View Full Version : straplocks revisited/Atom case

07-26-2005, 02:46 AM
One thing that I don't like about the Atom case is that there really isn't enough room in there to keep the guitar strap on the guitar. I like to use those little plastic clip on strap locks, but they are a pain to take off and put back on every time I put my guitar in it's case. I know there was a thread about other types of straplocks on here recently. . . I definitely don't want those. I had experience with both kinda and don't like either one of them.

Do the non-Atom Anderson cases have room for a strap to stay on the guitar permanently?


PS: If this is my only complaint so far about the Atom, I'd say it's going pretty well. :)

Dave K
07-27-2005, 12:48 PM
The standard cases are form fit and are tight enough that leaving a strap on would be very difficult.

07-27-2005, 01:41 PM
I'm going to have to get used to putting those little plastic lock jobbies on there every time I take it out of the case since I've nearly dropped my Atom twice in the last two days due to the strap falling off! :eek:

07-27-2005, 01:50 PM
I'm going to have to get used to putting those little plastic lock jobbies on there every time I take it out of the case since I've nearly dropped my Atom twice in the last two days due to the strap falling off! :eek:

Sounds like you need a new strap with fresh button holes. Or cut back on the coffee a little. ;) :D

Have you tried the Schaller strap locks? I always had really good luck with those.

07-27-2005, 02:45 PM
Sounds like you need a new strap with fresh button holes. Or cut back on the coffee a little. ;) :D

Have you tried the Schaller strap locks? I always had really good luck with those.

It is a new strap. Hmmm, maybe using the top strap pin isn't a good idea. :D

I have Schaller strap locks on my frankenstrat. The squeaking drives me nuts! Do you put anything on yours to keep them from doing this? The other brand (forget what it is) has a tendency to loosen up.

07-27-2005, 03:46 PM
Squeaking? You need to play louder! :D ;)

You might try to find some bigger strap buttons to put on your guitar, maybe like what Suhr or PRS uses. I know the squeak you speak of but it doesn't bother me.

BTW, I prefer the way the guitar hangs from the lower strap button.

07-27-2005, 04:52 PM
i use either button on the atom depending how low i want to go. i have been using the same old strap for the past 4 years, never an issue.maybe i'm so old that i don't runa round any more. the case would have the same room as any of our others.

08-04-2005, 10:27 PM
Instead of installing the Atom's upper bout strap pin perpendicular to the body (like a Les Paul), could you drill the strap pin screw so it is parallel to the neck, or better yet, angled downward like a Strat/Classic type of upper strap pin?
A strap lock would still be more secure, but changing the angle of the upper bout strap pin would help keep the strap from slipping off.

08-06-2005, 01:35 AM
there's no place on the upper bout where it points down so you'd have to drill in at an angle then have to deal with the bottom of the button either not sitting solid or it being subtereinian, no subterrainian, under the surface.

08-06-2005, 10:55 AM
I'm not sure if the straps have changed in the last 4 years, but when I got my first TA in 12/01, I got a black Anderson strap that has the button holes spaced so that I can use the bottom button for the straplock and the top button in one of the conventional holes on the strap. I can then run my cable through there and it keeps it pinned down.

like this...


Again, I dunno if the straps have changed in the last 4 years or if that was just the black ones. I got a tan strap with my second TA this summer and it only has one strap hole on each end (and I'd rather not cut the second hole as the strap has a nylon-weave backside that would probably fray).

I know what y'all are talking about with the squeaking, but I've never heard it over the amp and I'm pretty sure the pickups don't capture that part of your performance. :)

08-06-2005, 01:31 PM
I do the same thing Guitarzan does--works great. It took 37 seconds to install the parts for my schallers, which I've never heard squeak.

Maybe Elixir should make some gore-coated straplocks...

08-06-2005, 05:28 PM
Hey! That's a great idea! That would stop it from squeaking from rotation, and have a place for the cable to go. (That's a beautiful guitar by the way.)

I haven't registered my guitar yet to get a strap. . do either the black or brown straps still have this extra hole? That'll guide which one I get.

Even with the squeaking, I've pretty much decided that all of my guitars need to have the schaller strap locks on them.
