View Full Version : Mark Knopfler amp for 2005 tour

05-10-2005, 04:51 AM
The 13. of May, Mark Knopfler is playing here in Oslo, Norway

He is using Komet amp, and Dr.Z airbrake.
Do anyone know it he had played an Anderson? The Pensa guitars, I think is close to the Shure guitars, but I think he uses his Fenders and Gibsons most of the time..




05-20-2005, 04:00 AM
The 2005 Consert in Oslo was good. The Komet amps sounded very nice! sounded very dynamic. Mark uses only a boost pedal for solos, and a volume pedal.. he uses two amps with different settings..

The guitars he was using was mostly his Fender signature and the Les paul