View Full Version : to ocd or not?

06-06-2005, 02:22 PM
any input on what the ocd does best? do i really need another overdrive pedal? probably not, but it's not really about need.

06-06-2005, 04:05 PM

IMHO I do not like it. Just too much boost. It get real loud with the volume at 9:00 with just a crunch type sound. Push the gain a bit more and you have even less control of the output.

That said it does SOUND great. Very amp like and transparent. Better than the AC boost. Totall different from the RC boost.

Now ALL that said, I found that using an RC boost in front of a Full Drive 2, with just the left button engaged on the FD 2, gave me sounds VERY close to the OCD. So if you have an RC and a FD2, again IMHO the OCD is overkill.

06-06-2005, 05:39 PM
don't use either of those. so could you get mid gain without adding too much boost?

06-07-2005, 11:36 AM
The boost might explain people's positive reaction to the pedal. If something is louder, natural physiology says that we like it more - to a point.

That said, I haven't heard the pedal yet, so I can't comment from experience. I just thought dannopelli's observation was interesting.


06-07-2005, 09:34 PM

I tried an OCD a couple of weeks ago using my TA Classic with M pickups through a Mesa Boogie Lonestar combo 2x12 amp using the clean channel. The sound was indeed terrific. The shop called the OCD a "Marshall In A Box". Although it did come very close to sounding like a Marshall, I already have a nice Marshall tube amp and wanted to first see how well it compared to my Fulltone Full-Drive 2 before going obsessive compulsive. Surprisingly, the FFD2 sounded very similar; however. the OCD did seem to go just a little further, i.e., a bit more gain and edge (fat mid-range focus). Turning the knobs further went to a point beyond my usual sound preferences--even though it is sometimes nice to know that you have a few extra horses under the hood just in case you feel "the need to blow out the carbon". In addition, it might have been the whole volume boost thing but it seemed a bit more touch sensative to me--again very slight. In the end, I came very close to getting one but decided I should probably exercise a little self control and make do with my FFD2 for now. Despite a couple of sleepless nights still thinking about it, I believe I am doing pretty good (I have not had to resort to medication and/or counseling yet). If you get the chance to try one out, I would recommend doing so--it does sound nice.


06-07-2005, 10:14 PM
I got the OCD today and used it during rehearsal tonight.

It is more touch sensitive than the FDII or Distortion Pro. It's also more touch sensitive than the Barber Burn Unit or Tone Pump. Yes, I have all these boxes, and more, because I don't have the self control of Mark, the previous poster :eek:

I recently tried the Keeley Fuzz Head and the OCD has a little of that fuzz flavor, except the OCD worked in rehearsal, and the Fuzz Head did not. I.e., the OCD blended nicely with the band.

Also, it struck me as retaining more of the natural guitar/amp sound than, for example, the Burn Unit. I used the OCD with HDT, SA pickups, through a DR Z/Reverend dual amp setup.

The TONE knob is a bit bright... I set it to 11 AM. Surprising, because I thought 12 NOON would be flat. However 12 NOON seemed to add brightness with the pedal engaged.

06-08-2005, 12:51 AM
I think that those who have pedal boards with several Distortion/OD/Fuzz pedals design the board with a certain playing approach in mind. The tones, volume levels, etc, work with how we go about executing playing through a gig's setlist.

For me I like unity gain or just a touch more on my distortion/OD Fuzz boxes. I tend to use a particular pedal throughout a song, and use the RC boost for the volume gain in the solos. I do not use a rack or switching system and my band does not always use a sound guy. So I have to control the volumes, and I use the RC for that. I avoid doing the pedal board ballet with this approach.

So the bottom line is it is a great pedal, and even more so if you want a good volume boost when it kicks in. That set up just does not work for me in my current pedal board config. The RC boost gives me the volume and bigness I need when needed.

The OCD and the Distortion Pro are just different pedals. The DP is more compressed, less amp sounding. DP is more distortion, less OD, vice versa for the OCD.

Don't get me wrong, I think the OCD "sounds" great. And built like a tank. It does retain just a touch more of the guitar's natural tone than the FullDrive, but disengage the comp cut on the Full Drive and they are REAL close. I just found it too loud. Unity gain was a 9:00, which left very little play to dial in a perfect volume for my needs. In other words it would be great if all I used it for was solos. But that is what I got the RC boost for.

