View Full Version : Fender Blues Deluxe

05-10-2005, 11:43 PM
Just got a Fender Blues Deluxe. Under $600 and interestingly it sounds as good as any of my "boutique" things. Maybe I should dump all that expensive amp stuff, buy a couple of these and reinvest the money in a couple more of those Andys?

05-11-2005, 11:23 AM
I think the Fender Blues Deluxe is a great sounding amp and a good bargain for the price. I have one of the first tweed issue ones. It accepts pedals well. I don't like the drive section on mine at all and always use it in the clean position with pedals. My problem with the amp is that it has one volume level, LOUD. I have never played the amp over a 3 or at the most 4, even on stage and then I was being yelled out for playing too loudly.

I don't play in clubs but at church, but at the time we were meeting in a 1000 seat high school auditorium with a full size stage. Several guys in the band had the same amp because they liked the sound of mine. But we all thought that they were loud.

05-12-2005, 01:05 AM
I really enjoy my Blues Deluxe too, although I have the same issue with the drive section, mostly because you're stuck with whatever tone settings you have selected for clean. It is LOUD, and for that reason alone I bought a Blues Jr. which I find works well when 40 watts is to many. The Jr. has only 15 and a single drive section. In situations where I cant use the Deluxe's ponys I'm able to crank the Jr. and put those tubes to work.


05-17-2005, 12:14 AM
You are right she is loud. I usually only use the clean too. But you know you can use the drive section and dial in just a touch of snarl, that you remove with the volume on your geetar.

Much better amp the the hot rod, that's for sure!

05-17-2005, 08:04 PM
Show us some pics of that thing!! :D

05-17-2005, 08:28 PM
Hey Danno! Have you tried a Hot Plate with it?


05-19-2005, 01:09 AM
Hey Danno! Have you tried a Hot Plate with it?

Yoy know I just don't care for those things, the Hot plates, the Dr Z thing. I just use it when I need a louder amp. Use a Maz 18 for quiter things.

05-19-2005, 01:11 AM
Show us some pics of that thing!! :D

It is at the rehearsal room. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow!

Oh to all you others wondering why pics of a pretty standard tweed covered amp?

Well Tuna here did an aging thing to the cover. Made it look just like a 57 Twin, really vintagy looking! It really looks awesome!

06-01-2005, 11:13 AM
A good friend of mine has been gigging his Tweed Blues Deluxe for almost 10 years - at a pretty steady rate as well. It has yet to fail. Definitely on my buy list. It sure is loud, as y'all have mentioned, but the tone is so sweet, with just the right amount of breakup.

07-02-2005, 10:31 AM
Here is a pic Danno


I can't figure how to post it in the thread!

07-03-2005, 11:34 PM
That's it! Loud little bugger.