View Full Version : Looking for a jazz box...

09-02-2005, 10:56 AM
I'm playing with two jazz bands right now--one big band and one combo. I've been using my Atom set on the neck M1 with a little treble rolled off. It sounds great...

...BUT, being the GASsy person that I am, I think that a jazz box is something I could use. Given that I just bought the Atom, I can't spend a lot of dough (<$1000). So, what do you all think? I've heard good things about Ibanez jazz guitars. Some guys on other forums praise the $300-400 Artcore series. I guess I'll have to play one. Others tell me to get a Heritage or a Guild or even an old Yamaha.

What are your ideas? The guitars must have a beefier neck to be considered.

09-02-2005, 11:16 AM
I'd have to +1 the Ibanez stuff, J. For the price, it's quality stuff.

I also know a guy who's selling an Epiphone Casino. It's fully holow, though, so it doesn't have the center block if you want something 335-ish. It's also had the BFTS installed by Bruce so it plays exceptionally well. Last time I played it, it had some flat-wounds on there it felt beautiful.

09-02-2005, 11:27 AM
I'd do the Artcore in a heartbeat. Upgrade the electronics and I'd say your good to go.


I think this one is gorgeous


Suriel Zayas
09-02-2005, 01:17 PM
o.........definitely +1 on the ibanez jazz box guitars. i really like the gb-10 (made in japan) i scored one on the bay for under $900, great guitar. that's the george benson model. good luck!

09-02-2005, 06:36 PM
o.........definitely +1 on the ibanez jazz box guitars. i really like the gb-10 (made in japan) i scored one on the bay for under $900, great guitar. that's the george benson model. good luck!

I would LOVE to score a GB-10. Wayne Goins, the head of the jazz department at KSU, has two of them, and he won't sell me one!

How did you get it that cheap???

Suriel Zayas
09-02-2005, 11:21 PM
How did you get it that cheap???

the only explanation i have for that is that the almighty was looking over me. but check the bay, sometimes over priced, but you know to keep away from that. and try to get one of the made in japan models, they are so much better.

09-06-2005, 01:14 AM
I have a Guild Starfire III and a X170 Manhatten which both work great for jazz and are extremely well made(albeit underappreciated). They're both 24.75 scale lengths, however. The Starfire has a Bigsby, so it's great for rockabilly and rock. Both should be less than $1K. Plus, they're American and should retain value

09-06-2005, 04:02 PM
I have to disagree on the Artcore. Side by side them with a nice Herb Ellis ES 165 or a GB 10 and there is no comparison. I realize they are not the same level, but you should come at least closer. The Epi's are better IMHO. and there are other things out there too.

So I would go for a GB10 on Ebay. Alternatively, keep you eye out for a Pat Metheny. I let one of those go earlier this year for $1150. Is see them all the time for around that or less.

09-06-2005, 04:05 PM
Pat Metheny on Ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/PAT-METHENY-SIGNITURE-SERIES-ORIGINAL-PM-120_W0QQitemZ7347535498QQcategoryZ33043QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem)

Try this! :D

09-06-2005, 05:08 PM
I may have a chance to get a good deal on a '53 ES-175 with the single P-90. Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I'll let you know if I get it.

<small>I hope I hope I hope I hope...</small>

10-02-2005, 11:01 AM
If you're still looking, you may want to check out an Epi Joe Pass if you haven't already. If you have a copy of the April '05 Guitar Player around, Pg 103 has a photo of Pete Anderson playing a Joe Pass with P90's and a Bigsby. Seems like pretty good validation for the basic instrument. I acquired one from Wildwood Guitars a few months ago and it's a good bang-for-the-buck. I am planning to replace the pickups when I have the $'s but with a set of flat wound strings on it, it does do the jazz thing pretty nicely.

I hope this helps. :)

10-02-2005, 01:19 PM
I bought one of the Joe Pass Epi's about a decade ago....

It's a very playable instrument - nice neck - CNC and all - but you need to replace virtually all the fittings and electronics (as would be expected on a low-end instrument) Won't hold tuning out of the box. Replace the Tuners, pickups, pots etc. by the time you're done, you could have purchased a higher grade instrument.

"Cigar box with strings" is how I'd describe the tone. It will get you by - but not inspire. Chug along through a Polytone - will work for most big band situations - you're likely buried in the mix anyway.

Small ensemble work? Nope.

I bought it to play on jobs where there is a chance of problems - outdoors in the rain etc.....a "disposable" instrument as it were....

Once you buy it, you're stuck with it - and the low end stuff is hard to sell in order to upgrade.

A lot of folks on other boards are talking up the Eastman instruments. No experience with those....but they seem to excel in the "bang for the buck" jazzers. Chinese made? Very inexpensive for what they are.

You mentioned Heritage. Very good instruments. Slightly less expensive than Gibson. About the same quality and tone. Harder to re-sell (the Gibson name is magic)

You also mentioned Guild - Huge variation in quality and specs. Every one I owned had a very small neck - like the mid 60's Gibsons. Virtually impossible to sell - I had one on consignment for 6 years before someone bought it.

My personal opinion is to save your $$ until you can afford a decent instrument. Gibson ES 175 comes to mind - sometimes available under 2K. It's the kind of instrument you'll keep for life....and hand down someday.

10-03-2005, 11:40 AM
I still haven't found anything...

I'm kind of interested in a Godin semihollow--not the Flat Five as much as the Montreal.

Has anybody played either?

10-03-2005, 11:46 AM
Gibson ES 175 comes to mind - sometimes available under 2K. It's the kind of instrument you'll keep for life....and hand down someday.

I haven't played a 175, but I don't understand what the big deal is about it...isn't the whole thing laminate? Just like the 335? Were either of these ever solid wood guitars?

To me, the Heritage versions of these two Gibbys seem like much better deals.

Again, I'm looking for opinions because I haven't played any of these.

10-03-2005, 12:00 PM

He's been an anderson player for a long time and has started using both the flat five and the montreal from time to time in his gigs. he's pretty personable so you might just go to his site and email him to get his take on the guitars.

10-03-2005, 12:07 PM