View Full Version : Bayou v. George L Cables

06-29-2005, 12:53 PM
I'm replacing all of my cables and was set to buy George L's but I've heard rave reviews on Bayou cables. Anyone have any thoughts? Other cables to consider? Anyone unhappy with George Ls?

06-29-2005, 01:41 PM
I grew to hate George L's. They had a tendency to wrap around my foot badly and just would not uncoil and lay flat. Drove me nuts! I had a few problems with the connectors coming loose on my pedalboard too. Then I tried the Bayou stuff and all those problems went away. Very reliable, soldered connections and very soft and supple. They lay nicely and stay out of the way. The George L's sounded thinner in comparison too. In fact, I'm starting to think this whole 'low capacitance' cable stuff is highly overrated. A little capacitance can make for a beefier sound.

That's my take! :cool:

06-29-2005, 02:27 PM
I'm a new Bayou convert and while I can't speak on their longevity {although many others can} I personally can tell you they stay out of the way, are easy to coil after use, sound terrific, are very cost effective, are readily available in many sizes and are made very, very well. They don't color the sound the way some cables do, at least to my ears, and the customer support is outstanding.

I really like the George L cable kits for pedals but I find their guitar cable just too rigid. There's no doubt they make high quality stuff but for instrument cables I like the Bayou products out of any that I've ever tried - and I'll be the first to admit I haven't tried a bunch. But the Bayou products are as outstanding as previously reported and raved by others.

Suriel Zayas
06-29-2005, 02:55 PM
I had a few problems with the connectors coming loose on my pedalboard too.
i use goerge l's and lok-tite fixes it right up, no more loose connections.

06-29-2005, 03:48 PM
i use the gl's for on the pedal board but with solder connections. from the guitar i use a rapco cord that has a nice bit of darkness to it.

06-30-2005, 07:03 AM
I had the same problems with the few Georges I tried, loose connections, wrapping/coiling. I even had problems with Monstercables.(broken solder joints). The best cord I EVER used was a Canare' and a Whirlwind Lifetime. I had both of those cables for YEARS and hundreds of gigs. Humidity, Alcohol, Dirt are no problems. Hard to find Canare these days though.
I am wireless now but for my pedal board I use 2 Planet Waves for main connections and after about 200 gigs they are awesome too.

06-30-2005, 07:31 AM
Hard to find Canare these days though.

Bayou uses Canare cable.

07-02-2005, 12:44 PM
Canare is great cable. Hard to find these days... Anyone know of a supplier in So. Cal.?

07-02-2005, 10:46 PM
I bought 100 feet of blue Canare GS-6 cable from this place, online...


07-03-2005, 11:23 PM
I had the same problems with the few Georges I tried, loose connections, wrapping/coiling. I even had problems with Monstercables.(broken solder joints). The best cord I EVER used was a Canare' and a Whirlwind Lifetime. I had both of those cables for YEARS and hundreds of gigs. Humidity, Alcohol, Dirt are no problems. Hard to find Canare these days though.
I am wireless now but for my pedal board I use 2 Planet Waves for main connections and after about 200 gigs they are awesome too.

Got to agree with Shaun. I use the GL's on my board, but use Planet Waves from the guitar to the board and back to the amp. My guitar cable is a Planet Waves circuit breaker with two right angle connectors. They can be trimmed just like a George L too, just unscrew, trim and rescrew and you are back up and playing. :D