View Full Version : Question about my Fender Hot Rod

06-21-2005, 09:55 AM
I have a Hot Rod Deluxe 112 combo amp. It has never really been gigged, but I've played it a lot over the last 4 or 5 years. I *think it may need new tubes or something but I'm not sure.

I'll be playing my guitar, and then I'll just stop. The guitar still up and ready to go, and I'll hear a hum or buzz through the amp - almost like you'll get when you unplug and touch the cable to something metal. I decided to make this my road amp - for now anways, but I want it to be in top notch shape.

If I need new tubes, or even if not, is this hard to change, and does anybody have any good recommendations as to some spiced up tubes that could make my amp sound a bit more sparkly?

I honestly do not know much about amps at all, and am just trying to learn. Any help is really appreciated!


06-21-2005, 11:39 AM
It's hard to know, but if it's a hum or buzz, it sounds like a ground problem. Check your cables and make sure the input jack is grounded correctly. Also, I've found that JJ's/ Ruby's were more sparkly than anything else. I wasn't particularly fond of them just because I like something a little smokier to balance out the twang of a tele and make it more accessible to people who don't favor that sound.

Just like I said about befriending the soundguy in another thread, you'll also find that befriending a good amp tech and a good guitar tech will further your career. I can't comment on how it is in Nashville, and I've never shared the stage with a high profile performer, but I know that for my humble guitar player's lifestyle, it takes a strong support group of techs and social/emotional/moral supporters to keep you going. I know you asked about tubes and buzzes and I'm going into philosophy, but LOTS of guys can blow your doors off on the guitar- especially in Nashville. (John Chandler from Pedaltrain told me "there are little old grannies here who'll smoke you on a tele".) To stay working, you have to be the guy whose gear is problem-free, and whose head is attached firmly to his shoulders.

I'll say it again, I'm no superstar and I really only make HALF of my money playing guitar. But I think business is business and you have to build a network of go-to people to help you do your job professionally.

Sorry for rambling!!!! It's the Dad in me that goes off on half-time speeches every now and then. Good luck and many/mini blessings!

06-21-2005, 11:49 AM
Hi Ryan:

I had similar problem with Digitech 2120 pre amp, I 'm playing and suddenly the sound stop and I have to switch off/on to recover the sound (very ocasionally).

I changed valves but it seems that valves are not the problem, Someone told me it could be a conector or a solder problem, so I guess only a electronic technician could say you where the problem is.


06-21-2005, 12:26 PM
are you still getting signal? are you touching metal on the guitar?

06-21-2005, 12:32 PM
I am getting signal, and I'm not doing anything different. I thought it ways a cable at first, but it isn't. It doesn't happen a lot, but just on occassion it makes the noise. I may just take it in to get a check up any maybe put some hot rod tubes in.

Guitarzan - You are extremely right about building relationships. Everyguy on the street plays guitar here in Nashville, and many are amazing. But not everybody is easy to work with or is stable. I have a long road ahead and a lot to learn, but the biggest thing so far is that making positive relationships with people is crucial.

Anyways, I found a place to take my amp to in town, so I'll see what they say. I am finally to the point where I can setup my own guitar to where I love it, so I gotta start down that road with amps a bit now...haha.

Thanks everbody...

06-24-2005, 01:23 PM
I am getting signal, and I'm not doing anything different. I thought it ways a cable at first, but it isn't. It doesn't happen a lot, but just on occassion it makes the noise. I may just take it in to get a check up any maybe put some hot rod tubes in.

Guitarzan - You are extremely right about building relationships. Everyguy on the street plays guitar here in Nashville, and many are amazing. But not everybody is easy to work with or is stable. I have a long road ahead and a lot to learn, but the biggest thing so far is that making positive relationships with people is crucial.

Anyways, I found a place to take my amp to in town, so I'll see what they say. I am finally to the point where I can setup my own guitar to where I love it, so I gotta start down that road with amps a bit now...haha.

Thanks everbody...

if it hums without input....then it's probably R59 resistor series ..on the main board
fenders have had a problem with the power circuit resistor and caps going bad...first sign is hum..then intermittent crackle..i had mine changed for about 125 dollars (a series of 3 on the main board:it took a week)

this may not be your problem...but if you need more info..go to the fender deville forum.. deville

after this MOD..no more noise...quiet with/without input

take care....