View Full Version : What do you do after you ding an Anderson?

12-18-2003, 12:07 PM
Self explanatory-what do you do after you ding your prized Anderson?

1) Cry like a drama queen and caress your Andy until it feels better?
2) At first-shock and horror. Then as a way to make yourself feel better, you tell yourself you just added "character" to your Anderson.
3) Laugh it off-it's just one of many dings your Andy's gotten after many wars.
4) Tell your significant other you NEED to buy another Anderson.

I'm just wondering. I just dinged (very small) my hollow cobra S at work (I always go to work an hour early just to give my Andy's a little attention). My co-worker was laughing uncontrollably as I did the drama queen thing.

12-18-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Self explanatory-what do you do after you ding your prized Anderson?

1) Cry like a drama queen and caress your Andy until it feels better?
2) At first-shock and horror. Then as a way to make yourself feel better, you tell yourself you just added "character" to your Anderson.
3) Laugh it off-it's just one of many dings your Andy's gotten after many wars.
4) Tell your significant other you NEED to buy another Anderson.

I'm just wondering. I just dinged (very small) my hollow cobra S at work (I always go to work an hour early just to give my Andy's a little attention). My co-worker was laughing uncontrollably as I did the drama queen thing.

Do like I do, and call Brian Harris, and order another one!

Actually, most of my friends laugh about getting misty over any kind of "damage" that doesn't impact the tone, rationalizing such "wear" as "character". That said, all of these guys prefer "relic'd" instruments over new ones. Good luck in getting an Anderson to look "relic'd" - right Bruce?!?!

Stan Malinowski
12-18-2003, 12:22 PM
I'm a Number 3 - Guitars are meant to be played!:)

3) Laugh it off-it's just one of many dings your Andy's gotten after many wars.

12-18-2003, 03:46 PM
i'm a #3 as well. i tend to ding them just putting them together, so by the time i get to the gig, the damage is done.

12-18-2003, 04:25 PM
It depends on the guitar, that's for sure. When I got my [first] Anderson, it was pristine, and I played it that way. And, to be honest, it was kind of hard playing it because of that! Then, one day, my son was playing nearby while I was playing and whacked the guitar with a toy sword and put a small dent in the binding. Barely visible, but enough of a ding to "break in" the Drop Top so I could play it unabashedly.

My new Cobra is one of these "mint" guitars, as well. Guess I'd better challenge my son to a duel!


12-18-2003, 07:17 PM
I try to keep 'em as pristine as possible, but they ALL get gigged so I'm in the #3 camp also. Actually the #4 camp when I can make it work!:eek: ;)

12-19-2003, 09:46 AM
I am a #1.
My classic (a 96') has the relic look after many miles and gigs, so I'm o.k. with it, none of the damage is serious, I still wax it like a BMW though..
HOWEVER, I had only had my new Bora Bora Droptop for a few weeks and the night after a gig, I pulled it out to clean it and noticed a CHIP, not a ding, scratch, or oops....a chip revealing the wood!!!Thank God it wasn't on the top, but almost into the binding on the top . I imagine it got bumped on my stand or something. The rest of the guitar is showroom new, but looking at that chip absolutely unnerves me. I have bugged Tom and Roy about it, but short of repainting, thesrs nothing I can do.
I am thinking about getting some "Bora Bora" fingernail polish and trying to fix it myself... At least it wont be as noticeable:(

12-19-2003, 09:02 PM
there you go. nail polish is the best for color matching.

John Price
12-21-2003, 10:16 AM
I enjoy the memory and then I just keep playing it!

It's your first step in making it a relic!!!