View Full Version : Hollow Cobra GOTW JUN 01'

12-12-2003, 05:12 PM
hello cobra fans!

Still available-

A perfect candidate for sending back to the factory for installation of new mini humbuckers...


Yes, it is extremely minty and the pictures
do not do it justice, etc., etc., etc.

The quilt is 3D-ish and spectacular in person.

Somebody please buy this before I change my mind
about letting it go...


John Price
12-12-2003, 08:27 PM
That's a beauty!

12-13-2003, 04:57 AM
enrico -

ur one of those guys that trawls ebay buys andersons and then suddenly tehy reappear on ebay at a higher price -

shame u dont leave them for players to buy


12-13-2003, 10:56 AM

I resent your comments and would recommend you keep negative
like this to yourself.


Stan Malinowski
12-13-2003, 12:01 PM

The forum was set up under the guidelines of common courtesy. Flame wars will NOT be permitted here so let's extinguish the problem before flames do occur.

12-15-2003, 12:29 PM
point taken stan

the wider point i guess im trying to make is that the current crazy prices in old strats and LPs as well as PRS now is driven not by players but by money makers - i recently came acroos a guy who was willing to pay about $25000 us for a 56 strat and he didnt even play gtrs...he said it would out perform his pension and i think its a sad waste of something that is theer to be played...

12-20-2003, 07:55 PM

Thank you to those with interest and inquiries of this HC.
