View Full Version : Another audio example HTC w/ M's

07-13-2005, 11:09 PM
here's the long awaited session debut of my newly acquired HTC (thanks, Paul!) with my retro-fitted M's. This was a session for a gal who's doing a worship record here in SoCal. She said she wanted a guitar solo that had "a little bit of spanish flavor" to it and she kept asking for more "twiddly things". So here's my Spanish Twiddly debut.


Signal Chain: HTC -> SparkleDrive -> TopHat ClubRoyale

Amp was mic'd on the right speaker (G12H30) with a Royer and a Blue DragonFly into Millenium (?) Preamp.

Band comes in at about 1:40, Spanish Twiddly is at about 3:35.

FYI, the dulcimer-esque sounding guitar at the top and the outro is the Rosebud/Anderson acoustic capo'd at the 5th and plucked with a metal pick for a little more texture on the attack. That is the guitar that is in the For Sale section of this forum right now. It's a sick deal at $750 and I wish I had the money to keep it to myself. Will one of you send a check to the Cool Guitar For Corey Foundation? :)

07-14-2005, 06:43 AM
EXCELLENT job man.!

I always appreciate folks who know how to play with economy. See my tag line and you'll understand. Solo was just PERFECT. Guitar parts were about the song, not you.

BTW: The song was beautiful and the singer did a great job too. Thanks for a great post!


07-14-2005, 06:47 AM
I always enjoy your playing and those killer tracks! Keep posting bro.


07-14-2005, 10:02 AM
10 over 10.
Excellent work, the exact notes, very beautiful.

Please, let me know, which pickups you have in your guitar (M1-M1-TM2 ?)
I was looking another threads about M's and there is one thing that I don't know.

it's possible to put a M (middle position) in a HTC without re-routing?

I guess it's more versatil having 3 pickups, isn't?


07-14-2005, 11:26 AM
pups are M1 in the neck and TM2 in the bridge. Someone convinced me that I didn't really want the 3rd pickup because Tom could swap out the 3-way switch for a 5-way which gives me:

1: bridge
2: bridge and neck split
3: bridge and neck (traditional tele middle position)
4: neck split
5: neck

and the neck splits nicely. It has a pretty good drop in output, so it cleans up very nicely and acts as a good rhythm sound. I mainly use the 4 and 5 positions, but the bridge position (1) is great for volume swells and big crunchy rock n' roll choruses. Adding that 3rd pickup in the middle position is cool, but I get all I need out of the 2 pickups with the 5-way.

07-14-2005, 01:22 PM
Sounds great as usual, 'Zan...

...makes me want an M-ed Hollow T real bad.

07-14-2005, 01:46 PM
nice twiddles!