View Full Version : Tone King Meteor vs. other combos

12-19-2003, 02:11 AM
I'm considering another combo. I want to utilize my pedal board, so I'm really not interested in a hi-gain preamp section. I've test driven a Tone King Meteor (40W 6L6) and to my ears, it sounds like the most consistent black face Super - chimey, warm, blooming clean.

There's been a lot of talk about the Carr Rambler, and to a lesser degree the low wattage Mercury.

How do the Carr amps stack up against the Tone King? Price-wise, they appear similar.

12-19-2003, 12:41 PM
Michael, sorry I can't directly help you out with your question, but if you go to www.thegearpage.net (the old prs forum where a lot of us still frequent)-you'll probably find some answers. There were tons of toneking threads there. If I remember correctly, it's one of the best at taking pedals. Good luck!

12-19-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Michael, sorry I can't directly help you out with your question, but if you go to www.thegearpage.net (the old prs forum where a lot of us still frequent)-you'll probably find some answers. There were tons of toneking threads there. If I remember correctly, it's one of the best at taking pedals. Good luck!

Excellent - mahalo bradda! ;P

12-19-2003, 01:31 PM
No hou hou, braddah Mike! In fact, here's a link to a pretty good post re: the tone king -

I hope the link works-it was a post re: the tone king vs. the Bogner Shiva.

12-19-2003, 01:36 PM
Sorry, ah braddah, looks like you just can't click onto da link. Ho couz, gotta use da fingahs to type da stuff in! Good luck. You can ask Stu at fatsoundguitars about the Tone King too. He's a dealer and he's very honest about what his stuff can or cannot do. Is Ed Y. at tonemerchants a tone king dealer too? I can't remember.

12-19-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Sorry, ah braddah, looks like you just can't click onto da link. Ho couz, gotta use da fingahs to type da stuff in! Good luck. You can ask Stu at fatsoundguitars about the Tone King too. He's a dealer and he's very honest about what his stuff can or cannot do. Is Ed Y. at tonemerchants a tone king dealer too? I can't remember.

eh, no sweat da kine small stuff, yeah? ;D

Actually, I did have the chance to run the 40W 6V6 meteor at Ed's a while back. And after reading Vaughn's posts on the Gear page, I'm convinced that I was hearing one of the best fender BF amps.

Looks like more woodshedding and amp testing over the holidays

mele kalikimaka!

Tom Gross
12-20-2003, 12:14 AM
the clean on the Meteor is simply stunning.
The amp is Blackface heaven.

12-20-2003, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Tom Gross
the clean on the Meteor is simply stunning.
The amp is Blackface heaven.

Thanks Tom, I was thinking the same thing!

01-06-2004, 12:57 AM
haven't played the meteor, but own a rambler, and can say it's got one of the greatest clean sounds ever.

01-06-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by tom
haven't played the meteor, but own a rambler, and can say it's got one of the greatest clean sounds ever.

thanks tom!