I tried it with a HDTC 10-06-04P with VA12/VA12R/VA23, HCS 03-23-04D with M1/M1/M3, a Fender Custom Shop 60's NOS Strat, Fender double bound 62 Tele RI with Texas Specials and a Gibson LP Classic. All through both a DRZ Maz 18 and 38 and a Fender Blues Deluxe. Interestingly, it sounded louder through the DR Z amps than the Fender. And that is just the other way around for my other pedals. They all make the Fender amp louder.

I also tried it with several Fender Custom Shop Strats, including the NOS 60's from the previous test through a Marshall Hand Wired 2061 head and Cab. And again it sounded GREAT. This was probalby the best combination. Very amp sounding and probably made a killer amp sound even better.

I hope this was not too long winded.

06-08-2005, 08:38 AM
...For me I like unity gain or just a touch more on my distortion/OD Fuzz boxes. I tend to use a particular pedal throughout a song, and use the RC boost for the volume gain in the solos. I do not use a rack or switching system and my band does not always use a sound guy. So I have to control the volumes, and I use the RC for that. I avoid doing the pedal board ballet with this approach....This is exactly my setup and approach... except that I use the FullTone FatBoost for the solo jumps (it's in a loop with a delay unit). In my board, the Delay/FatBoost for solos happens LATER in the pedalboard chain, and is controlled with one switch -- a little Loooper box.
...Unity gain was a 9:00, which left very little play to dial in a perfect volume for my needs...I agree that the OCD would be better with less volume boost on the volume pot, but I am able to dial it way down to achieve unity or just a tad more. Just below 9 AM.
...I hope this was not too long winded.Not at all. Like discussing pickups, tonewoods, amps, etc., it's a very subjective thing.

06-08-2005, 09:14 AM
[QUOTE=MapleGuitar]This is exactly my setup and approach... except that I use the FullTone FatBoost for the solo jumps (it's in a loop with a delay unit). In my board, the Delay/FatBoost for solos happens LATER in the pedalboard chain, and is controlled with one switch -- a little Loooper box.I...QUOTE]

Can you tell me about the looper box thingy or send me a pic of your pedal board?

BTW, since I recently added a Xotic BB I kind of alternate between using the Distortion Pro or an Ultimate Octave. Depends on my mood. Sometimes I'll drop in the Ultimate Ocatve in the slot for the DP.

I find the BB to have FAR more pick attack than the DP with a very similar overall sound. Great for Santana type sounds on hard driving songs. However the DP is REAL nice on ballads where you want that sweet saturation and less attack. Maybe I need a bigger board?

Furman SPB 8 Board
Guitar-->Boss TU2 Tuner-->Barber Tone Press-->RC Boost-->BB-->Fulldrive 2-->Distortion Pro or Ultimate Octave-->Maz 18 input

From Maz 18 FX Loop -->ChoralFlange-->Echo Park then SPLIT
---> Maz 18 Loop in
---> Maz 38 Loop in

The way the Dr Z Maz amps are wired allows me to control all tones and volumes from one amp. So If needed I add the 38 for outdoor gigs and larger clubs. I mic only the 18.

06-08-2005, 09:34 AM
Do you find the RC Boost works better in front of your Fulldrive 2 as a lead boost? I have mine after. I guess I should try it before.

06-08-2005, 10:08 AM
danno, a couple people make looper boxes. suriel told me about pedalboards.com. tom there will make whatever you want. he makes a strip 1 3/4" square, with as many loops as you want. i got one with 4 loops and an in out in the middle for my vol pedal. i put any of my non gain pedals in a loop to get them out of the path. and yes you need a bigger board, don't we all?

Suriel Zayas
06-08-2005, 10:21 AM
danno, check out the bypass strips, they are cool and even give you some automation. great on stage and helps keep your pedals kind of mint.
works great and tom peck from pedalboards.com is just a great guy. i'm actually on my way there now to pick up my board.

this is what it should look like on the board.

06-08-2005, 01:01 PM
Can you tell me about the looper box thingy or send me a pic of your pedal board?The Loooper box is here http://www.loooper.com/MicroLooopers.htm.

Here is a diagram of my board...

