View Full Version : String choice?

12-17-2003, 08:04 AM
What are you guys using for strings these days?
I traditionally have gone with factory suggestions. I swore by SIT for years and then they became difficult to get in my town by the case.
When Tom started endorsing Elixr, I tried out a set and thought they were no better. BUT! I have used D'Addario XLs exclusively for the last 2 or so years. I don't know if my hands are getting more sweaty with age or not, but lately I find they dull out after two gigs!
I want to give the Elixrs another try and have found a (decent?)
price on the web at juststrings.com of $9.30 a pack for 10-46.
I am not nuts about paying 3x more for a pack of strings. Who uses Nanoweb and who uses Polyweb?

I am used to changing every 4 gigs (2 weeks). Are you guys REALLY getting the mileage out of these things that everyone claims??
Also, what is the best type of cloth to wipe strings off after playing? Any thoughts?


12-17-2003, 08:15 AM
D'Addario. Price/Value leader. Your mileage may vary.:)


Stan Malinowski
12-17-2003, 08:22 AM
I switched from Ernie Balls over the D'Addarrio XLs about 2 years ago. I haven't noticed any marked difference in reduced tinal quality but I have noticed over the last 3-4 months I have been breaking more high E strings. I would estimate 5 high E's (on different guitars) in the last few months. Previously I hardly ever broke a string for years.

BTW I change my strings about every 2 months given the number of guitars I own and the fairly low number of hours/week that I am able to play.

12-17-2003, 08:23 AM
Care to expound on that Nick? Do you use D'addarios? Or are they of dimestore quality? My mileage ain't that good these days...

12-17-2003, 08:32 AM
Thanks for the reply, Casper. Yes, I've used D'Addario for years. A 10-pack can be had for less than $30. Like Stan, I have a few guitars, so I don't change my strings that often, but D'Addario has always seemed to treat me right. I haven't noticed the inconsistency you guys have observed, but that might be because I have a big stash of 'em!


12-17-2003, 08:37 AM
thank you Nick. I, like you, buy a case at a time. A 10pk of Elixrs is about $100.00. I just hope I can get this "long life"out of them that I keep hearing about...

Stan Malinowski
12-17-2003, 09:12 AM
To be very honest I am not really crazy about Elixirs. I've owned 6 new Andersons, all of which came with Elixirs. I find that the Elixirs (to me) don't have have the "brightness/crispness" that expect from a new set of strings. There is also something about the feel of D'Addarios (although I can't really describe it) that I prefer. Usually after a couple of days the Elixirs come off and the D's go on.

Side issue for D'Addario users - their "Player's Club" perk allows you to cash in proof of purcahse points for some neat free stuff like guitar stools, sling chairs, cups, hats, etc. If you buy in bulk like me buy the 3 packs. With the 3 packs you get 9 player points (3 points/set) while the 10 Pack boxes still only give you 2 player points/set.

12-17-2003, 09:36 AM
Playas' Club Babay! (insert Telly Savalas voice)

I must have a good grocery bag of that stuff, Stan! I paln on cashing it in all at once and getting like..the whole company.
It would be so cool if they would let you get Planet Waves stuff with that since they own the company..but I will be cashing in some serious points soon!
Thanks for your thoughts--:)

John Price
12-17-2003, 09:38 AM
I've tried almost every brand of string and keep going back to D'Addario strings! they just seem to work for me.....
If rumor's are right Elixir strings are just D'Addario strings with the coating added!

I'm not a big fan of the Elixir poly or nanoweb string thing!:D

12-17-2003, 10:42 AM
ernie ball 10-46 for me... i tried d'addario because i wanted something that didnt use as much packaging, but i was popping high e's for some reason, went back to ernie balls and no breakage. My new drop top had elixir's and i'm giving them a try, i also bought a set for my classic i just got too, so i'm gonna see.

I might even put a set of each on 2 guitars, and play them equally and see how long they last that way.


12-17-2003, 08:09 PM
I've been using elixir nanowebs for the last year or so. I hate changing strings, so that's why I use elixirs. My favorite strings of all time are GHS Nickel Rockers-to me, they are so dynamic. You really can hear a difference between those strings and elixirs. Unfortunately, they don't last long, hence I don't use them.

