View Full Version : Question about string changes

08-24-2005, 02:57 PM
I am evidently very slow (mentally) when it comes to changing strings on my Cobra S. I read the instructions on the website but I still fight it and it takes me a lot longer than with the vintage style tuners.

Do you loosen with the tool first or unwind the string first? This shouldn't be hard and it's probably just me. Help! :confused:

08-24-2005, 03:09 PM
My approach isn't the "approved" way, but I only use a coin (penny) to unlock the post when I want to remove the strings. You will find that you can unscrew the post a couple of turns with your fingers counter clockwise after the string is out. This opens up the size of the hole in the post. I then take the new string through the hole and pull it tight. Then I use my other hand with a string winder and start cranking it around. You will find after a couple of cranks that the lock will catch and the post will start rotating. Tune to pitch. Stretch. Repeat to taste.

In my head it's clear. Not sure if it translates in words.

Good luck.

08-24-2005, 03:16 PM
I use a dime to loosen/tighten the tuners. It took me a few times while reading the web-site to get it right, but now I can change a string in about 1 minute.

08-24-2005, 03:29 PM
jay's advise is sound, that'w what i do too.

08-24-2005, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the advice. I will try it when I get home. Hey! What am I doing on a forum, I'm supposed to be working! :D

08-24-2005, 04:53 PM
With the newer Gotohs I just use a string winder. I hold the string between my thumb and index finger somewhere between the tuner and the nut. Then I use the other hand for the winder. I start cranking (loosening) at a high rate of speed with the winder and the string goes slack, then the string seems to tighten up a little again in the 'wrong' direction, then tuner makes a little pop (when it unlocks), then I keep going until the string slides right out as I tug a little on the string with the other hand. I crank a few more rotations as I'm pulling the string out of the nut slot. At this point the 'hole' in the tuner is open more than enough to accept the new string. Only takes a few seconds to get each string out.

Been doing it like this since TAG switched to these tuners. To me, this is way easier than trying to scrounge up some change. ;)

08-24-2005, 05:25 PM
Cool! Thanks!

08-24-2005, 09:07 PM
I keep a couple of pennies in my guitar toolkit just for changing strings on my HDTC. (I haven't needed them in months, though, since I don't play anything but the HTC with split-shaft tuners.)

08-24-2005, 09:24 PM
I just changed strings with no problems. I actually just used a string winder as mentioned above and didn't need the coin. Seemed to work fine.

08-30-2005, 09:03 PM
'been do'in it BFC's way (or my way depending on your point of view) since day one. I absolutely LOVE those tuners!


08-31-2005, 12:51 PM
I still have issues with these tuners. I do it the way as described but after the tension is loose, I still have to "break" the string loose with a dime, penny or my trusty ol' grover triangle and futz with the string to get it out sometimes. After that, its a breeze. (a minor annoyance) I will try the suggestions Ive read so far.
I still prefer the old grover locking tuners on my classic...5 minutes tops for a restring.


08-31-2005, 11:20 PM
I use a Planet Waves String Tuner, as the head has a slot for small and large tuner keys. I just loosen the string till it pops. Then hold the sting with my fingers and turn the tuner a bit more to open the hole somewhat. I remove them all at once.

I attach the arm. Put six new strings in, then push the bridge down a bit with the arm to lift it off the body, and slip my polishing cloth under the bridge to hold it off the body a bit.

I then stand the guitar on its tail. Starting with the E, I run the string through the hole. Grab the string with needle nose pliers and pull up towards the tip of the headstock. Using the string winder turn till it grabs. Then tighten just a bit with a dime or penny. Repeat for the other five. Tune the guitar with the cloth in place. Then remove the cloth. Stretch-stretch-stretch each string. Retune and you are done.

After a few times its a breeze. :D