06-10-2005, 12:44 PM
I'm glad you mentioned Loooper, MapleGuitar. I have something custom on order from them, and so far Dave has been extremely helpful and very reasonable with pricing. We'll see how it turns out.


06-12-2005, 05:36 AM
[QUOTE=dannopelli]I also tried it with several Fender Custom Shop Strats, including the NOS 60's from the previous test through a Marshall Hand Wired 2061 head and Cab. And again it sounded GREAT. This was probalby the best combination. Very amp sounding and probably made a killer amp sound even better.[QUOTE]

Very transparent pedal with this amp. I really like the OCD. :)

06-12-2005, 09:29 AM
Wow those loopers REALLY make your board organized and puts all the controls at the base.

SOLD Gonna get me set up! Thanks guys!

06-12-2005, 09:30 AM
danno, check out the bypass strips, they are cool and even give you some automation. great on stage and helps keep your pedals kind of mint.
works great and tom peck from pedalboards.com is just a great guy. i'm actually on my way there now to pick up my board.

this is what it should look like on the board.

Is that your board? HOLY COW?

06-12-2005, 09:31 AM
danno, a couple people make looper boxes. suriel told me about pedalboards.com. tom there will make whatever you want. he makes a strip 1 3/4" square, with as many loops as you want. i got one with 4 loops and an in out in the middle for my vol pedal. i put any of my non gain pedals in a loop to get them out of the path. and yes you need a bigger board, don't we all?

Coming to the conclusion that I do need more real estate!

Thanks for the input, (pun intended!)

Suriel Zayas
06-12-2005, 06:58 PM
Is that your board? HOLY COW?

danno, that isn't my board, i just hijacked that photo from tom's site.

06-12-2005, 08:38 PM
Tom, Suriel,

Think Tom Peck can do anything with this?

06-12-2005, 08:44 PM
BTW, HOW do you get the pics into the text of the post?

Suriel Zayas
06-12-2005, 08:51 PM
BTW, HOW do you get the pics into the text of the post?
like this...............
you need a place to host your pics, such as, photobucket.com. it's free. then you use the insert image feature from edit post screen. and waaaaalaaaaaa.

06-12-2005, 11:35 PM


06-14-2005, 12:56 PM
Just a couple of observations after spending a couple of hours with my OCD. It really seems to work best on the front end of my signal chain (has anyone had any luck running it after any gain device?). I ran it both at 9 and 12 volts. 12 volts seemed to work better for a lead tone, just a bit sweeter and retained a bit more of the natural guitar tone. 9 volts yielded a better crunch rhythm.

Everyone's observation about the gain is true. The manual says you have 30db of available gain :eek: . Initially I thought the HP setting (toggle down in case I have it backwards) was anemic, but I discovered the controls operate differently in the two modes and was able to dial in pleasing tones with both LP and HP (HP also is more forgiving in terms of the volume knob)

The pedal is incredibly touch sensitive and cleans up nicely rolling off the guitar's volume. A great low to mid gain pedal (if you don't already have a great low to mid gain pedal(s) ;) )


06-15-2005, 07:54 AM
I'm a little late coming to this thread (been away from the forum for a week or so) but I wanted to add my OCD thoughts.

I've been using the OCD for about 6 weeks now and love it. If you like the sound and feel of a cranked tube amp you can't go wrong with the OCD. It stays very true to the tone of the amp/guitar combo but adds the compression and harmonics of a cranked tube power section. It never gets into what I'd call heavy overdrive, but then neither does a cranked non-master amp. I've even got a test clip I made where I cranked my Dr Z into overdrive, then ran the OCD through the same tone settings but with the amp clean, and the two were very close. In fact I stopped using my airbrake attenuator and just run the amp clean with the OCD now.

Now even with all that gushing about the OCD (I do really dig mine) I have to admit there are times when I WANT the pedal to thicken my tone, and the OCD doesn't really do that, nor does it go into heavy OD. But for what it does I have yet to find anything better.

06-21-2005, 07:18 AM
Hey Suriel!

Would you mind posting a pic of your pedalboard?


Suriel Zayas
06-21-2005, 12:04 PM
this photo was just prior to the boss dd-20 (delay), but everything is unchanged.

06-21-2005, 12:24 PM
what's the non named pedal? is it an env filter or something secret?

