View Full Version : I finally get the M series pickups!!!

08-21-2005, 12:47 AM
It took me a while, but now I get it. In the process of comparing a new amp to my existing setup, I found out that my old amp has a cold and doesn't have much headroom on the high end. With this new amp (a Randall/Egnater 50 watt modular thing with blackface and plexi modules), there is plenty of headroom on the highend. Even with an Atom, which is far darker than other models, I can hear the killer heavy blues sound coming through on the neck pickup with this extra high-end. The positions that are closer to the neck are becoming far more usable. Projecting what I hear now to a classic or drop top, I can really see where you'd be able to get a thick strings, beating the crud out of the guitar SRV sound with 10's and without damaging your right hand! :) I'm going to have to get a set of M's for my frankenstrat to experiment with until I order a classic sometime down the road. :)

So for me, sparkling clean twin reverbsounds = SA/VA
blues to die for = M's