View Full Version : Switcheroo question

04-25-2005, 04:57 PM
OK, I've read all the info on the switcheroo but there's just a couple things I do not understand. With the blower switch off, and all three pickup switches down (series) or up (split/para) does this mean all 3 pickups are on at the same time? if not, which two pickups are on, on a HSS guitar?

Secondly, regarding the split/parrallel switches. I don't really understand the concept, I understand how you can split a humbucker, but how exactly do you split a single coil? given that it has 1 coil?

04-25-2005, 05:05 PM
when the blower is off(up), you can have any combination of pickups on including all three. you can use them in any combination, 1 split one in series, or whatever. the switcheroo works with any double coil pickup, side by side humbucker or vertical stack. in a stack, the split sound is the loudest. the series sound is a little softer with less low bass and high highs. parallel is softer in volume still, and thinner sounding, think 80's la studio sound.

04-25-2005, 05:46 PM
thank you, so on a guitar that is HSS (H2+, SA1, SA1R) the split/parrallel switches round the back have no effect on the neck & middle pickups? seeing as they only have 1 coil

04-25-2005, 06:07 PM
thank you, so on a guitar that is HSS (H2+, SA1, SA1R) the split/parrallel switches round the back have no effect on the neck & middle pickups? seeing as they only have 1 coil

SA pickups are stacked humbuckers -2 coils.

04-25-2005, 06:15 PM
SA pickups are stacked humbuckers -2 coils.

right IC, thanks. On the website they are under the heading of "single coils" which obviously confused me, especially me being pretty simple :/

04-26-2005, 10:08 AM
sorry for the confusion, by single coil we mean single coil "size".