12-18-2003, 10:09 AM
Ernie Ball 10-46

12-18-2003, 10:56 AM
Also a BIG fan of the GHS nickel rockers - semi flatwound, awesome. But yeah, I stick with the elixer nanos now. There's a lot of people down on them for whatever reason, both acoustic and electric, but I find them to be great strings. I would probably rate them about an 8.5 for a few months (playing every day), whereas some other strings might be 9.5s for about 2/3 weeks. It's a great compromise for me. They record well, feel fine and there's no MAJOR tone difference. Of course, a lot of it depends on your fingers and how they "work" the strings, etc, but I find the nanos to be great strings. Just my $.02...

12-18-2003, 01:45 PM
Ive played them all and DR strings are by far the best ive used.


12-18-2003, 02:14 PM
Thank you all for your opinions! I must say that I'm VERY suprised that more or all of you aren't going with Elixrs being that Tom endorses them. I think they are a great idea, and as bad as my strings get after 2 or 3 gigs, I may switch to them for awhile just to give them a fair shake. I wish someone would clear up the rumor once and for all about "there only being one or two guitar string factories and that they're all the same"
thanks again everybody

12-18-2003, 03:43 PM
there are a small amount of string producers. most keep it fairly secret who they make for. strings are such a comodity that they all want to tell us why we should use theirs. think laundry soap. new! improved! i stand by the elixers because i do like the way they sound, and love the fact that they always sound that way. if i have an off night, it's because i played bad, not because i wish i'd have changed my strings.

12-18-2003, 05:03 PM
Well said, Tom. I have a VERY good ear (my best commodity, even perhaps over my playing) and I think they sound good. Can't understand why some others don't like them, though I have to admit I haven't tried the Polys. I'm happy with the Nanos so I stick with them. If I couldn't get them, I'd go with the Nickel Rockers or DR Blues sets.

12-18-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by mbrown3
Well said, Tom. I have a VERY good ear (my best commodity, even perhaps over my playing) and I think they sound good. Can't understand why some others don't like them, though I have to admit I haven't tried the Polys. I'm happy with the Nanos so I stick with them. If I couldn't get them, I'd go with the Nickel Rockers or DR Blues sets.

mbrown3, unlike your ears, my ears are horrible. But we do share the same tastes in strings-I used DR Blues for a long time before I switched to elixirs. Nice tone, and they lasted quite a long time for an "untreated" string. As for nickel rockers, I still think they sound the best of any string when first put on a guitar. If only GHS could make nickel rockers last longer than a few days!

12-18-2003, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by pluto
If only GHS could make nickel rockers last longer than a few days!

Yeah! Maybe they could get together with Elixer and do a combo project, LOL!

12-18-2003, 07:12 PM
D'addario's for all my electrics. 10-46 for my Andersons, and 9-42 for all the others. They get changed when they no longer sound new.

12-18-2003, 08:26 PM
One interesting fact is that only half the Elixir strings in a typical electric set are coated (only the wound strings). So there's no reason why 3 unwound Elixir strings would last any longer than any other strings.

Given the premium $$ you'll pay for Elixirs, and considering their "long life" only applies to half the strings, the D'Addarios from JustStrings.com seem to make more economic sense, to me anyway.

I use 9.5 to 44 on guitars with 6105 frets. And 9 to 42 on guitars with any other frets.

12-19-2003, 12:55 AM
it's not really an economic issue for me. we work on guitars all day, and i'm pretty lazy about spending time on my own guitars after hours. the wound strings are what goes dead for me on uncoated strings.

12-19-2003, 02:01 AM
I used to use the D'Addarrios all the time. They were good strings, but there consistiency was lacking. I use the Nanoweb Elixers. They are much more consistent sonically. I had to change my D'Addarios every two or three gigs to keep any sort of consistency. For me, that's once or twice per week. With the Elixers, I try to leave the set on for a month; changing the high E,B, and G strings, but leaving the wound strings on. This system works for me. I can get all the life that I can out of the Elixirs by using the wound strings until they are dead, and swapping out the plain strings as needed. I haven't sat down to look at the economics of this, but this works for me.

01-09-2004, 11:42 PM
i'm using elixir poly-web. i don't remember the gauge, but the high-e is an 11. i tried 12's and hated them. to heavy for the stuffi like playing. 11's are where it's at. 10's and 9's cut my fingers.

01-10-2004, 11:08 AM
we will start referring to you as mr. gorilla hands :)


01-10-2004, 11:42 AM
I'm an Elixir guy, here's my testimony...

