View Full Version : Brand New Tom Anderson Player!

05-20-2005, 04:09 PM
Hello! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you a story.

My name is Tom Salvo. I am a jazz fusion player on Long Island, and I've been playing for about 27 years. In that time, I've played many, many guitars. Recently, I have been playing more high-end instruments, including several Fender Custom Shop strats. On my little website, I indlcate that I play Benedetto Guitars exclusively. Benedettos are excellent. I've use them for straight-ahead clean jazz work, and the Benny model for a move overdriven fusion tone. I also play some pretty heavy, somewhat progressive rock.

Recently, I stopped in a store and played a Cajun Magenta Drop Top. I was absolutely blown away by the playability, tone, craftsmanship and beauty. I literally was able to play faster and more smoothly than I had in years. I immediately felt as though the guitar had fused with my body, and the playing was effortless. I was so impressed that I bought the guitar.

About a week later, I went back to the same store and played a Tiger-Eye Burst Hollow Drop Top Classic (the same one that was displayed at the 2005 NAMM show). I bought that one too. At this point, I am ready to consider myself a "Tom Anderson player." I am sold. They are THAT good. They are THAT much better than everything else out there.

If you want, you can check out some old recordings I did at my website (with some patience, since it goes down frequently):


or you could use these links:

www.geocities.com/tomsalvojazz/music/Digging_Out.mp3 ("Digging Out")
www.geocities.com/tomsalvojazz/music/homer.mp3 ("Homer's Last Stand")
www.geocities.com/tomsalvojazz/music/bodyand soul.mp3 ("Body and Soul")
www.geocities.com/tomsalvojazz/music/tenderly.mp3 ("Tenderly")

Needless to say, I'm excited about the prospect of writing and recording some new stuff with the new guitars!

I hope that you will welcome me as the newest supporter of this great man and his fantastic instruments, and that I might make some new friends here!

Tom :)

05-20-2005, 04:17 PM
Welcome Tom. I know what you mean about the playability of Anderson guitars. I love 'em too!

BTW, nice clips. They sound real good.

Nice to have you here.


05-22-2005, 08:45 AM
Welcome Tom! Was only able to access the clip of " Tenderly" but
that sounded very SMOOTH & SWEET!

Thanks for sharing the "Anderson bug bite" experience and congrats with your purchases! They will be in good company with that beautiful spalted top Benedetto of yours. :)

Have you been able to try out a Hollow Cobra? Get ready to break open the
wallet again as "resistance is futile" ;)


05-22-2005, 08:03 PM
Thank you guys! Funny you mention about the hollow cobra. I have been discussing with my dealer, and would like to involve Tom in the discussion, the possibility of creating a small hollow body instrument designed specifically for jazz. Roger Sadowsky has a great archtop he made for Jimmmy Bruno (I played Jimmy's actual guitar today, in fact!). I think TAG could make me something that - for my purposes - could smoke anything else out there.

I think I would like to work on a project that would round out my needs as a player (and might even open the Anderson line up to a wider market). Anyway, I'm very excited about this, and if this idea develops, my Benny and my Bravo might be up for sale soon!

I'll keep you guys posted!

Thank you again for your friendly support!


05-22-2005, 10:41 PM
Welcome Tom. Great chops BTW! I have a few of the Andy thingys. You will love them!

05-23-2005, 02:43 PM
Thank you guys! Funny you mention about the hollow cobra. I have been discussing with my dealer, and would like to involve Tom in the discussion, the possibility of creating a small hollow body instrument designed specifically for jazz. Roger Sadowsky has a great archtop he made for Jimmmy Bruno (I played Jimmy's actual guitar today, in fact!). I think TAG could make me something that - for my purposes - could smoke anything else out there.

I think I would like to work on a project that would round out my needs as a player (and might even open the Anderson line up to a wider market). Anyway, I'm very excited about this, and if this idea develops, my Benny and my Bravo might be up for sale soon!

I'll keep you guys posted!

Thank you again for your friendly support!


Please keep us posted! I ordered a Hollow T Classic, but I would love to see an F-hole on an Anderson.


05-24-2005, 04:20 PM
Thanks guys! Sorry, I have no details yet... anyway, it'll be a secret 'till it's done! ;)

Whatever it winds up to be, you KNOW if it's a TAG, it's gonna be magnificent! Ideas are starting to form...

Meanwhile, my two new TAs are keeping me entertained, and all my other gear is collecting dust, and is either on ebay right now, or will soon be.

I've already opened up the conversation with Roy about the possibilities. We're going to make the jazz box for the 21st century! (As soon as I sell all my other gear that has suddenly become obsolete)

Suriel Zayas
05-24-2005, 04:29 PM
welcome aboard neighbor.

05-24-2005, 05:03 PM
Thanks, Suriel!

Impressive bio, by the way. Nice to see I'm in with a good crowd!
