View Full Version : Should I go for a new amp?

04-19-2005, 10:32 PM
I have been checking out the Dr Z amps (Maz Jr and Maz Sr) and have had an opportunity to play briefly through each.

Then I saw the post on the Carr amp and have checked out the web site and the Rambler looks interesting.

I currently play through a Rivera R55-112. So, here is my question, would I really gain anything over the Rivera with any of these choices? And what are your opinions about which amp is the best?

Musically, I need an amp that can cover a lot of different styles.

Looking for your opinions. I guess instead of GAS, I have AAS (no smart aleck comments :rolleyes:


Suriel Zayas
04-20-2005, 10:31 AM
+1 on the carrs, but there are a few blanks you should fill in. what's your setup? pedals through clean amp? pedals through an amp that is already breaking up? no pedals and overdriven amp? carr is a great place to start.

Big Jim
04-20-2005, 04:08 PM
I know this will sound blasphemous to the tube guys but I really like my Line 6 Vetta II.


04-20-2005, 11:13 PM
Suriel - I would probably go with a fairly clean sound and use pedals for the heavier distortion. Right now, I am using the amp for most of my distortion, switching between channel one (dirty) and two (clean) on my Rivera. I mainly use pedals for effects (delay, chorus, etc. or really over the top distortion) right now.

I guess what got me thinking about a new amp is that my amp doesn't sound as smooth to me lately as I remember it sounding. Perhaps it needs new tubes, which is a lot cheaper than either the Carr or Dr Z.

brian b
04-21-2005, 10:31 AM
Rivera is a great all around amp. If it is not as smooth as it once was it could be time to have the tubes checked. You might also think about adding a 2x12 cabinet to it it will change the sound. I have a K55 head and also have had a rivera sedona and for the money they can do it all. One of the guitarist in church would play from a R55 with a closed back 2x12 cab with webers. And it had to be one of the best tones I have heard. But then I'am relizing more and more the tone is in the.
1. fingers and hands
2. volume and tone knobs

04-21-2005, 10:43 AM
I have the Jake 1x12 (which is very similar to the R55 if memory serves me) and it's a great, versatile amp. I think it's strong point is its clean sounds, though it's got some nice od too. I'm also considering getting a Rambler, but not b/c I feel the Jake is lacking --it's more b/c I'm promiscuous about gear.

I'd definitely give the Rivera the benefit of some new tubes. There may be some mods you can get for it too that will shape the sound a little more to your liking.

brian b
04-21-2005, 10:49 AM
http://home.bellsouth.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=218298&ck= try this link it has a bunch of tube suggestion for rivera's just click on the rivera amp page.

04-21-2005, 02:45 PM
Gettin a new amp is always fun payin for it is another story.

I just picked up a new Roccaforte from Brian H. What an amp. It smokes!

Suriel Zayas
04-21-2005, 03:09 PM

promiscuous about gear.

from the person who brought us "perpicacity", now we learn a new term "promiscuous about gear.......or p.a.g.". thanks dave.

04-21-2005, 03:13 PM
from the person who brought us "perpicacity", now we learn a new term "promiscuous about gear.......or p.a.g.". thanks dave.
heh... nice catch. I was diagnosed PAG positive sometime around December of last year and I think I've gotten about 5 nice guitars and a couple of amps since then. I guess you can say I've gone full blown.

04-23-2005, 12:14 PM
Well I have both a Maz Jr and Maz Sr. And I have played through the Carr Rambler. The Carr is a slight bit warmer. But not much. The Z is GREAT for gigging and is sick great pedal friendly. Plus the Z's can be had with FX loops, nice for delays and chorus and such. Both of mine have FX loops.

My signal goes Guitar - Tuner - Tone Press - DP1 - RC Boost - FD2 - Ultimate Octave - Clyde Deluxe - Amp - ChoralFlange - Echo Park - Amp.

I use Anderson, Fender, PRS and Gibson guitars. Interestingly my Martin Acoustic sounds good through it too. I am TOTALLY happy with my tone, and have had tons of compliments from other guitarists about it.

It seems like there is a small group out there rebelling against the Dr Z like those who do so against Mesa. It is unfortunate, as these are just KILLER amps.

If you do get a Maz, get the 2x10. It is warmer. I do use a 1x12 in the Sr. It is a bit cold by itself but when the band kicks in it cuts through and sounds warm and not the last bit muddy, like some "warm" sounding amps do when put into a mix. Also, if you get a 1x12 consider a V30 rather than the G12H, as it will give a warm tone by itself yet still cut through nicely with the band.

Hope this helps!

