View Full Version : Guitar of the Week for July 24 2005

07-24-2005, 02:59 AM
Is Paul (the owner of the guitar of the week) on here? I'd LOVE to see this guitar! We really need to get an Anderson get-together happening here in the Seattle area soon.

I've already started formulating a classic spec in my head, even though I've pretty much exceeded my holiday gift quota until December 2006 with the Atom that I bought last week and the Drop Top that I have on order. :)


07-24-2005, 10:43 AM
An Anderson get together would rock. I don't think I could make the Seattle one tho - Hah! I think there are enough guys here in Nashville to make it happen. We should try and organise it here on the board to do one in a few different areas. I know there are a lot of guys out in CA that would be able to make that one happen. One of them even has the same name that's on the headstock of my guitars....funny.