Suriel Zayas
06-21-2005, 12:37 PM
what's the non named pedal? is it an env filter or something secret?
i actually removed the label off this pedal
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v224/surielz/talentboostcontrol.jpg just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a rastop design (www.rastopdesign.com) envelope filter. another nice guy in the business building pedals. i think he was nuclear scientist in russia. tom, quick question (sorry about thread hijack, but i have been previously forgiven) have you guys built an anderson with scallopped fretboard?

06-21-2005, 12:54 PM
built a few in the old days, and it seems like the long way around. i know some people love it, but for me bigger frets is an easier solution. we will have our new stainless jumbos in this week. any thoughts about the zen vs. zen2?

Suriel Zayas
06-21-2005, 01:14 PM
any thoughts about the zen vs. zen2?the zen is still by far the more natural, dynamic, amp-like of all. the zen2 with the mulard 12ax7 clone has a lot more crunch & volume. unity gain on the zen2 is about 9 o'clock. i also swap out the mi audio tube zone for the z2 on occassion, great gain on that pedal.

06-21-2005, 02:53 PM
am loving the tube zone as well. it seems the perfect match with the hammerhead. did you get your hammerhead yet?

06-29-2005, 11:16 AM
To my ears, the MI Audio Tube Zone and the Fulltone OCD sound virtually identical. If anybody else has both pedals, I'd be curious if you also think they sound the same.

06-29-2005, 12:20 PM
i posted this elsewhere, but i'll ask here since you have the tube zone. any experience with the blue boy from mi audio? or, have you used the tube zone at lower gain settings? it has become my higher gain fav, but still looking for the low gain king.

06-29-2005, 06:02 PM
Tom - have you tried the AC Booster? I run it in combination with the MI Audio Tube Zone. It works really great and like you, the Tube Zone is my favorite high gain pedal.

Having said that, I just picked up an OCD, but have not had a chance yet to try it out. Will let you know once I do.


06-29-2005, 06:22 PM
tried the ac but only at the shop. it sounded too fuzzy for me so i never took it out and really gave it a shot. i may have to revisit that if i don't find something else. seemed like it might be better with single coils than humbuckers. still need to try the barber ltd.

06-29-2005, 08:07 PM
Okay ... after a quick spin with the OCD, it's very similar to the Tube Zone. It doesn't seem to get as saturated as the Tube Zone, but the tonal charateristic is there.

The HP setting is louder, volume goes to 9:00 for unity. The LP setting gets the volume cranked to 11:00 for unity. With the drive dimed and on the LP setting, there is nice saturation, but not as much as the Tube Zone.

There are songs where I would like the OCD over the Tube Zone, of course, it goes vice versa as well. I'm a tormented person....

This was with a Cobra, H2 H1-, Mesa F50.

Tom.. try the AC again, I really like it in combination with the Tube Zone. I get nice low to medium gain sounds with it.

06-30-2005, 01:19 PM
...any experience with the blue boy from mi audio? or, have you used the tube zone at lower gain settings? it has become my higher gain fav, but still looking for the low gain king.I haven't yet tried the Blue Boy. And I also prefer the Tube Zone at higher gain, however it gets real noisy if it's pushed too far. For low gain, I really like channel 1 of the Tone Pump or the Burn Unit.

Unfortunately, both the OCD and Tube Zone don't play nice with another boost pedal later in the chain (for me, it's the Fat Boost later in the chain, for solos).

06-30-2005, 02:28 PM
i am using the burn unit all the way down for a great sound. now that i have some amp breakup, i'm still looking for something just a bit tamer. got an ocd from bud here to try this weekend as well.

Mark Dunn
07-20-2005, 10:01 AM
don't use either of those. so could you get mid gain without adding too much boost?

Tom, try an addrock Ol yeller. www.addrock.com. I'm sure HL would send you one on spec. It, so far, is my personal fav.


09-12-2005, 07:07 AM
curious what you thought of the ocd tom--did it make your board?

09-12-2005, 11:43 AM
i liked it, but it covered ground i already have covered. i also have more than i need right now so i'm trying to have some restraint. this weekend we played out of town, so i threw together my old smaller pedalboard, and i only took one thing off my big board to do it. that tells me i'm over indulging. i did play a new amp this weekend that was darn fun. i'll give a full report after i use it this weekend in familiar surroundings.