I think it depends on your playing situation. I work (play) as a sideman; 2 custom records a week, lots of worship community projects, concerts, mid-week services and then 4 weekend services per week. This schedule places very specific demands on my strings.

For recording:
Strings must retain their tone for a full days session. They can't sound great for the first two hours and then drift into darkness. I need them to stay in one place sonically for consistant punch-in tone.

Strings must not get tired and crusty after only a couple performances. Stringing several guitars a day would get expensive, let alone the time involved to restrings many instruments.

As a sideman my strengths are as "sonic color guy". In that light, I have a quiver of guitars that need strings:

TA Cobra Deluxe (3 mini humbuckers)
Fender Custom Shop strat
Fender Custom Shop baritone strat (tuned b to b)
Gretsch Anniversary Jr.
Epiphone Casino
Reverend Spy (down a full step)
Jerry Jones electric 12-string

I've found the Elixir Nanoweb strings to be consistant in tone and long life.

Your milage may vary...


Scott Peterson
01-11-2004, 10:44 AM
D'Addario EXL-10's here. Since 1983 and though I have tried others on my guitars (Hamer, PRS and Anderson among others) I have always returned to D'Addario.

01-11-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by ToneLounge
I'm an Elixir guy, here's my testimony...

I think it depends on your playing situation. I work (play) as a sideman; 2 custom records a week, lots of worship community projects, concerts, mid-week services and then 4 weekend services per week. This schedule places very specific demands on my strings.

As a sideman my strengths are as "sonic color guy". In that light, I have a quiver of guitars that need strings:

I've found the Elixir Nanoweb strings to be consistant in tone and long life.

Your milage may vary...


Senior, with an endorsement like that, I don't think anyone can dispute the prowess of the Elixirs! Thanks Brian.:cool:

01-12-2004, 11:12 AM
Thanks Michael.

Now that I re-read my post, it sounds like posing. Please forgive me, that was not my intent. My desire was to show a working players perspective.

I played GHS Boomers for 15 years before converting to the Elixirs.


07-01-2004, 11:42 AM
wow. I guess I'm the only person here that prefers dean markley over dadarrio.
LTHB 10-52 tuned to 1/2 step.

07-01-2004, 12:37 PM
I like the Dean Markleys much better than daddarios, I just prefer Elixers over anything...

07-01-2004, 12:38 PM
i'm still digging the elixers as well, just pricey.. but they last so it's not as bad... would be great if they were 3 bux a set :)


07-01-2004, 01:35 PM
I tried all the name brands and always ended up back on D'Addario...switched to Elixir nanos when I heard TA was putting them on all of theirs and haven't gone back.

My body chemistry is tough on strings. They go dead quickly and/or break. Ussually tops for a set of D'Addarios is 2 weeks with my ussual palying schedule. Wehen I was playing full time maybe 2 nights and I new I would be braking one if I didn't change them.

I can use a set of Elixirs for 2 months....rarely have one break...and they pretty much ALWAYS sound the same. Love em...


Scott Peterson
07-01-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
D'Addario EXL-10's here. Since 1983 and though I have tried others on my guitars (Hamer, PRS and Anderson among others) I have always returned to D'Addario.

I need to update that - Dean Farley is making strings again (remember Scalar?) and under his Snake Oil Brand name. I have used them for about 2 months now; tried D'Addario's again and the guitar felt completelly alien to me.

The guy is *really* onto something here; pure nickel wrapped strings. They last, don't react badly to folks with high ph skin and sound amazing. They feel amazing. I am sold for life on them.

07-01-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
The guy is *really* onto something here; pure nickel wrapped strings. They last, don't react badly to folks with high ph skin and sound amazing. They feel amazing. I am sold for life on them.

cool...I'm the ph king!:D Looked on the web and couldn't find the strings...only posts on forums came up. Where do you get them?:D


07-01-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
I need to update that - Dean Farley is making strings again (remember Scalar?) and under his Snake Oil Brand name. I have used them for about 2 months now; tried D'Addario's again and the guitar felt completelly alien to me.

The guy is *really* onto something here; pure nickel wrapped strings. They last, don't react badly to folks with high ph skin and sound amazing. They feel amazing. I am sold for life on them. :D :D :D
I just got the Snake Oils and there is nothing that even comes close to the way they sound. I had been using elixir which I thought were as good or better than most, also really liked the SITs but I just put the Snake Oils on two of my Andies and WOW:eek: I never could believe strings could make this huge of a difference. Its like a whole new tone, much better. Dean is a real stand up guy and easy to deal with. I dont think I will ever use another string again, They are that good.

