalization ahead!) I echo the sentiments that the US publications shamelessly pander to the manufacturers who supply the mags w/ advertising revenue (via glowing reviews) and that most of the articles are filler (in between ads) or to highlight artists that are non-musical, "flash in the pans". That said, I did read the glowing review on that BBB, flametop, Cobra (hollow) in Guitar One (a few months ago?)

These days, I too, am receiving the British "Guitar Techniques" and "Guitarist" (and not just because of the CD's). These mags are more substantive and appear to "speak" to an audience generally focused on guitar-related knowledge, products, playing and artists that reflect/eptiomize the foregoing.

My one BIG vice (aside from indulging in Anderson Guitars) is my subscription to Young Guitar magazine out of Japan. Great articles, musically substantive. BUT the REAL reason - total coverage of the next-gen shredders (Angra, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius (old school), et.al.) who missed the 80's or never received the coverage they "deserved". Of course, any mag that dedicates an annual cover to Chris Impelliteri :confused: can't be all that bad! :D :D

12-22-2003, 04:03 PM
Michael, GW and Guitar1 can't be that bad, right??? Ha, ha. I actually do like Guitar1 for it's theory lessons by T. Kolb or whatever his name is. And every once in a while, they bring in Paul Gilbert or Yngwie to give technique lessons. It's too bad the rest of the mag. is trash. I never got into GW because I got tired of seeing guys like Kurt Cobain, Tom De Longe, etc. being voted as the best rock guitarist. As for the Brit mags-their gear reviews are cool, but they do seem to hold back in criticizing. Mind you, they don't do the GP thing and give everyone an Editor's gear pick award, but I do wish they would just say something sucks if it does suck. Also-word of caution-I used to subscribe to Guitarist, but my issues would arrive super late, and during my two years of subscribing to them, I never got 2 issues. I emailed them about it and was told that they would extend my subscription another month to compensate-but it never happened. Lastly, as for as Young Guitar magazine-I totally agree with you that the magazine is killer-(although I think it is amusing Yngwie wins guitarist of the year all the time). I wish I could read Kanji because they have great gear reviews and technique overviews of some of my favorite guitarists.

12-22-2003, 04:30 PM
Mark, thanks for the heads up on Guitarist. So far so good. Agree on the gratuitous praise showered on all the gear.

Actually, I only buy the YG mag for the pictures! ;)

John Price
12-22-2003, 09:36 PM
Well the poles are in from Guitar World!
Best Rock Guitarist: Dave Grohl...WOW!

I think that said it all for me!
Guitar as I know it is dead!!!!!
the older I get the more I realize that it's just a business :confused:

12-23-2003, 05:30 AM
As posted by John:

"the older I get the more I realize that it's just a business :confused: "

Agree 100%

Who's David Grohl?

Stan Malinowski
12-23-2003, 07:38 AM
Who's David Grohl?

Guitarist for the Foo Fighters.

I guess I too a getting old, I read most of the guitar mags and scratch my head and wonder....

About the only guitar mag I look forward to getting anymore is Vintage Guitar Mag.

BTW, This months Guitar Player features John Mayer. He has been hyped as another SRV. I've listened to one of his CDs and hear NOTHING even close to SRV, what's the big deal with this guy? Has anybody hard anything he has done that even remotely resembles SRV?

12-23-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by SteveK

Who's David Grohl?

I hope you were joking-he's my favorite guitarist of all time---NOT!!!!!!!! When a former drummer for a well known band becomes rock guitarist of the year, I know there's something wrong. Didn't Zakk Wylde want to kill him when Grohl wrote and played a song with Ozzy?

12-23-2003, 12:48 PM
yeah...zakk said that people like dave grohl should never be writing songs for ozzy...i agree...ozzy's latest album is garbage...i don't even consider it an album...

long live zakk!

12-26-2003, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by John Price
Well the poles are in from Guitar World!
Best Rock Guitarist: Dave Grohl

Don't worry John, I'm sure even Dave is shaking his head in disbelief over that one!

I stopped reading guitar rags over 10 years ago for the same reason. Of course, back then they still had the 'trendy' guys that could actually play (for the most part).

12-28-2003, 04:58 AM
Originally posted by John Price
Well the poles are in from Guitar World!
Best Rock Guitarist: Dave Grohl...WOW!

I think that said it all for me!

Absolutely Brother John!

Maybe it's because I'm older than 30 :D, but I do remember the days when guys like Steve Howe, EVH, DiMeola, Morse, etc. were considered beyond reproach (GP Gallery of Greats) because of their competence, achievements in their fields, repetoire/solo pieces, etc.

funny how the "voters" could overlook that fact that Mr. Grohl's first "claim to fame" was as a drummer, not a guitarist. He may have started out as a guitarist, I haven't a clue. However, I'd like to hear the next "Mood for a Day", "Devil on Spanish Hwy", "Cruise Missile" or "Spanish Fly" from a some of today's "so called" guitar-players :confused:

01-08-2004, 10:53 PM
Why, oh why did Guitar Shop cease publication? I used to really enjoy that one every month. Now I look forward to Vintage Guitar ----------that's about it. Guitar Player subsription should be running out any month here. (I've lost count-----don't really care).