Suriel Zayas
09-12-2005, 06:34 PM
i did play a new amp this weekend that was darn fun. i'll give a full report after i use it this weekend in familiar surroundings.
a new amp?????????hhhmmmmmmmmm??? don't hold out!

09-12-2005, 06:57 PM
ok, i've been talking to steve about a lower power hhII. he did one for me that can run on either 2 el84's or 2 6v6's. it makes 11 watts either way. i have only tried the el84's so far, and it is all the regular hh is, but lower volume. he told me that with the 84's it would be smoother and the 6v6's would have more headroom. so far headroom is not a problem with the 84's. i'll be playing in my regular room this weekend so i'lll get a real good feel for it. i'll be testing guitars with it this week, but i don't want to blow rach and laurie out of the office. i'll probably have to test the guitars extensively this week, if you know what i mean.

Suriel Zayas
09-12-2005, 07:53 PM
i don't want to blow rach and laurie out of the office. i'll probably have to test the guitars extensively this week, if you know what i mean.
that sounds sweet, let me know how it works in your room this weekend. and as for laurie and rach, have they forgotten that is "international guitar amp tester appreciation week" and they should just appreciate you for that. i know they do anyway. :)

09-12-2005, 09:15 PM

Have you ever seen or heard Emery Sound amps? They're a little boutique low-wattage amp that look and sound great. Just wondering. I just picked one up.


09-13-2005, 10:08 AM
haven't heard them. what are they like.

09-13-2005, 09:51 PM
I can't exactly speak for what they sound like. I mean, I picked up one at a used music store the other day in Iowa and it sounds really cool. The model I got was a one-off and not as versatile as the Superbaby model. Basically, it's just an 8-watt class A all-tube recording/practice amp that has one volume knob and a defeatable tone/filter knob. It looks very retro and is tiny. I just got the amplifier head and mine uses a single EL84 for the power section. The Superbaby is basically the same amp as the one I got, but it has an octal tube socket and you can use everything from 6L6's to EL34's to KT66's and even EL84's with the THD yellow jacket adaptor for different sounds. Mine is pretty much a one trick pony, but it definitely sounds great at what it does. Its main strength is a rich, harmonically complex tube distortion at a nice, low volume. I'm sure the Superbaby has a better clean tone with the bigger output tubes, but mine can get some pretty cool rootsy tones as well as a searing lead sound. Like I said, I just got it and played with it a little... I compared it head to head with my Marshall and Boogie distorted tones and through my Bradshaw rig I could set the outputs of each amp to be comparable and the Emery had a thicker, bassier, smoother distortion. The downside with mine is that it's just a tad too dark. I wish mine had a little more clarity or brightness. Our new producer, Justin Niebank, has been telling me about his Superbaby and wanting me to use it on our next recording, so when I found one pretty cheap at the used music store, I hopped on it. I'm sure it'll find its way on future recordings when I need a beefy Mike Campbell overdrive or need a full-blown distortion solo sound. Anyway, the web site is www.emerysound.com They're worth checking out just because they're fairly affordable and really interesting to look at. There, that's my review...


09-14-2005, 10:19 AM
that's cool. i think i need a bit more adjustability cause i have to cover more bases. live i always worry about a too dark amp. it seems like the sound guys are always asking for more high end. the impact control on the carr is perfect for practice and live. one position is great for playing by myself, and the next position is great for when the rest of the band is playing. so far this amp is doing just what i need.

09-14-2005, 05:08 PM
That's cool, I was just curious since I know you like low wattage cool amps.

Did you happen to catch Good Morning America yesterday? It's rumored there was a really pretty Cobra S on it. Also, if you can stand it, the same guitar will be appearing on The View this coming Friday.


09-14-2005, 06:15 PM
what is the veiw? i have to work in the mornings unlike you musician types, so i don't get to see morning tv.

09-15-2005, 09:15 AM
Trust me, most of us musician types aren't used to being up at the crack of dawn for morning tv either. Luckily for me, I guess, with a little baby I'm a little more used to it. Anyway, The View is one of those women's shows that somehow we keep getting asked to appear on. I'm not sure when it's on.


