View Full Version : 62 roundback cobra questions

04-29-2005, 09:41 AM
i would like to get an idea of what a 62 roundback cobra neck is like. i have a cobra s with the slimmer(?) cobra neck as well as a cobra with the standard cobra neck. i have also had a lp standard with the sixties neck. how does it compare to these? i have not seen many around. thanks for any assistance you can give.


Stan Malinowski
04-29-2005, 09:56 AM

I have a Cobra S with the 62 RB Cobra neck. The 1 11/16 62 RB carve is my favorite carve on all my Andersons. The measurements of the Cobra 62 RB are the same as the 62 RB on the longer scale guitars: .850 @ 1st fret, .975 at the 12th fret. It is substantially chunkier and has much more noticeable taper than the other 2 Cobra neck offerings:

Standard Cobra Neck: .825 1st Fret, .915 12th fret
Cobra TA Standard Neck: .810 1st Fret, .870 12th fret

I have a R9 (59 Reissue) LP, the neck on the LP is MUCH chunkier with substantially less taper than the 62 RB Cobra Neck. If I had to make a comparison of the 62 RB Cobra neck to something it would probably be:
Lower Frets - comparable to PRS wide-thin
Upper Frets (above 7th fret) - comparable to PRS wide-fat

04-29-2005, 10:29 AM
sounds good. thanks stan.

Dave M.
04-29-2005, 10:18 PM
I had a Cobra S that was the Cobra Standard neck profile, and now own a Cobra S with the Cobra 62 Roundback.

They are distinctly different feeling to me. The 62RB feels fuller and a bit rounder (duh..) in my hand. Compared to the 62RB, the Std Cobra felt kind of soft "V-ish", for lack of a better description. Seems to me the 62RB fills up the palm/hand moreso, if you handle the neck in the fashion where you do not place your thumb at the center-back of the neck.

Also, as Stan said, the 62RB has more taper to it -- which the specs show.

But, FWIW, I don't think the 62RB feels comparable to a PRS wide-thin at all. In fact, IMHO, that's what I like about it. :D

All in all, I like my 62RB more. But, I also have played a rosewood neck Cobra with the Std profile that's just stellar. It sounds good, too. ;)

Stan Malinowski
04-30-2005, 07:26 AM
But, FWIW, I don't think the 62RB feels comparable to a PRS wide-thin at all. In fact, IMHO, that's what I like about it.

I should clarify that I was talking more about the size/depth of the neck rather than the shape. If you look at the depth of the the 62 RB & the PRS Wide-Thin they are virtually identical. The 62 RB (especially the 1 11/16" version) has much more shoulder than the PRS Wide Thin. The upper frets (7 and above) have absolutely no resemblense to the PRS WT, it is substantially chunkier and deeper. I have to agree with you 100%, the PRS WT is not one of my favorite carves, I'm a chunkier neck type of guy. Sorry if my post mislead or confused anyone.

Dave M.
04-30-2005, 04:45 PM
I should clarify that I was talking more about the size/depth of the neck rather than the shape. If you look at the depth of the the 62 RB & the PRS Wide-Thin they are virtually identical. The 62 RB (especially the 1 11/16" version) has much more shoulder than the PRS Wide Thin. The upper frets (7 and above) have absolutely no resemblense to the PRS WT, it is substantially chunkier and deeper. I have to agree with you 100%, the PRS WT is not one of my favorite carves, I'm a chunkier neck type of guy. Sorry if my post mislead or confused anyone.

I didn't know about the dimension/spec of the WT; just going on memory of trying a WT. It must be the shoulder of the 62RB (yep, 1-11/16" on the Cobra) because it fills my hand up nicely.

But, hey, maybe I should calrify. I'm a bass player, so that tosses all kinds of logic out the window, eh? ;) :D