View Full Version : A Crowdster Experience!

07-29-2005, 12:01 AM
Well I just bought a used Crowdster last week, and it finally came today. I am gigging at the Wildhorse Saloon here in Nashville this week, so I was so excited that it came in time for me to play with it tonight.

First off, I played a 612ce Taylor last night. Honestly - it really didn't sound that great at all. I had two nice wedges sitting in front of me with the acoustic cranked, and the engineer ran it through some reverb too, but still - sounded very Tin-canish.

I plugged in the Crowdster tonight and asked the engineer to re-EQ me up. He looked over at me and said - "sounds good" with a different look on his face. It just played so smooth and sounded just amazing. Then after the show, the engineer walked over and took a look. I think he was impressed with the sound.

It's an ALL-Anderson gig for me now. Got my HDT, my HTC, and now the Crowdy. The Crowdster is Cajun Red, and it is one of the nicest looking ones I've seen, so all that said - I am VERY happy with the Crowdster.

One other thing I must say - I BARELY had to retune. I did in between sets just to be sure, but all the Andersons stayed almost perfect the whole night. It sure makes a difference when you dont' have to worry about little things like going out of tune during a song or bad acoustic sounds...

Well thats my story...

07-29-2005, 01:11 PM
Well thats my story...

And you're stickin' to it right? :D

Congrats! Tha Crowdy sure made my live acoustic life easier too. I don't think I could ever play plugged in with anything else. The Crowdster is tops!

07-29-2005, 01:46 PM
Haha - that's exactly right - like the Collin Raye song!

07-29-2005, 01:57 PM
i have been to several sound checks with the crowder boys, and the foh guy always grins when they check the crowdster, takes a few seconds and they're done. more monitor? no problem. nice.

07-29-2005, 02:04 PM
...I don't think I could ever play plugged in with anything else... I agree. Grabbed my Taylor the other night and it felt like a big clunky box against my chest, whereas the Crowdster is SO comfortable.

One little-known secret is that the Crowdster sounds fine with lighter strings. I use "tens" and it still sounds great. Turns heads, even with tens.

My acoustic rig consists of the Crowdster, Presonus Eureka (mic pre, compression, and EQ), TC M300 for chorus and reverb, if needed. Stereo lines to the PA and, presto: a mighty fine sound.

07-29-2005, 02:35 PM
how's the intonation with .010's? i have seen one with .011's and it was still good.

07-29-2005, 09:02 PM
I don't remember if I've posted a glowing review of my Crowdster yet, but I'll just +1 on Ryan's assessment. We did an acoustic tour a couple of years ago and I went through almost a dozen acoustics trying to find a great acoustic sound in a pretty loud stage environment. I won't name names on the ones that didn't sound as good, but the Crowdster made our sound engineer smile. He still swears by it as the best live acoustic sound that he's mixed. I don't know why people use anything else! ;)


07-29-2005, 09:05 PM
how's the intonation with .010's?...I checked it tonight with the VSAM tuner, for the first time (using the BFTS "preferred embodiment" chart that I set up my electrics with). Currently, the Crowdster has D’Addario EXP15 extra light (10,14,23,30,39,47). It was extremely close. Biggest deviation was with the B, and A strings, and they were only a hair off.

My main concern, when switching to the lighter strings, was the wiggle room in the nut slots, which seems to be mainly the low E and A strings.

07-30-2005, 11:15 AM
with those light strings, you really should use the electric offsets. the different offsets are based on the different tension that heavier strings have. but in the end, if it sounds in tune, it is in tune.

07-31-2005, 02:33 AM
A friend of mine took some pics last night at our show. She got a pretty good one of me with the new Crowdster, so I figure I'd post it.



07-31-2005, 10:04 AM
Looks like a nice venue. Must be nice to have that much room on stage. And you gotta' love a guitar player who gets his own riser. ;)

07-31-2005, 10:16 AM
Yes, I must say the Wildhorse is the coolest venue I've played. I haven't played that many yet, but so far, it tops em all... It was just great having so much room and having my own riser for sure. I think in a few weeks were in some Casino in Missouri, and our bassplayer will be playing in the hall because the stage is so small! HAH. Looking forward to that gig ;)

07-31-2005, 10:39 AM
Hey Ryan, where in Missouri are you playing? KC maybe? If so, let me know, we'll be there.

Cheers from KC

07-31-2005, 12:05 PM
Looks like September 2nd - 4th were in Boonville, MO. Not too far from you. That'd be great if you want to come out to the show! Maybe you could even bring your Andys out.