04-23-2005, 04:16 PM
Dr Z's are great amps. I currently do not own any, but had a MAZ 18 2x10 (Dr Z 10" speakers) and a 1-12 Greenback Z-28. If I had to pick one over the other, I would pick the Z-28 and I wish I had the bucks to buy one. This amp leans towards the Brown Face Fenders of the early 60's. Thing starts growling back at you real early. Only 3 controls bass, treble and volume. No reverb. The tone controls act as gain controls too. The amp has an ef-86 tube in the preamp, and is a pedal whore. The amp is 22 loud watts. I do own a Carr Rambler and it is a sweet amp. As Danno described it, very warm and Fendery. Tom Anderson owns one, you ought to get his take on it, but the other way to look at it is, if he owns one, it must have the tone! :)

04-23-2005, 09:23 PM
Right now I am leaning toward the Rambler because from everything that I can tell it has a little more headroom and warmer sound. I will use pedals for the heavier sounds.

However, before I lay my hard earned cash down I am going to find a store that has one in stock and spend some time playing through it. Hopefully, they will also carry Dr Z so that I can make comparisons. The Carr will be several hundred more expensive than the Dr Z, and neither is cheap. So, I want to be sure that I like whatever I buy. :cool:

04-23-2005, 09:41 PM
+1 Z28

Problem is, all these cool amps are far and few between. It would be nice to have 'em all in one room and spend a day checking them out! I could spend another day just comparing various speakers.

I'm on my fourth Dr Z, not to mention the many Fenders, Mesa, Music Man, etc before the Z's. The 28, as tunacaster points out, has a unique EQ. Once the volume knob hits noon, you're just about maxed out...more clockwise turning and you simply add additional gain. Same with the treble and bass. My wife claims it's the loudest amp I've ever had in the house and she may be right :rolleyes:

It is generally warm, yet still has some interesting sparkle, and really cuts through using a single Vintage 30. Rolling up the guitar volume and stepping on an RC Booster brings about some serious drive ala SRV, if that's what you're looking for. Try one out if you can...and good luck in your search.

04-23-2005, 11:14 PM
Right now I am leaning toward the Rambler because from everything that I can tell it has a little more headroom....:

Actually the Maz 38 has a ton of headroom The Maz 18 has far less and breaks up sooner. The Carr is warmer but not much. And it IS pricey.

But all that said, Tom uses a Carr. He probably has a pretty good idea about tone I would imagine! :D

04-24-2005, 09:25 AM
my rambler is my favorite clean sound, but i almost always have a pedal on for some gain. i will also say that i really prefer the sound of a head and cube over a combo. i got to try a carr hammerhead yesterday. steve is coming out with a head version of that which i will get in a couple weeks. i think it will suit me more than the rambler because it is has more grit to it. the issue for me will be controling the loudness. i'll try my hotplate between the amp and cab. steve is also building a 1x12 with built in attenuator which i will get when they are available. i have been playing a lonestar head through my cube, and it is working very nicely on the 5 watt setting. i'm still using pedals for gain with it. i have not had a chance to explore all that it can do, but it was seemless adding it to my rig. remember i have to play real quiet. i don't see why this amp would not work for any church environment. i have them give me some of my amp back in the monitor.

05-17-2005, 11:49 AM
Well, I purchased a new amp. I went to a store that carried both Dr Z and Carr amps I spent time playing a Rambler and Mercury (very cool) then switching to a Dr Z Maz 18 w/ 1-12. My first impression was that I liked the Rambler better. It was very warm sounding and has a great clean sound with lush reverb. I liked its light weight also. In order to get it to overdrive you have to turn it up and it can get pretty loud. Great tone when it is being driven. The two modes pentode and triode are cool but it still gets pretty loud. The bottom end while solid was a little loose.

The Mercury is very cool but I don't know how it would do giging, I see it more as a studio amp.

I ended up buying the Maz 18. It is much brighter in tone than the Rambler but you can dial in the warmth by adjusting the EQ and cutting some of the brightness. The "cut" knob really allows you to dial in a tone for different style guitars and their pickups. This amp really likes the strat sound. I like the fact that it has a Master volume and volume so that you can dial in some "hair" on your clean sound and still keep it fairly quiet. It has rich harmonics to the drive sound and has a good feel to it. The bottom end on this amp is very solid and big sounding. The reverb is 3-D like and adds a nice touch to low volumes. The Maz 18 is a very pretty blonde cabinet with a wheat and black grill cloth. .

Ultimately, for me, I thought that the Maz 18 is a more flexible amp than the Rambler. Both great amps but for me I went with the DR. :D

05-17-2005, 12:57 PM
i would agree that the rambler is not versitile, but what a lovely clean tone. i've been playing with a hammerhead and really liking it. it is loud though so i'm using an attenuater.