View Full Version : new and unusual cobra

12-18-2003, 08:06 AM
Tom / Roy maybe

its xmas time so....i bought myself a present...

I just picked up a 2000 cobra with koa top and trem - cool huh!she sure is pretty! pretty as roy MAYBE? have you made many non satndard cobras? - is theer a history to this one?

what sonic diffrence will I find from teh koa and also the trem chamber will make the gtr lighter i expect - will that affect the tone

If you can think of a way of fitiing mini's into a humbucker route i d love to put one in teh neck!

12-18-2003, 04:31 PM
Was this the one on eBay? If so, it sure is pretty:)


12-18-2003, 04:38 PM
oh yes oh yes oh yes :p

Roy (maybe)
12-20-2003, 12:27 PM
Congratulations Oscar,

Koa is so rare these days that to have a Koa topped Cobra or Drop Top almost makes you a legendary--almost.

Koa announces itself with a bit more upper-mid articulation. There will be no denying it when you step up to solo. Your band-mates will love you.

(At least that is how I think Roy would put it.)

Happy Playing

12-20-2003, 01:56 PM
if only i could be legendary for my playing - o well this will have to do then!

will the trem change the cobra sound much?


Roy (maybe)
12-20-2003, 02:15 PM
Do you have a Tremolo bridge on your new Hollow Cobra, Oscar?

12-20-2003, 03:33 PM

its 4/15-00n and its not hollow -


Roy (maybe)
12-20-2003, 06:10 PM
Oh yea,

That is a cool one alright. According to Roy at Anderson, it is loaded with an H1 in the neck and an H3 at the bridge to complement the Koa and solid Mahogany body. Another advantage to this one is the vintage tremolo bridge which adds a bit more fullness and life to the low-end.

Roy (maybe)

12-23-2003, 09:55 AM
How long will it take to get this guitar shipped to you? And, how can you stand waiting for it? I'd be going crazy!


12-27-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by oscar100
Tom / Roy maybe

its xmas time so....i bought myself a present...

I just picked up a 2000 cobra with koa top and trem - cool huh!she sure is pretty! pretty as roy MAYBE? have you made many non satndard cobras? - is theer a history to this one?

what sonic diffrence will I find from teh koa and also the trem chamber will make the gtr lighter i expect - will that affect the tone

If you can think of a way of fitiing mini's into a humbucker route i d love to put one in teh neck!

Tom or Roy(maybe),

What is the ratio of male to female Anderson guitars built, also
I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how to tell the difference.

Jimmie B

Roy (maybe)
12-28-2003, 12:05 PM
Hi Jimmie,

It’s time to stop adding extra ingredients to your eggnog.


12-28-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Hi Jimmie,

It’s time to stop adding extra ingredients to your eggnog.


Hick-up, burp, snort, ... Ahhhhh excuse me, I'm sorry, I was hangin out with Santa last night. One two many, Santa can hold his nog, no tea-toodler, neither is Donner. Still so many folks assign gender to their Andies, seemed like a legitimate question?

Jimmie B