View Full Version : Thanks Stan Malinowski!

05-12-2005, 10:23 AM
Sometime last fall, Stan M. posted this as a cool holiday gift item:

Imagine my shock when I showed it to my wife (as a joke) & she said we should get it. So now I have it; real well-built, very hip-looking for a piece of furniture, the people were nice to deal with, and what's most important, my instruments are well-cared-for but more accessible than ever before, causing me to play more than just whichever one I had out on a stand.

Of course, it doesn't hold a large collection. But it has worked out well for me. Thanks again, Stan!


Stan Malinowski
05-12-2005, 11:13 AM
Fantastic!!!!! Strange you should mention it now as my wife has begun to discuss this with me seriously over the last couple of weeks! Since we will having and new addition to the household in mid-October we have begun "re-evaulating" our living space. One of the re-designs involves my office where all my guitars are stored. Obviously the numerous guitars on fllor level stands will have to raised up high or protected in some kind of cabinet to prevent accidents from those inquisitve little hands! Right now were looking at a cabinet like Rick just got or some custom built-in-cabinetry.

05-12-2005, 12:32 PM
Very cool idea. I've not seen one of those before. It would be very nice to have the guitars so accessible. There's something really lame about leaving them in a pile of cases in the corner of the room. I'll have to look in to something like this.

P.S. Congrats on the new addition, Stan.


Stan Malinowski
05-13-2005, 07:06 AM
P.S. Congrats on the new addition, Stan.

Thanks, Dave! The wife and I are both very excited, but also a bit scared, as this is our first!


05-13-2005, 07:14 AM
Congratulations, Stan! It's true the kid won't come with an instruction manual, but don't worry -- even though it's the end of life as you've known it, you're in for a brand of sustained joy unlike anything else (IMHO).

Stan Malinowski
05-13-2005, 07:24 AM
Thanks, Rick! The fact that we are having a child is in itself, a bit of a miracle. Right after my wife and I got married she developed some VERY serious "women issues". Serious to the point where, at one point about 4 years ago, she was told have a hysterectomy or potentially die. Luckily we were able to find a specialist who found the real source of her problem and used some advanced technology treatments to end the tears of agony. After 13 years of marriage we're on our way to the family we had planned all along!

On your original topic I really keep looking at that Access n' Sight cabinet. It is really slick and I'm trying to find that "bonus" money to buy one and keep the collection safe! Let's see, I have probably about 18 months before the little is running around....maybe a Pre-Father's Day Present!!!! Glad to see you got one and like it!

John Bell
05-13-2005, 10:16 AM
Congratulations, Stan! It's true the kid won't come with an instruction manual, but don't worry -- even though it's the end of life as you've known it, you're in for a brand of sustained joy unlike anything else (IMHO).

They do come with a spec sheet though. :D

Congrats Stan and best of luck.

05-13-2005, 12:08 PM
Sometime last fall, Stan M. posted this as a cool holiday gift item:

Imagine my shock when I showed it to my wife (as a joke) & she said we should get it. So now I have it; real well-built, very hip-looking for a piece of furniture, the people were nice to deal with, and what's most important, my instruments are well-cared-for but more accessible than ever before, causing me to play more than just whichever one I had out on a stand.

Of course, it doesn't hold a large collection. But it has worked out well for me. Thanks again, Stan!


Does this mean I have FAS? That looks nice, and we have also been talking about such a thing for a while. But, at 2100, I would probably be tempted by another guitar. It would make my instruments so accessible though, that it might be worth it!

Also, congratulations Stan! I guess we will have another guitar player here shortly.


Suriel Zayas
05-13-2005, 12:09 PM
stan, congratulations and goodluck with everything. i have a similar story and situation, but the roles were reversed. it was me and not my wife. i was given a pretty bad diagnosis, but everything is good now. today i have a beautiful daughter that will be 12 on sunday.

05-13-2005, 02:31 PM
Thanks, Rick! The fact that we are having a child is in itself, a bit of a miracle. Right after my wife and I got married she developed some VERY serious "women issues". Serious to the point where, at one point about 4 years ago, she was told have a hysterectomy or potentially die. Luckily we were able to find a specialist who found the real source of her problem and used some advanced technology treatments to end the tears of agony. After 13 years of marriage we're on our way to the family we had planned all along!

On your original topic I really keep looking at that Access n' Sight cabinet. It is really slick and I'm trying to find that "bonus" money to buy one and keep the collection safe! Let's see, I have probably about 18 months before the little is running around....maybe a Pre-Father's Day Present!!!! Glad to see you got one and like it!

Congratulations to both Stan & Suriel. Your stories are amazing! It is a joy to have a child in your life, and more joy when you have been married for so long, and go thru a bad diagnosis and come out of it good. Then on top of that you get the good news of having a baby. Your messages touched me!
Congratulations again!

Blizzard ;)