View Full Version : Barber LTD and L6 MM4

06-17-2005, 09:50 AM
Has anyone run the LTD or some other lower gain pedal with the L6 MM4? I need something that will play nice with the L6 modulation pedal for crunchy/swirly kinds of things. I have an OCD and it is demanding to be first in my signal chain. In that position it seems to fizz out with phaser/flanger/uni-vibe type sounds.


06-20-2005, 10:15 PM
I have a Fulldrive 2 and the green channel is set for pretty low gain, and it works OK with the MM4 (for univibe or leslie settings). I also run a Keeley DS-1 Ultra and like your experience, it tends to wash out the swirl. I usually end up not running those sorts of effects on medium/high gain sounds.

If you like the LTD, you might dig Barber's Burn Unit EQ, which is a 2-channel overdrive - it did OK with the MM4 when I used it and you can get pretty good low-gain sounds from it's 'A' channel as well.

06-22-2005, 09:50 AM
Thanks much,

I need a well stocked Barber dealer to go visit. LTD, Burn Unit and Tone Press are all on my "need to try" list.

Suriel Zayas
06-22-2005, 11:04 AM
bud, i'm using the tone press and really like the sound. not squishy, moderate sustain and the blend knob is really good. here are a couple of threads where it was discussed.






07-02-2005, 05:10 PM
Thanks all for the input. I had the occasion to try some of the recommendations (and others) and was surprised at how many good sounding pedals there are out there.

I tested a HTC w/ M1 TM2 (or whatever the name is of the slant bridge version) through 68 Princeton Rev. and 68 Deluxe Rev.

Zen drive - a very musical sounding pedal, but with a distinct signature. I could see this being great for a lower/mid gain lead tone (which is pretty much what I use my OCD for). With these 2 amps I couldn't get the sparkly crunch out of it I am looking for.

OCD (running at 18 volts) - this became a logical extension of the amp, sounding much like turning the amp up but without all the added db's. Backing off the volume cleans it up very nicely. (if you have Pedal Power 2, running it at 12 volts also sounds good)

Fulldrive 2 (running at 18 volts) - I was really pleasantly surprised. I had sold my FD2 a few years ago when switching from a Strat to a HDTC. The pedal at 18 volts was much less compressed and mid-rangey than I recall. It sounded quite good (I had the drive set between 8-9 o'clock). If you guys have one of these sitting around unused, you should find an 18 volt power supply and revisit it. You could find a whole new pedal.

circa 1981 Boss SD-1 - this sounded pretty dang good, took me back to when I used one in a cover band playing stuff like John Cougar's Hurt So Good. Don't think about rolling off the volume to clean it up. It's pretty much there all the time it's on.

Now to locate a Burn Unit and LTD to try.