View Full Version : Roy(maybe)

12-17-2003, 02:45 AM

Is there more than one you? Or is Spencer your make believe friend? Does he administer your weekly spinal adjustments? Does there need to be two of you to contain the knowledge of guitarology and get GOTW out by Sunday morning.
Is there a spiritual significance to Sun. AM GOTW posting? Are you Prof. Trembahr? And, "Are you a Mod or a Rocker?" And to Prof Trembahr, "How did you find America?" Finally, When can we expect any more Anderson Swag, Like the Anderson Logoed Beret
promised years ago. I'd settle for bumper sticker of Sponge Bob playing a Drop Top or an Anderson logoed pair of boxer shorts with Patrick on them (probably playing a Cobra).
It's probably a moot point, these forms of advertising would undoubtably set back production to a three year waiting period.
Have you figued out that these questions are a very clever way to assurtain your true identity? Of course you have, do you think me a fool?

Jimmie B

"never get in a land war in Asia and never go against a Cecelian when death is on the line".

12-17-2003, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by jimmieb

Is there more than one you? Or is Spencer your make believe friend? Does he administer your weekly spinal adjustments? Does there need to be two of you to contain the knowledge of guitarology and get GOTW out by Sunday morning.
Is there a spiritual significance to Sun. AM GOTW posting? Are you Prof. Trembahr? And, "Are you a Mod or a Rocker?" And to Prof Trembahr, "How did you find America?" Finally, When can we expect any more Anderson Swag, Like the Anderson Logoed Beret
promised years ago. I'd settle for bumper sticker of Sponge Bob playing a Drop Top or an Anderson logoed pair of boxer shorts with Patrick on them (probably playing a Cobra).
It's probably a moot point, these forms of advertising would undoubtably set back production to a three year waiting period.
Have figued out that these questions are a very clever way to assurtain your true identity? Of course you have, do you think me a fool?

Whoa! Interesting deductions. I think the Sponge Bob and DT response will reveal the true Roy.... (maybe)!

Two of One
12-20-2003, 02:08 PM
So many questions, rather mysterious to me too.

I think it is obvious that Trembahr is not Roy because we have seen his picture. Hey, why are there no pictures of Roy on the Anderson website when there are pictures of so many of the people who work there? Who is he?

I would like an Anderson hat or coffee mug--or both.


12-20-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Two of One
So many questions, rather mysterious to me too.

Hello, Two of One, welcome to the Forum!:cool:

Originally posted by Two of One
I think it is obvious that Trembahr is not Roy because we have seen his picture. Hey, why are there no pictures of Roy on the Anderson website when there are pictures of so many of the people who work there? Who is he?

:confused: ....Hmmmm...was a time when they used to say HE came out at night, sometimes to feed, other times to howl at the moon....and we NEVER mention his name in public, only in whispers.....folks from these parts have been hearing noises in the middle of the night for years.....

Then one day that Mr. Tom Anderson moved in down yonder...all this racket coming from the Newbury swamp area...what with all of that banging, cutting, sawing, and my lord....that gosh awful twangin' racket....amazing folks ain't a fleeing out to the city by now....

anyways, after the Anderson clan comes into the Valley, why, the noises ain't a heard much, even during the full moons, and such.....

funny, we never see much of those Anderson folks neither....'though Ma's always a sayin' not ta judge any folks by any company that they's a keepin', and we's got 'kin down thar in Thousand Oaks who say 'ole Mr. Tom's quite the geetar player....

So's back to the ONE you speak of?...well sir, he ain't been heard from from lately, neither hide nor hare....Folks 'round these parts reckon that the one you speak of was taken into the care of that Mr. Tom feller....so word to the wise, be careful when treadin' around these parts, 'cause lurking when you's least expectin' it MAYBE the called ROY! (shhhhh......)

Originally posted by Two of One
I would like an Anderson hat or coffee mug--or both.

I don't think they've issued hats or mugs, but post something to the forum if you can procure one or both from the one known as ROY....maybe! :p :p

Two of One
12-20-2003, 03:51 PM
Wow, well that was much more than I bargained for…interesting.

I would like to see more pictures of the shop and the people who make these amazing guitars.


12-20-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Two of One
Wow, well that was much more than I bargained for…interesting.

I would like to see more pictures of the shop and the people who make these amazing guitars.

Well, in that case, I say we beg, plead, nag, the REAL Roy (psst, not so loud!), to generate a photo essay of the wonderfully talented TAG personnel and their shop...

In the meantime, here are some pix of Christmas past




Two of One
12-20-2003, 07:16 PM
Very nice of you, but I can’t open these pictures? It says I am not logged in.


12-20-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Two of One
So many questions, rather mysterious to me too.

I think it is obvious that Trembahr is not Roy because we have seen his picture. Hey, why are there no pictures of Roy on the Anderson website when there are pictures of so many of the people who work there? Who is he?

I would like an Anderson hat or coffee mug--or both.

Two Oh Trembahr looks like Roy with a blonde wig and if you return to the Christmas photo of TAG crew from GOTW
Roy is in the photo or someone who resembles Roy. If you use every other letter backwards from last install of GOTW, it spells "I buried Roy" and "the Walrus is Roy". I rest my case.

Jimmie B

12-20-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Two of One
Very nice of you, but I can’t open these pictures? It says I am not logged in.


Sorry Two, I'm trying to figure out how to open up the folder to the outside! Please stand by....

John Price
12-21-2003, 10:21 AM
Same here with the pictures!!

Two of One
12-21-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by jimmieb
Oh Trembahr looks like Roy with a blonde wig and if you return to the Christmas photo of TAG crew from GOTW
Roy is in the photo or someone who resembles Roy. If you use every other letter backwards from last install of GOTW, it spells "I buried Roy" and "the Walrus is Roy". I rest my case.

Jimmie B

Clever Jimmie B,

So are you saying that the real Roy may be dead? When I did the every other letter thing in Guitar of the Week it spelled, “Cranberry Sauce.”

So who’s that Santa in the picture? Is that really Tom holding some kind of Cobra S--perhaps really dark blue?


12-21-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Two of One
Clever Jimmie B,

So are you saying that the real Roy may be dead? When I did the every other letter thing in Guitar of the Week it spelled, “Cranberry Sauce.”

So who’s that Santa in the picture? Is that really Tom holding some kind of Cobra S--perhaps really dark blue?

Sorry, I got caught up with obsure 'Beatles' references. Still, I'm l on the quest to discover the true identity of Roy (maybe). Did you
notice he referered to himself as 'Mr Maybe'? Possible there is no
one posing as Roy. Mr. Maybe might simply be who him says he is, maybe?

12-21-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Two of One
Clever Jimmie B,

So are you saying that the real Roy may be dead? When I did the every other letter thing in Guitar of the Week it spelled, “Cranberry Sauce.”

So who’s that Santa in the picture? Is that really Tom holding some kind of Cobra S--perhaps really dark blue?


The guy in the Santa suit is Saint Thomas, the 'Patron Saint of Doubt' (Maybe)

Jimmie B