My .02


Scott Peterson
07-01-2004, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by scottiK
cool...I'm the ph king!:D Looked on the web and couldn't find the strings...only posts on forums came up. Where do you get them?:D


Email Dean at LeoMuser@aol.com

There is no website - yet - and no dealers. This is grass roots at its best; and no one yet has been let down.

Don't buy the hype; buy the strings. :D

Just for the record, I don't work for or with Dean; I don't profit in any way nor am I compensated in any manner. I am just advocating what he is doing because I tried them and I believe in them. And Dean is a good guy to boot.

07-02-2004, 09:49 AM
I bought three sets of the Snake Oils a couple of weeks ago. I have one set on my HDTC and really like them. They feel a tad stiffer than the D'Addarios but I like the overall tone better. I'll be glad when he starts offering 9.5's later this month. Dean is a good guy and is very responsive to emails.


07-03-2004, 04:53 AM
Regarding the Snake Oil Strings, I love the sound and feel initially but the longevity is still in question after the first set. The low E deteriorated into a dull thud within a few hours of playing time. I also noticed a significant amount of discoloration on the plain strings, comparable to what I normally get from the big name brands. I'm on the second set now and hoping the first wasn't representative of how these will hold up for me.


07-03-2004, 08:58 AM

Did you shoot Dean an email? I thought one of the benefits of the SOS's was longevity so I'm suprised to hear they crapped out so quick. I'd be interested to hear what he says.


07-03-2004, 02:54 PM
I started out with SIT and found no diffence between those and the D'Adarios. I would switch between the two. After Tom went to Nano, I switched. (FYI the Polys sounded like I put a sock across my bridge). The first time I let a friend play my guitar, I had D'adarios on at he time, the strings were wasted stained slightly black and dead. To me body chemistry is the key in choosing. Meaning if you have acidic skin you almost have to go with Elixirs. For me the D'Adarios work when I don't have a set of Nanos available, but I know I'm going to change strings after one rehersal and one Sunday worship when using the D'Adarios.
I used the Thomasik strings a few times and thought, why? They were very expensive, dull, and didn't use them for more than one gig. I've been using Elixirs on my Martin, they seem to focus the bass, more focused ala Taylor. I use John Pearse to get the more authentic Martin sound, also the same long lasting quality applies. I wonder if the Crowdster has a prefence toward one string, being less acoustic.

Jimmie B

07-03-2004, 03:56 PM

I would email the manufacturer and tell him what happened. From what I've read about these strings, this is the kind of over the top service this new company has got. BTW I also scored some of these SOS strings on the recommendation of a friend who tried them a while back and they are doing just fine still..a month or so later. I used to go through strings every other set...go figure? Anyway this was just a thought for you.

Marty S Horne
07-06-2004, 02:37 PM
I've been using D'addario 10 sets for years and liked the price/ performance ratio, but in the last 2 months, I've had 2 E strings and 1 B string unravel and break while I was restringing my guitar. If this happens again I'll definitely be changing brands.

Marty S Horne
07-06-2004, 02:37 PM
I've been using D'addario 10 sets for years and liked the price/ performance ratio, but in the last 2 months, I've had 2 E strings and 1 B string unravel and break while I was restringing my guitar. If this happens again I'll definitely be changing brands.

07-06-2004, 06:41 PM
i have to go with ernie ball 10-46. i tried the elixirs in the spring and started breaking g's and d's. the strings were a bit too pricey for that so i went back to eb's and they sound great. i buy them by the case and get 12 packs for $35. great deal to me. i go through about 2 packs a week so it cuts my cost a bit.

John Price
07-08-2004, 08:40 AM
Tried everything and keep going back to D'Addario EXL120's
They just sound,feel great to me!


07-08-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
Email Dean at LeoMuser@aol.com

There is no website - yet - and no dealers. This is grass roots at its best; and no one yet has been let down.

Don't buy the hype; buy the strings. :D

Just for the record, I don't work for or with Dean; I don't profit in any way nor am I compensated in any manner. I am just advocating what he is doing because I tried them and I believe in them. And Dean is a good guy to boot.

Scott, after reading the posts on the gear page, I am definitely curious. I have to admit, that the Elixirs sound good to me as well (retains that new string snap, so I'm in the Brian S and Pluto camp). But, I'm always up for trying something new on the Andy's. Can you comment on the life of the strings? (I read you'd done like 3 weeks of playing/gigging before you had to change). Are the SOS coated like the Nanowebs?

