View Full Version : Bruce can't post

Roy (maybe)
12-12-2003, 09:13 PM
Hey all...(Stan included)... this is Bruce from Anderson... I recently joined this board, but can't seem to post anything. (I'm secretly writing from an unknown members' computer...I can't tell you my location). If anyone could assist me in getting here I would greatly appriciate it.

BTW, I've tried to contact "us" at the bottom of the page but no one got back to me.

12-12-2003, 10:09 PM
Welcome, Bruce!
You should have received a confirmation email with a link. Click the link and your account is activated. That's how I got here, anyway.

Stan Malinowski
12-13-2003, 07:52 AM
Hi Bruce!,

I believe the problem is with your email address. EddieK explained to me (before he left the country on business) that there is a problem if you register with an AOL address. For some reason AOL rejects the DNS of the Forum. EddieK was going to try to fix this but I guess he never got around to it.

I believe JoeR (Forum name sansop) had the same problem. I suggected he register with another email account that was non-AOL. It seemed to work for him. You can get free email accounts at hotmail or yahoo. Register with one of these and you should be on the way.
