View Full Version : Classic intonation with BF off sets. Finally got it right.

08-04-2005, 08:56 PM
I quit playing for a year. Before I laid the guitar down for a year, my Classic (the first TAG I ever owned) 6-1-97A had just given me such a hard time with set up. I tried to set it up just like I have every other electric I had during the past 20 years. I knew the BF off sets made a difference. But I just kept getting so many different stories from people (including the dealer I bought it from) on the correct method. I've always set up my own guitars to suit myself. And this one just wouldn't come around to my liking. This year when I started playing again, I started from scratch with an open mind, a Korg DT-7, Graph Tech saddles, and Elixer Strings. One thing I noticed about the DT-7 is that better results were had when you did not count the decay as a reference, but the initial attack as the most accurate referencs, and also to muff all other strings when working with a single string. Once I finally got the action high enough, and bow in the neck to my liking (I hate super low action) I went for setting the intonantion. I must say it took a while temper the tuning, but once I did, this guitar sounded more in tune than any other I had ever had!!!! Amazing. Truly amazing. A seasoned steel guitar player at one of the Sunday afternoon jams I frequent came to me and was astonished at how in tune this guitar sounded to him. I thought this was a little odd, but as the afternoon went on other musicians came to me with the same comments. It's one thing for me to hear something, but I thought it a little odd that strangers would offer these comments. When I first bought the guitar it came with SIT strings. I had always favored Fender 3250R super bullets. This time around I tried the Elixers. I figured oh well just another kind of gimmick for strings with some silly teflon coating. But hey, I was really suprised! They were not too bright and lasted more than 4 hours of hard playing with sweaty hands. This is the third weekend, and they still sound really good. Suprise again. Somehow I feel like I really got lucky this time around. I always liked this guitar, but I really like it now, and I understand what all the rave about the BF tuning is about. I was really beginning to wonder for a while. But I'm sold for sure now. Same with the strings. The Elixers, seem a little expensive, but not if you consider that they last longer.

08-04-2005, 10:44 PM
Isn't it great when everything comes together. That's the beauty of playing an Anderson. The folks at Elixir and the folks at Anderson really seem to share a love of the guitar and a dedication to providing a better playing experience.

I have a HTC that had 2 VA's and a TV3. I loved it but knew somehow it could be better, it just had a special voice unplugged that wasn't fully realized. Bruce replaced the pickups with 2 m's and voila, the guitar really improved (I attribute most of the improvement to the transparency of the M's, they just sound like whatever guitar they are in). Along with the pickups came a set of Anti-Rust Elixir's (this is Feb of this year I think). The strings are still on the guitar and are lively, staying in tune and no signs of gunk. I don't gig nearly as much as many here, but I used to get a month out of the pre Anti-rust strings.