View Full Version : Humidity

12-16-2003, 10:42 AM
After chatting with Tom about my maple neck problem, I am under the assumtion that I have "dried" up my neck a bit causing it to bow slightly. (Gas fireplace downstairs dries the house)
Question, if moisture leaves the neck, will the humidifier put the moisture back? If so, how long does something like that take?
I saw the post with the sponge in a bag and may try that. I have hinted to the wife to get me a humidifier for Santy Claus, but niether she or I know which kind to get..cool or warm air? If I leave my axes out in the room on stands like they are now, will a humidifier contribute to rusting the hardware? Will putting a sponge in a bag in the case contribute to mold?

12-16-2003, 03:28 PM
it will rehydrate about as quickly as it got dehydrated. you will have to readjust the neck when it gets there.
temperature is not the main issue, water vapor will dissipate very quickly in the room. i think the units that have heat involved work faster, but if you are making an effort to control things on an ongoing basis i don't think speed is an issue.