View Full Version : Real or Fake?

09-07-2005, 10:51 PM
<img src="http://andersonforum.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=172&stc=1">

I've found somewhat odd guitar labeled "Tom Anderson Guitarworks".

Seller told that this guitar was manufactured in about mid-80's and it is made of Koa.

IMO, the logo at the headstock seems to be different from that of current TAGs, but the tuners and pickups are seem to be real. The headstock logo is similar to that of basses that I questioned before. And the headstock shape is completely same as that of fender guitars. No serial numbers.

This guitar may be manufactured by TAGWs but I'm not sure 'cause I've never seen this kind of TAGs. I wonder if it was manufactured by Japan company like Moon using body and neck by TAGWs.


Jinwon Seo

09-08-2005, 12:34 AM
this has come up before. this is a parts guitar put together by the company that was our distributor in japan in the late 80's. our body and neck, assembled by them. was for japan only.

09-08-2005, 11:27 AM
Nice lookin' axe. It pulls all my guitar aesthetics strings. ;)

09-08-2005, 07:08 PM
very beautiful axe!
seems in good condition too.
is it all made of koa or koa body/pao ferro neck??

09-08-2005, 08:58 PM
Sorry, this is not mine... :D

I heard that this guitar is all made of Koa.

Franky speaking, I'm very angry because of arguments about this guitar (not in this forum, but in small web site of Korea.), because seller of this guitar did not aggree the fact that this guitar was manufactured by japanese company using body and neck from Tom Anderson Guitarworks. Seller still insisted that this guitar was all manufactured at the U.S in spite of information from Tom.

I found one interesting point. There is a small "Moon company" logo at the ball area of headstock and this fact really suggests that this guitar was manufactured by japanese company. But I cannot understand why seller don't accept the truth and he insisted that this Koa guitar is much better than TAGs today. (I think "better" is inappropriate word in describing guitars as tom previously mentioned.)


Jinwon Seo

09-08-2005, 11:00 PM
moon corp was our distributor, so that matches with the sticker on the headstock. the neck is pauferro not koa. if you would like, have them email me personally. i'd be happy to answer any questions, but it sounds like they already think they know more than me about this guitar. my email is aguitars@earthlink.net they need to have something about guitars in the subject or it will probably get through.

09-09-2005, 06:15 PM
yah, I like it, too!

Ship it over to Tokyo next week! :)