View Full Version : Carr Rambler

08-15-2005, 06:21 AM
Hi guys and gals!

I'd like to report that my Carr Rambler is the end all for my amp search. It's got it all - Great Lows to sweet Highs - Wonderful amp and well made - Serial number 30 so It's been used for a while :D

Suriel Zayas
08-15-2005, 07:04 AM
i thought the rambler was the end of the road & end all amp search for me until steve carr sent me the hammerhead mk 2 head. paired with an emminence cannibis rex; perfect together. i got to go because i'm drooling over my computer just thinking about the tone that amp yields, not a good sign.

08-28-2005, 10:52 AM
I spent quite a bit of time with a Rambler yesterday at Mass Street Music in Lawrence, KS. A guy was there trying one out. I was there to pick up my T/A Drop Top T that had just come back from the factory after having some neck issues resolved. The guy trying out the amp asked me to play thru the Rambler while he listened. I liked the amp quite a bit. Not a lot of clean headroom but very sweet and cathode bias is my favorite way to go for a little springy bloom. I wouldn't use it for jazz but anything else where you don't need squeaky clean it would be very nice. I do feel they seem a little high priced. A DR Z Maz 38sr with reverb is about a $1,000 less. Carr's pricing is more in line with Bogner Metropolis and Bad Cat, actually less than the Bad Cat Trem Cat. The Carr is very american sounding which ain't a bad thing. Different strokes for different folks.

08-29-2005, 08:33 AM
Not a lot of clean headroom but very sweet and cathode bias is my favorite way to go for a little springy bloom.

In the Pentode setting the Carr Rambler is pretty much Super Reverb clean. In the Triode setting it's Deluxe like. I'm guessing it wasn't in pentode because it's a very clean and punchy 28 watt amp.

08-30-2005, 04:51 PM
Maybe that's why I thought bit didn't have much clean, 28 watts isn't much. For me Super Reverbs break up early too. But that's what we like about them, isn't it?