View Full Version : Is it real or fake?

08-20-2005, 11:11 AM
<img src="http://andersonforum.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=162&stc=1">
<img src="http://andersonforum.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=161&stc=1">

I have never heard of Tom Anderson Bass guitars.

I found one bass guitar with anderson logo on headstock. No serial number.

The logo at the headstock is quite different from that seen in usual TAGs.

Seller told that this bass is manufactured by Japanese guitar company, Moon, under licence by TA guitarworks, but headstock logo and overal features does not seem to be real.

Is it real or fake?

Jinwon Seo

08-20-2005, 11:43 AM
Looks like a "real fake" !

08-20-2005, 11:44 AM
He must be the guy with his face on the 3 dollar bill...?? j/k. Looks extremely bogus to me...

08-20-2005, 12:38 PM
here's the scoop.
in the 80's, we sold bodies and necks along with some complete guitars to moon corp in japan. they assembled them and sold them in japan.they wee never intended for export. we could never build as many guitars as they wanted to sell there, and we foolishly allowed them to do what they did. we had no way to police what was done, and given the chance to do it over, i would not have done it. i don't know for a fact that they sold these guitars without our parts because the few i have seen were legitimately our bodies and necks.

08-21-2005, 04:58 AM
Tom, then did you manufacture some bass bodies and necks in the 80s?

I haven't seen any Tom Anderson Bass on the web.

Jinwon Seo

08-21-2005, 03:33 PM
we never made complete basses for sale. we did make bodies and necks for other prominent builders though.