View Full Version : Trying to figure out a wiring diagram

08-21-2005, 12:56 AM
I haven't managed to get my brain wrapped around guitar wiring again quite yet. I've got the Visio out and I'm trying to understand existing wiring on Andersons, but it's going to take me a while. Does anyone happen to know a good wiring scheme for an SA1/SA1R/H2 pickup setup that does:

position 1: neck stacked humbucking (with split switch, neck split)
position 2: neck and middle split always
position 3: middle stacked humbucking (with split switch, middle split)
position 4: middle and bridge split always
posiiton 5: bridge series humbucking (with split switch, parallel humbucking)

plus an add bridge (which is series or parallel based on the split switch) and vintage voicing? :)

It would be be nice to split the bridge by itself somehow, but that isn't completely necessary. I prefer parallel humbucking on the bridge.

08-21-2005, 06:16 PM
First of all, you need to use the SA1R in the neck postion since it's a S/S/H config. if you want pos. 4 to not hum.

We have a 5-way, master split arrangement that is very popular... almost the same as what you described... but the mini toggle will be a "master split". You may need an additional mini switch to do the parallel in pos 5... Maybe Tom can verify this..?

Roy (maybe)
08-23-2005, 10:32 AM
Hi Gary,

To do this wiring is to limit many of your options that a 5-Way with Master Splitter provides you now. However, you can do what you are asking. You can have Auto Split in position 2 and 4 and have the toggle switch do splits for single coil-sized pickups on neck and middle and parallel for the bridge, but you will loose the vintage voicing capability.


08-23-2005, 11:42 AM
I'm trying to make it so that all of my favorite sounds are on the 5-way without touching switches, but have alternate sounds available with the switches. It's not worth losing vintage voicing though.

Is there any mod to the 5-Way with Master Splitter (add bridge) wiring that you can think of that would give split/series/parallel on the bridge without losing anything? Maybe a separate split for the bridge that is a 3-way? Have you designed any wirings in the past that included the ability to do split/series/parallel on the bridge?


08-23-2005, 11:58 AM
that would take a separate switch for the bridge pu, and may mess with the 5 way splits.

08-25-2005, 01:49 PM
Can switcheroo be modded somehow to support series/split/parallel for the bridge?

08-25-2005, 02:29 PM
you can get all those with the switcheroo, just not all from the front of the guitar. you could probably mod the board so the on off on switch did split/parallel, and you would have series on the blower.

08-25-2005, 02:40 PM
That sounds really usable, and doesn't add any switches! :) I only really want series when the bridge is by itself, so it makes sense that the blower does this. Would it be possible for you guys to do this config on the drop top that I have on order (it's currently specced with a 5-way).

Gary McTaggart

Roy (maybe)
08-26-2005, 09:30 AM
Hi Gary,

If you would like to make that change it would be best if you called Anderson and spoke with Roy and he can make that change and the notes of custom wiring to your order.


08-26-2005, 04:58 PM
Thanks a million!