09-15-2005, 10:04 AM
if you guys weren't so pretty, maybe they wouldn't ask ;)

09-15-2005, 10:05 AM
speaking of low wattage cool amps, I am halfway through the waiting period on a Thermosonic (by Electrosonic amps). They are under 10w with a single 10" and they are menu-driven like your ordering process, Tom. Suriel has one being built right now, too.

I'll post clips and a review when it gets here in a month.

on the web: www.electrosonicamplifiers.com

(** and before I get a call from my GASaholics Anonymous sponsor, ToneLounge... NO, I haven't sold the TopHat.**)

09-15-2005, 10:11 AM
suriel had sent me that link, pretty whacky cool looking. i may have to sell a couple amps, the front office is pretty crowded.

09-15-2005, 10:20 AM
I have a folder of 34 email messages between me and Josh working on the final build order. I even scoured the net trying to find just the right color of seafoam blue to match aganst the red chassis, transformers, wiring components, and speaker frame. It should be cool. Since it's my living room amp and not a gigging amp, I can bring it up for a sleepover once I play with it for a month or so.

Suriel Zayas
09-15-2005, 03:08 PM
Suriel has one being built right now, too.
i am having a nice doily knitted with a matchimg vase (red sparkle) and will be the official parlor-coffee-table-practice-amp-piece-of-furniture-thingy. yes it qualifies in the furniture category, freeing up the old "gas" budget a bit. and yes i have a folder full of emails from josh, before we finalized. eta...i'm guessing a little under a month.

09-15-2005, 03:15 PM
the site notes a 2-month build time and I went back and changed the rectifier after he'd done a parts order for the beginning of the month. So I think I'm looking at about mid October as well. I can't wait. The funny thing is, my wife has no idea that we're refurnishing the living room this month around an amp that is yet to come. hee hee hee.

Suriel Zayas
09-15-2005, 07:12 PM
I went back and changed the rectifier after he'd done a parts order for the beginning of the month. did you get the solid-state rectifier?

we're refurnishing the living room this month around an amp that is yet to come. hee hee hee.i got 2 custom-made cherry wood guitar stands, that hold 5 guitars each, 5-acoustics & 5-electrics. picture this furniture arrangement....the electrsonic thermosonic in red sparkle (doily on top with matching vase), flanked by 2-cherry wood guitar stands on each side. interior design at its best. have to go, need to watch more hgtv for more ideas.

09-15-2005, 07:23 PM
i had it on the solid state rect'r but then I switched it to the switchable rectifier so I can use any of the solid state plug ins and the various other recto tubes. It was a $35 up-charge, but I wasn't sure what kind of response I wanted from the rectifier.

10-26-2005, 03:11 PM
either of you guys get your electrosonic yet? can't wait to hear if they sound as cool as they look.

Suriel Zayas
10-26-2005, 08:15 PM
yes i did get mine, but i'm not ready to give a review. haven't had time to really play with it, but will soon.

10-27-2005, 07:34 AM
mine's done (I've seen pictures) but I haven't received it yet. No review just yet...

10-27-2005, 06:58 PM
I just got mine this afternoon. I've played with it a little bit- it's hard to tell what it will sound like once the speaker breaks in. My initial reaction is that it sounds pretty small. However, I've been playing through a Mesa 1x12 Classic cab (which has the same footprint as their 2x12) and that is pretty darn boomy and bassy. I may just be hearing this 1x10 vs. the 1x12. I plugged the Thermosonic into my Mesa cab and it sounded HUGE and sweet, so the head of this thing is fantastic. This may be an option if I'm doing intimate gigs, but it negates the look of the Thermosonic as an all-in-one retro-rrific mojobox.

More to come...

11-09-2005, 03:03 PM
How do you think the OCD sounds best? With a buffered or non-buffered guitar signal? I'm waiting for my OCD in the mail right now and I'm just trying to figure out where to put it in the loop. I have a GCX loop swichter that bufferes the guitar signal...

11-09-2005, 08:46 PM
How do you think the OCD sounds best? With a buffered or non-buffered guitar signal? I'm waiting for my OCD in the mail right now and I'm just trying to figure out where to put it in the loop. I have a GCX loop swichter that bufferes the guitar signal...

for what it's worth:

It doesn't seem to like being behind an unbuffered pedal (have tried behind HAO Rumble Mod, Xotic RC and AC, Fulldrive II, Fulldrive 69). But I doubt that means it would like a buffered signal.