View Full Version : Action/stringlength

04-21-2005, 05:19 AM
I was earlier answering a forummember about saddles being very low, and I have also noticed that my high E is very close to the screw on the tremoloplate. Have anyone else noticed this, and is it something I can do to prevent this ?

I wrote:
On my Drop Top I have the same! the saddles are very low. Another thing is that my high E string is so low that it`s touching the screw that support the tremoloplate! Is my neck adjusted wrong or is there something other that cause the saddle to be places so near this screw? I have used the Strobostomp to set the intonation. I think my neck is rather flat and fairly low action. I have thightened the tremolosprings, so when bending the other strings don`t go sour.
I think the saddel had touched the screw unless it had no curved head, but I have compensated a bit, and raised it a little bit, so if I have followed the curve of the fretboard exactly it would have touced it.. I bought it used, but I can see on the wear of the finisch in front of the saddel, that it has touched before! when the High E is exactly intonated it seems like the stringlength is to short if I compare with the design of the Bridge, and placement of the screws! I have to say that it is a Fischman bridge, but I guess its the same messurements and design as the original!?

04-21-2005, 10:22 AM
i'm not sure i understand the problem, but a shot at it. there's nothing wrong with close to the screw. the fishman saddle contact point is a bit further back than a traditional saddle, so it will put the saddle a little farther forward. i have seen the block mounting screw be loose, you could try tightening it if the saddle is resting on it. we did also get some bridges that had a screw that was a little larger in it, if that is the case, let me know and i'll send you a replacemant. the screw should sit almost flush with the baseplate.

04-21-2005, 11:12 AM

I experienced something similar to this on a non-anderson guitar once. Same situation where the treble string blocks were very close to the trem plate. What I discovered was the stud that the trem pivots on was a few turns higher than it should be. Since it has a bevel that the trem plate pivots in, when everything is up to tension, the trem plate will be high causing the need for the treble blocks adjusted lower than normal. Looking from the back of the guitar along the surface of the body, I could easily see that the trem plate was not parallel to the body.

I adjusted by taking the strings off, removing the springs so the trem plate will rest on the surface of the guitar. Then I adjusted the stud screws so that the bevel on the trem plate would fit naturally with the "V" point in the stud screw.

Once I did this, I was able to bring the string blocks back up to something more reasonable.

Tom - I'm no expert on this, so if I'm off base please let me know.


Dave K
04-21-2005, 12:51 PM
MY Classic must have these larger screws.

04-21-2005, 12:56 PM
those screws are all the same size. i think he's talking bout the head on the screw that attaches the block to the block.

Dave K
04-21-2005, 01:21 PM
I bought it used, but I can see on the wear of the finisch in front of the saddel, that it has touched before!

This is what I'm referring to. I interpreted it to mean the front edge of the saddle is contacting the trem pivot screw when the trem is pushed down,causing a wear pattern in the saddle.
Morty, you out there? ;)

04-22-2005, 01:28 AM
Hello I am out there, but It`s night in Norway while it`s day in USA!

The picture shows just my problem!! and I can clearly see wear in front of tha saddle at the high E! On my Drop top its even further twoards the screw, so I had to raise the saddel, on my high E, so it don`t exactly follow the curve of the other saddles. No screws is loose. I can try to take a picture of it on Monday!

Thank you Tom and the other members at this Forum!!

04-22-2005, 01:29 AM
Ok, first thing...these high "E" saddles are very close to the post/pivot screw. This is NORMAL! If it's touching, something isn't right... and it;s probably incorrect intonation. But there are a few things in the set up that would contribute to this being in a differnet position.

1. Is the guitar set up properly?

a. neck angle
b. string/saddle height
c. "proper" Feiten intonation

If any of these are not in spec, the result can be a saddle in a different spot after checking intonation. Intonation adjustments must be done last.

04-22-2005, 03:29 AM
I know all these elements of adjusting, the intonation is done by Strobostomp, and I think its fairly acurate! and I like low action, just as low as it can get without buzzing..

I think my neck is rather flat and fairly low action. I have thightened the tremolosprings, so when bending the other strings don`t go sour.