View Full Version : GOTW photo set up

06-05-2005, 08:30 AM
Hi Roy, Tom,

The photo quality of the GOTWs are always superb- Im certain most would
agree :)

Who is the "resident professional photographer" at TAGworks?

Would you be able to share the photo equipment you use, ie camera, light setup?

Can't believe i missed asking about this at the shop tour last year :confused:



06-05-2005, 10:44 AM
Hi Roy, Tom,

The photo quality of the GOTWs are always superb- Im certain most would
agree :)

Who is the "resident professional photographer" at TAGworks?

Would you be able to share the photo equipment you use, ie camera, light setup?

Can't believe i missed asking about this at the shop tour last year :confused:



it's roy... :) in the setup area there, they have a skylight that lets a lot of natural light in, and he usually just sets the guitar up on a guitar case directly underneath the light. makes a huge difference.. i didnt catch the brand of camera while i was there.


Suriel Zayas
06-05-2005, 02:02 PM
i'm almost certain no flash is used and probably a really low shutter speed. they photograph really well because they can stay still for endless hours unlike us humans. if i'm not mistaken it might be a canon.