07-14-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson
I need to update that - Dean Farley is making strings again (remember Scalar?) and under his Snake Oil Brand name. I have used them for about 2 months now; tried D'Addario's again and the guitar felt completelly alien to me.

The guy is *really* onto something here; pure nickel wrapped strings. They last, don't react badly to folks with high ph skin and sound amazing. They feel amazing. I am sold for life on them. +1 on the SOS.

- DB

07-15-2004, 08:27 AM
I use GHS Boomers 9-42, they just feel right to me.
I ALWAYS put on new set for each show so I go through a sh*t load of strings.

I've never used the Elixers but I'll give'em a go when Andy arrives.

Terry :D

07-20-2004, 06:40 AM
Hi everyone.
It's my first post, and my english is not good enough, so sorry if there is something wrong

I suppose, every kind og guitar has his "own sound", it's not the same sound a cobra, classic, Tele, ......

I hope, in a few days I have my TA classic (my others guitars are Ibanez Jem 7PBK, Les paul standar y fernandes R-8).

I test D'addario, DR, Earnie ball, .... and webstrings .
Anyone has test webstrings set (10-46) in a TA classic?.

Marty S Horne
07-20-2004, 09:23 AM
After the 4th string unraveled while restringing my guitar, I called D'addario to complain. Matt Sweeney explained that they were having problems with one batch of strings and asked if I would send him 3 of my E strings to check out. I did and he sent me a batch of E strings along with a brochure and a letter of apology for the defective strings. I thanked him and told him I appreciated a company that stood behind their products.

08-10-2004, 01:26 AM
DR strings are wonderful, in my opinion. If you haven't already, try their "pure blues" series. Great feel, easy bending, and inexpensive.

Scott Peterson
08-10-2004, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Scott, after reading the posts on the gear page, I am definitely curious. I have to admit, that the Elixirs sound good to me as well (retains that new string snap, so I'm in the Brian S and Pluto camp). But, I'm always up for trying something new on the Andy's. Can you comment on the life of the strings? (I read you'd done like 3 weeks of playing/gigging before you had to change). Are the SOS coated like the Nanowebs?

No on the coating. Trust me on these strings, you will be yelling from the mountaintop after a few days with them on your guitar. This is a revolutionary thing. Trust me.

08-10-2004, 09:21 AM
Ok...since I started this post, I thought I would comment again.
I just went back to SIT Power Wound 10-46. I get them for about 3.20 a pack at Just Strings.com. You can't beat the price or service.
The Elixrs were nice and long lasting, but tended to feel funny after about 4 gigs. I cannot tell the difference between the D'Addario XLs or my cheaper, better SIT's.
More food for thought...

08-10-2004, 04:11 PM
My Snake Oils showed up about two hours ago and had to put them on. Really, really like the unwound 3 (very even smooth tone across all three strings) but jury is out on the 3 nickel wounds. I think I like the brightness and resonance of the Nano's and also the D'dario's I tried.

I did encounter a fairly dramitic volume drop (possibly a combo of volume and high frequency content) on the wounds, very noticeable on the D string...especially in contrast to the G.


08-10-2004, 07:01 PM
I've been using D'Addario .010-.046s for some time. They sound great and are fairly inexpensive.

10-12-2004, 01:59 PM
i know, i know, this is an old thread, just wanted to comment on that I've been using d'addarios 11-49 tuned to 1/2 step and am liking them. for me it's not so much brand that dictates what I buy, it's the availability of specific gauge combinations... I have yet to find dr pure blues in 11s (11-50) though. and I don't feel like ordering a case of strings without knowing how they sound. I would buy my dean markley MTHB set which is 11 14 18 32 42 52 (and I say my set cause I helped dean choose the gauge). I emailed him several years ago, telling him that I had been using his LTHB set 10-52 and had recently been changing to gibson 11-50 and got half way through to where the gauge was 11 14 18 from the gibsons and 30-42-52 from the dean markleys and really dug it and asked him if I could order that combo but just make the d string slightly thicker and he emailed me back saying that he was thinking about making a set like that and I even got to name it "MTHB" trouble is no one stocks them and for whatever reason, I don't like buying strings by the case, I prefer to just go buy a pack at a time.... any I"m just rambling now so I'll end it here. maybe I"ll order some snake oil strings