View Full Version : Long Time TAG Fan - New Member

05-19-2005, 04:29 AM
I joined the site because no other guitar has been such a positive influence on my life. That excitement is contagious. I've had so many offers to buy both of my Cobras. I have a Silver Sparkle Hollow Cobra that i had made in 2000 when i got my first record deal, and an Amber Flame Top Cobra I got as a temperary until the Silver Sparkle was finished. I never let the Amber one go because it was just so beautiful. I've since had it customized (under Roy's supervision) to be tuned all the way down to low B. I guess that makes it a baritone. I also have a Translucent Blonde Tele and a Translucent White Strat in the production family. The Tele is the best Tele i've ever played. It brings tears to my eyes. I use my Hollow Cobra for overdubbing higher parts after i cut my rythmn tracks with my '79 Silverburst Les Paul. It sits right on top with no encouragement. I also use it for clean fingererd leads ala Bill Frisell. Right into a Pro Junior, Coles Ribbon, 1073, LA2a. Just sick. I have a tendencey to purge my material belongings in search of something new to inspire me. And the two Cobras have survived many unloadings. But it is time to move on. I'm going to get a new Cobra with a few fundamental modifiactions. I'll be posting both my Cobras in the "For Sale" section. So check them out. If anything the pictures came out great.

Stan Malinowski
05-19-2005, 06:24 AM
Welcome aboard Spider! Impressive biography and website!

05-19-2005, 06:45 AM
Welcome to the forum, spider.

05-22-2005, 01:09 PM
Welcome aboard, spider


05-23-2005, 11:49 AM
thank you, fellas

05-26-2005, 12:47 PM
Nice to have you here, Spider.

...and the best of luck with your sales. This IS a great place! :)
