View Full Version : GAS really is a disease!

07-09-2005, 02:41 PM
I always used to joke about this "guitar aquisition syndrome" but it finally dawned on me today...I really am addicted to buying guitars - ESPECIALLY these amazing guitars called Andersons. I just counted up - I've owned 12 Andersons so far. I just bought the 12th one day! I guess if you're a smart buyer, it may only cost around $50 to buy a guitar, and if you don't like it, resell it. Sometimes you can even make a buck or so. It's just crazy how addicting it is. I just wish I had a money tree, cause I want to have a lot more guitars to keep than I do. Just incase anybody cares, here are the Anderson's I've owned:

02' HDT - Deep Ocean Blue Burst
04' Crowdster - Burnished Orange
04' HTC - Plum
'97 HTC - Blonde
'98 HTC - Trans White
'97 HTC - Trans Orange
'99 Cobra Special - Black
'04 TC - Trans Red

Right now I have:

03' HDT - Deep Bora Bora Blue
'03 HTC - Butterscotch
'01 Classic - Shoreline Gold
'04 Crowdster - Cajun Red - Just bought it!!

If anybody else would like to post all the Andersons they have and have had, I would love to see... I have pics of most of mine on my GEAR page in my signature!

brian b
07-09-2005, 04:37 PM
G.A.S. for us could mean.

Got. Anderson. Syndrome or
Got. Atom. Syndrome. or even

Guitar. Anderson. Smoooooth. :cool:

07-09-2005, 04:44 PM
Geez, I think I've purchased 14 over the years. Along with an assortment of T-shirts and the 'A' tattoo, Anderson Guitars are a HUGE part of my life. So much so, I do not bother with other electric guitars.

brian b
07-09-2005, 09:43 PM
Geez, I think I've purchased 14 over the years. Along with an assortment of T-shirts and the 'A' tattoo, Anderson Guitars are a HUGE part of my life. So much so, I do not bother with other electric guitars.
Can we get an amen, and it doesn't help having a dealer localy. I have bought and sold over 12 in the last year. With 3 of them in current stock and a fourth on the way. Not to mention the GAS for an Atom.

07-09-2005, 10:46 PM
I registered my tenth last year but I've had many that never were registered (by me anyway). I am down to one guitar, my Cobra S, right now. But I'm working on building the collection back up. I have two Classics on order. Next year will be a T Classic and an Atom for sure and hopefully something else if all goes well financially.

I agree with Stys. I won't even consider another brand after playing countless guitars. Everytime I ever bought another brand I always sold it to get another Anderson. So I don't even bother anymore myself.

07-10-2005, 07:33 PM
I wonder who has the most Anderson guitars on this forum....?? We should have more people put their guitar in the picture part of the homepage... :cool:

brian b
07-10-2005, 08:15 PM
Well my stock is down to 3 at the moment with a 4th on the way. But then there might be a Atom on the horizion. Just means I need to do some more side jobs to pay for it all. :D

07-11-2005, 01:19 AM
I think the guy that has the most Anderson's is a guy named Tom. He's got a whole shop filled with them, along with a bunch of spare parts and raw materials.... that is until the recieving dealer's check clears.

07-11-2005, 06:19 AM
I have lost count myself.
I purchased my first from a guy who didn't realize what he had
(a 92 NAMM Droptop) back in 93. Since, I've owned 10. I have loved everyone, but I always wanted to trade up or out for another Anderson just for a different feel or look or sound.
I have had my classic transblonde since 99, the longest I have ever had an Anderson. That guitar has played over a thousand gigs and thousands of miles with virtually no trouble.I just ordered what I think will be my last, a new Hollow Cobra S. Only the second I have custom ordered, everything elase was off the rack
I figure I now will have the tonal, feel and look spectrum covered......well....maybe a crowdster...BUT THATS IT!!...I MEAN IT.


07-11-2005, 12:21 PM
i think in this country bill hudson wins the prize. i'm not sure how many he has but it's got to be over 20. there is also a guy in germany who rumor has it has over 30. yikes!

07-11-2005, 01:17 PM
30 Anderson Guitars?!! That's insane. I don't think I could come up with 30 unique Anderon's that would be custom to my liking...WELL...ok..maybe. Haha.

Tom, how many do you keep of your own at a time? Are there any that you see go through the shop that you just can't bear to let go for sentimental reasons, etc.? I can kinda immagine that after building so many, it's probably nice to see the beautiful creations, but allow them to go on to the owners who will cherrish your work and their prize guitars:)

I just can't believe what it must be like to see your work in the hands of session guys and top artists - especially on TV, etc. You must have done something right!

07-11-2005, 02:24 PM
i really try to just have 2 that i gig with. that has rotated a lot over the past 2 years in preparation for atom. i went through a series of about 6 cobras then started with the atom prototypes. i have kept all the prototypes, so right now i have too many guitars hanging around, but i'll keep the protos just for fun. i have focused on building a guitar that does all the things i need, so i can play it for the whole set. i know it's fun to play different guitars for different stuff, cause it makes you play differently, but for my situation, which is a church situation, it's more about the whole than individual sonic victories. that probably didn't come out the way i meant it, but it's close enough.
yes it's fun to see our stuff on tv, but it's also rewarding to see you all spend your $ on our guitars. you have lots of choices, and we thank you for choosing us.

07-11-2005, 08:32 PM
yes it's fun to see our stuff on tv, but it's also rewarding to see you all spend your $ on our guitars. you have lots of choices, and we thank you for choosing us.

...awww, now THAT's the graciousness, so absent in today's markets, that keeps us comin' back for more. :D
thank you Tom!

07-12-2005, 09:56 AM
i just realized that that sounded a lot like what southwest airlines says when they let you off the plane, sorry for that. seriously though, the big pros can get whatever they want and in many cases get payed to play what they play so while it is fun to see them using our stuff, it doesn't hold the same weight.

07-14-2005, 03:55 PM
i think in this country bill hudson wins the prize. i'm not sure how many he has but it's got to be over 20. there is also a guy in germany who rumor has it has over 30. yikes!
Bills collection has recently hit 21.

Mark Dunn
07-14-2005, 04:17 PM
My rationalization for TAG aquisitions is truly because I NEED them. ;)

Hey everybody. First post here.

07-14-2005, 05:12 PM
welcome ! it's been a long time.

07-14-2005, 09:04 PM
Bills collection has recently hit 21.

and as the resident "Anderson" pimp-daddy, you've supplied Mr. Hudson w/ how many "beauties"? :D

brian b
07-14-2005, 09:33 PM
and as the resident "Anderson" pimp-daddy, you've supplied Mr. Hudson w/ how many "beauties"? :D
You know I wouldn't call Brian H. a pimp daddy although I have seen him in his blue flame shoes, I think of him more as a pusher man who helps me with my Andy addiction. :cool:

Mark Dunn
07-15-2005, 09:01 AM
welcome ! it's been a long time.

Yes it has been a while. Time flies. How are u Tom ??

07-15-2005, 10:38 AM
all is good. i'm getting to play more than ever so that keeps me sane. kids are getting older, but not me, so there is an end in site to college expense.

Mark Dunn
07-15-2005, 11:33 AM
all is good. i'm getting to play more than ever so that keeps me sane. kids are getting older, but not me, so there is an end in site to college expense.

You mean you are not going to contribute to my Kids' college funds ?? ;)

Hope to see you in 06.....I may be at the Boogie Booth.

07-15-2005, 11:56 AM
i know it's selfish, but paying for 3 of my own is all i can handle.

07-21-2005, 07:52 PM
Being the Anderson man in Dallas at Charlies, how many, and type do you have Brian? :confused: